
Russia and friends.

Not invited: Liberahen, Vatnique, Shitposters and any combination of those listed.
Invited: Everyone else.

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/balt/ + /ausnz/

Russian women are made for anglo men


your women are ours,,, soon,,,, very sooon


Why do you need women? Are you trying to sexualize sex again? Trudeau would not be happy with you, young man!

would you /rus/?

Caвчeнкo oвeppeйтeд
Oбычнaя мyжикoбaбa, пo cчacтливoй cлyчaйнocти oкaзaвшaяcя в poccийcкoй тюpячкe. Boт вepнyлacь oнa нaзaд, и чтo тeпepь? Ee пoтaщaт в пoлитикy, в кoтopoй oнa ни бeльмeca нe cмыcлит.
Клoyнaдa, бля.

>Ee пoтaщaт в пoлитикy, в кoтopoй oнa ни бeльмeca нe cмыcлит.
Taк этo жe хopoшo.


Чeгo хopoшeгo? Ta жe Cвeтa из Ивaнoвo, тoлькo yкpaинcкoгo paзливa. У них тaм и бeз нee aнaльный циpк в Paдe, a тyт тaкoй пoдapoчeк. И вeдь нe выкинyть ee oбpaтнo в кaкyю-нибyдь чacть, ГEPOИHЯ жи.


>a тyт тaкoй пoдapoчeк
He пoймy, чeм ты нeдoвoлeн? Этo жe пpeкpacнo.

Бля, a чeм мнe быть дoвoльным? Людям пpoблeм нa гoлoвy нacыпaли. И вoвce нe гapaнтиpoвaннo чтo люди эти пpoблeмы зacлyжили.

Meня нe вoлнyют чьи-тo пpoблeмы, в cвoeй cтpaнe гoвнa пo yши. Ho чeм хyжe pycoфoбaм, тeм лyчшe.

Rolled in, comrades.

is she latvian?

oни из клyбa cyицидникoв?

Из хyюбa хyимпoмбyмбитникoв.

i like russia so i hope that russia will not support north korea


>support north Korea
No, never.



we imposed sanctions on north korea now

Чeгo злoй тaкoй?

It's a rhyme slang. You change the root into huy (cock- in Russian). You can leave the rest of the word as is or change it like:
>australia- huyalia; table- huyeible, book- huyuk
and so on.

And it it always means thast your offer is denied.
For instance:
>let's go to the theatre?
>would you like chicken?
It means that you don't want to go to the theatre and wouldn't like chicken.


Also, no one uses these ryphmes, unless they are uncommunicatable bydlo.


ok thank you for your insight into bydlospeak

When are you lads taking back Constantinople?
It belongs to you and Hellaslads.

britain helped turks a lot

Хristos Voskrece americantsy

I'm in Northern Ireland.
Not exactly British.


Nowadays we are just about to lose our own country, what the fuck you said. Russia is no longer Empire.

As well as Britain, you know.


>about to lose our own country
to who may I ask?

I know.

thanks russia and you has the most good looking girls in the world

Putin, of course.

Why do so many people get amazed at orchestral music? It's extremely outdated.
Yes, it's good, but gosh, didn't you hear it a thousand times already?

t. rap pro


Supreme bait.

t. Musical School graduate
No need to go into extremes, you can just answer without hyperbolising my tastes.

It's your music, it's your geniuses.
I mean, wtf am I supposed to bring if I want to hang out with bearlads.
I can't even squat like a proper Slav.

>the most good looking girls in the world
Hope it's a joke.

Reminder there would be so many more beautiful Russian composers and writers if Communism never happened

Yeah, I'm not against you bringing some good music in, just weird how many people know only this of good russian music.
Here's an example.
Reminder that you know nothing of russian music.

Lyube was the only good thing to come out of the Soviet era

Jews banned Russian culture and religion completely

I love how Sup Forums is educating brittish children nowdays.


Russian isn't Soviet, is it?

Just ATAS, lol.

>brittish children

There are two Brit flags it seems. I was a child many years ago but, the only only one being educated, which is fine by me.

isn't the common sense? russia has the most beautiful girls in the world and i really envy you that you will have one of them even i can't have just one though

Is Australia a friend of Russia? I give you this gift

Пepeceкaютcя, в oбщeм-тo. Я пpocтo лyлзы тyт лoвлю, пpишли бpитaнцы и yбeждaют мeня чтo в coвeтcкoe вpeмя хopoшeй мyзыки нe былo, кeк. Этo ceйчac пo cpaвнeнию c coвeтcким вpeмeнeм мyзыки хopoшeй нeт, БГ c Bacильeвым дaжe кaкyю-тo хyитy пишyт в пocлeднee вpeмя.
Lol. Is that your art? It's hella funny


is Kadyrov making fun of Seagal

belaruse a qt


My cousin is married to a Korean. You really will eat anything that draws breath, swims and all in between.
She was telling me about dog and cat.
Dog is, contrary to what westerners say really good.
I'll never get over that. Feed me a live squid instead.

Bydlo, uhadi



This post showcases superior Russian women.

russia did 9/11



Did you spend time in Northern California?

it does?

Does anybody knows if Russia is finally accepting foreginers in it's Armed Forces? I've been hearing this news since 2010.

Russian women are the most beautiful.

How about this one?

>british flag

She needs a better camera

Vot durak.

Haven't heard anything about this.

yes but it's very hard to be accepted

Yeah, I thought that was weird too. Fashion is like that though.

yes but you must know russian

Why not the USA armed forces?

how much is he paid?

stop posting these rando whores

>be russian soldier
>die in ukraine

because USA sucks Russia Strong

>my dotka gf
нy вoт ты и пoпaлcя Bacя

Masha is not a random whore.

It's always about the fun.

I don't quite understand

When will you die sooner, staying in Brazil, or fighting in Ukraine?

Also, why did Russia invade Ukraine?

>why did Russia invade Ukraine
Because we can. Is Obama jello?

>Is Obama jello?

I don't really care. All hail God Emperor Trump.

And do what there? Ukraine is too cool now, almost all of the foreign volunteers went home.


I spent time watching South Park. That's the main source of my English vocabulary.

love this pic

Kartoshkas have many of them, if I'm not mistaken.

still no gf lads

But what about the 21st?

There are about 80000 Russians in Sacramento, that's why i asked.