He's not on the latest android 7.1.2

>he's not on the latest android 7.1.2

Other urls found in this thread:


sometimes I think how awkward those stock photos are, just seconds prior they probably had stone faced expressions and then the photographer said "okay now act like you said something HILARIOUS" and they froze in that position you see in the picture with no sound, except probably one of them letting out some air from her throat

Well at least we know you don't understand how professional photography works.

are you a professional photographer?

>New means better dude are u stupid!!!

I'm already on 7.1.2 and it only has battery warning for apps that hoard your battery (play store, facebook etc. which is useless) and fixes on pixel devices. nexus users were crying all over the internet too, their phones started to shut down on %40~ and it's not fixed with this update.
I guess thinkpad of smartphones is any old device with official lineage support, since every single phone company makes buggy phones

I'm only on Android 5.0

How do I udpate?

I have fucked a few in my time.

The photographer told a joke and because they have high quality gear and lighting can capture movement as it happens it's never static posing.

android newfag here im not trolling just asking

when i go to update it tells me that i have to latest version available, but im on android 5

so how do i update to a new version?
do i have to "root" it or some shit?

it's the latest available. support for your phone is over, it won't get any updates. If you're lucky you have lineage OS rom support (fork of android for unofficial updates) or not you have "unofficial" roms which is less worked on. Just search your phone and put "xda" at the end, that's the place to check about ROMs
t. send from my S4 mini android 7.1.2

7.1.1 is good enough for me
What's new in 7.1.2?

I'm on 7.1.1 on my OnePlus 3.
Breddy good.

7.1.2 is only Google phone specific stuff so no one cares.

>Those """arguments""" of poor boi

Can you root oneplus3 once you update to 7.1.1?

Newer graph

I bet he used the classic Op of this thread has a small penis and lives his life as a cuck line.

>t. still on a galaxy S2 with gingerbread
It looks really dated but I can navigate everything easily and I don't need today's flagship specs. Only thing I'd want is a better camera but I rarely use it to justify upgrading.

Does it really matter?

No idea, haven't tried.

I updated my tablet from and now everything is noticeably slower. startup takes twice as long, launching the browser or any other app takes twice as long... did I fall for a meme?

meant to say
>from Lollipop*

I will be in about 20 minutes on my Nexus 5

Did LineageOS ever pan out or what? I checked the XDA section for my phone and there are only two custom ROMs; neither of which are lineageOS or CM.

>phone updates overnight without me knowing
>suddenly phone runs out of battery by 6pm

What is the point of getting the latest android version if developers will only develop for android icecream sandwich in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator...?

Booplooped Nexus 5x? Back to galaxy S4 w/ 7.1.2

They're slow at adding new devices, and drop any that lack a maintainer every week

lineage is alive and well but you really should have bought a phone with official support

My phone did have official CM support.


You can set a minimum api but you can use higher api in your app, those features will just be unavailable on lower versions

There is nothing wrong with MIUI8 running on top of Android 6.0.1 with 2017-04-01 security patch level.

>he's on android

Android 2.1 here, can't even run whatsapp, roast me fa/g/ets.

comfy as fuck

Lineage OS

>S4 Mini has 7.1.2 when S8+ comes with 7.0
>official rom support from multiple roms
>removable sd card
>replacable battery
>years of CM/LOS development made it even more stable than stock
oh god, i love old phones
agreed senpai

Most devs have dropped pre Android 5 support

Oh cool. I'm so used to grabbing shit from XDA that I forgot they host this stuff on their own pages.

Any glaring issues with Lineage that CM didn't have?

i run 7.1.1 lineageos on my htc m8 now, can i update by just flashing the newer nightly zip?

>not resurrection remix
are you a cuck?


Check your device for specific limitations, for instance some of the older qualcomm blobs aren't compatible with android 7 so they are gimped

use the built-in updater and it will do it all automatically for you

>using android at all

it's by far the least cucked OS, especially if you forgo google play services and stick to fdroid

no xposed

Are you? I don't need a riced out mobile OS

>people say the Zuk Z2 doesn't have room support

What the fuck do people even use xposed for anymore?


thx for the heads up mate

>he uses android

proper adblock that also blocks soundcloud and youtube-ads

>they froze
HAHAHA you fucking idiot, how can you be so fucking dense?

Sorry OP but I am

Use Firefox with uBlock Origin or use a dedicated app without ads, e.g. NewPipe instead of the official YouTube app.

Newpipe/Skytube exist.
SoundCloud is all nigger shit but I guess if you like it sure.


do any of these youtube-replacement-apps without ads allow to use a Google-acc to get subscriptions?

Skytube has a no-account subscription system. I think Newpipe implemented something similar awhile ago but I don't use it.

The joke was that op has green text bubbles.

>7.1.2 on an s4 mini
What rom senpai?

Nvm I see its cm/lineage.
How is cm/lineage 14 on your s4 mini?Is it very (un)stable?

I'm still on 4.2, bitch

Spotted the tech illiterate. Kindly fuck off from this place and never return.

4inch buttery fast sexy black and blue master race, faggot

but I am

on my trusty old galaxy s3 mind you

oh god it's so bad

I'm sill on 4.1.2 because neither ATT nor LG pushed out more than like 2 updates for my phone :^)

Never again, Android, never again.

It's unofficial but it's pretty much official. New versions of the rom get released weekly.

>what is lineage os

Yep, Moto G3 with latest nightly Lineage here. Can't complain.

I'm not using any Android version.

But I am OP, and it feels good.

friends' kid got an S3 for his birthday yesterday
i didn't even realize they were still selling S3's
it came with android 4.4.4
knowing this, it's easier to understand why there's no many people on older versions of android, even getting a new phone doesn't mean you'll get a recent version of android on it

i was asked to set it up, so i also installed lineageos 14.1 on it (android 7.1.1), which runs just fine


Mfw I never got the 5X bootloop

>mfw i did a few weeks ago
sucks man, loved that phone

I'm still using 4.4 faggot (CM11). Fuck anything newer, ART is shit and no Xposed for Nougat. Kitkat is working just fine on my Droid 4

Xposed is deprecated.

Still on Marshmallow
Is there any legit reason to upgrade?

Xposed is great you fucking faggot. Piss off, there are no good alternatives.

Laugh all you want, KitKat is still masterrace.

i went from 2.3.7 to 5.0.1
what did i miss?

I didn't know it was possible to buy such an old phone anymore.

Oneplus 3T myself, first non-samshit smartphone I've owned and it has bee awesome. Has 7.1.1 too.

friend of mine (... the father of the kid, in fact) has a oneplus3t
it seems pretty nice, i set it up for him as well, though i didn't install lineageos on it, just the international stock rom (he bought it in china, there's a different stock rom there)

I'm on android 4.1
Get on my level

Yeah it's pretty great, I've had no complaints so far and I have owned it for around 3.5 months. I personally learned the fact that samsung phones are shit the hard way, I'm probably never gonma buy a samsung phone again since Ive had such a horrible experience with them.

>2.3 Gingerbread


i got one a few weeks ago, seems pretty nice.
has a few quirks here and there, but that all seems like changable settings or some of my different habits seeping through and not liking change.

But I am. Nexus 6P here. I've had it for a while on the Beta program. Just got the final build w/April sec update last night.

Probably the last update I'm going to get - the next gen Pixel will launch with O and Nexus won't get it. Guess I'll have to dump the 6P for a Pixel.

I am.

Any 5x owners here? How commonplace is the bootlooping issue really? Should I pretty much be saving for a new phone already? I really like the 5x but I'm always afraid it's going to fuck up.


Fuck off, Maki's a slut.

5x is shit. I hope they all boot loop

personally i'm using an S4 intl, which i've had no problems with
never used the stock rom though, put CM on it the second i got it
it's also currently running lineageos 14.1 (7.1.1)

i didn't really pick it out specifically, i got it second hand, and it was a good deal price, specs and CM-support-wise

I had S5 mini before getting the Oneplus 3T. That phone turned out to be terrible, I know I should have done more research and I still regret buying it.

>he's not on girlfriend 1.0

Black menu screens
No material design
No Knox bullshit

>Getting rid of the glorious N6P
>Getting rid of the glorious N6P for a Pixel
>Not just using an unofficial Android O ROM