She's really doing God's work guys

She's really doing God's work guys.
Why aren't you a Koder?

>"Sorry, try again."

>Why aren't you a Koder?
Because I'm an artisan.

Can somebody fact-check this please?

It's a video but yes, it does show that.

Is she doing this on purpose so she can keep playing her "Waah, waah, look at how the evil men are trying to keep us out of their klub!" card?

why is this blatant disrespect of a profession so easily allowed? If you tried this shit with woodcrafters or something they'd stab you with the chisel they're holding for trying to mock their work with this clown's act

>5 failed login attempts
>cd ..
>cd ..
>koding on a mac

really enhanced my synapses


>Site about coding.
>Uses WIX to make the site.
What is this shit you can't even make it up.

Delete this, you sexist pig!

worthless toilet.

pic related

Because programming isn't considered a REAL "trade".

You can blame programmers for never wanting to unionize like they should have 30 years ago.

>he doesn't kode with karlie
What are you a fucking sexist ?

Fucking pig

Tbh its actually nice seeing someone wanting to introduce programming to younger kids and trying make it sound less boring
Too bad its some braindead vapid model who cant code to save her life

>Why aren't you a Koder?
Because I'm a programmer and I do real work.


If she pisses too many people off, someone will simply dox her and implant an EFI rootkit to brick all of her machines because Macs are insecure pieces of shit. Then she will cry on Twitter that the mean boys bullied her.

>googled kode klossy
>checked website

>Too bad its some braindead vapid model who cant write her fucking password to save her life
there, fixed.

not posting the complete image


I didn't even read the stuff in the terminal. That's fucking pathetic. Would her head explode if you tried to explain the concept of a CLI package manager? What about bash itself being a program? Hahahaha

Holy fuck are you me? The fact that comp sci grads have no union is beyond stupid. They all think they're smart, and yet we've got to compete against foreign workers who can do the same job remotely for far less money.

>Sorry, try again.

Holy shit

Fucking kill yourself

No it's fine.
You're free to compete against rajesh who works remotely and produces the same end result as you for 1/10 your pay and 1/100 your skill

don't get too big for your britches, you misspelled compelling

unions are the only reason you don't work 90 hour weeks with no benefits

Programming requires a certain degree of intelligence to grasp that most people
lack, so they don't respect it. They don't even think much about it unless something on their computer isn't working.

I didn't make the image

Can't wait for this bitch to get what's coming to her

patreon where beta knights give her 20k$ per month?

Except they aren't, because I live in a right to work state.
I don't have to go through your bullshit union and pay you MY fucking money just to get the privilege of having a job.

Unions haven't been good for the worker since the fucking 70s you exploitative piece of shit.

Carly is a liar

> not using you CLI package manager to create a GUI interface to track bash users across the globe.

The fact bash is just a program still kind of screws with my head.
Where exactly is the point that the terminal window stops being a part of bash and becomes part of the OS?

I work in the CS field since 2007 but still use tools like that because I don't always have lots of time to build decent websites. Coding isn't only web development

reported to the fbi and wsj

>pic related

underage reported

shut up moron

suck my dick faggot

Piss off cuck

run a program with strace to see the syscalls it makes

What's that wrong with this? It's only good if they make programs which allow young girls to learn how to code in an environment which isn't made of 99% fat guys with neckbeards. If there's something else wrong with how this works (e.g. high fees or other scammy things), then I'll gladly change my mind.

>waah! he won't pay my union dues!

no you have to waste at least 10 hours fucking with css or some other shit

> waaaaahhh, i'm a gay faggot!!!

please kill yourself, liberal piece of shit

Hour 1: Finding the Terminal
Hour 2: Installing Oh-My-Zsh!

I would teach young girls for free

Why are programmers the most classcucked of professions?

if you don't use zsh, please go back to windows because you're basically fucking useless anyways

What are we discussing again?
Why we don't have any more excellent women in IT, like Karlie Kloss?
Oh wait.

I use GNU Bash, which is installed on 100% of the servers I use by default for the past two decades. # of servers that have Zsh by default: Zero.

> why are programmers the most understanding of realities?

unions are horrible for the common man, only libtards believe otherwise

It's not a fucking steel mill you retard. If you suck at your job, or the job can be done by pajeet without consequence, then you're not going to get paid well.

Oh, by the way, pajeet isn't the one stealing your job. The fresh college grad willing to work for $15/hr instead of a $75k salary is.

> implying having to install a package makes it bad
please kill yourself

debian 8

Get fucked, grandpa

Quick, your inexperience with the real world is showing.

>Oh, by the way, pajeet isn't the one stealing your job. The fresh college grad willing to work for $15/hr instead of a $75k salary is.

nice cgpgrey meme, faggot

no, anyone who actually cares about building solid infrastructure for a real business will not hire pajeet or a $15/hr new grad, thanks for the laughs Mr. "I'm stuck in academia"

>thinks Debian comes with Zsh installed by default

>what is a production system
sometimes I forget I'm on the neet board

uhm, I'm in both, but thanks anyways, old man

I'm not saying in production, I'm saying in general zsh > *

Are you retarded?

>Unioncucks trying to meme a computer programmer union into existence

Hahaha, ain't happening kiddo. Even if you did, I would scab so hard and undercut you immediately, while all that you can do is run to your fat union boss and complain and then he'll just laugh at you because you aren't paying your union dues and he doesn't actually give a shit. Then you'll be stuck delivering pizzas for tips since no one will want to hire your problematic ass.

No but you clearly are

>anyone who actually cares about building solid infrastructure for a real business will not hire pajeet or a $15/hr new grad
So we agree then. A "CS Union" is worthless.


I bet you don't even have your own opinion as to why you think it's better. Did you know bash and zsh are almost the same age? Both are ~ 27 years old, yet one can be found on almost every GNU/Linux system by default. But somehow the one that nobody uses is better.

Uh huh, sure buddy.

And DVORAK is better than QWERTY

And IPAs are better than Lagers

And Kale is better than lettuce

And In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is a good album.

I got it.


she needs to join our startup.

i'll do the logo

How would pretending to be incompetent make it look like men are at fault? Demonstrating that women can be good programmers, yet are still underrepresented within the field, would be a much better argument that they are facing sexist discrimination.

this is why public stonings are a good idea


>yet are still underrepresented within the field
They're underrepresented because they don't fucking go INTO the fucking field
Not every single field and industry needs a 50/50 split of men to women, and anything that doesnt have that isnt some horrifying sexist "dudes only" club

I get that most comp sci grads are hopeless liberals, but some of us voted for Trump and he's cutting h1b

he better deliver on that
get the pajeets out

At the same time it is entirely possible that employers may discriminate against women and that the lack of women within the field may lead to a culture which drives women away.

Regardless, I never actually asked for your opinion.

>I never actually asked for your opinion.
Then your first mistake was posting on a public forum.

>employing based on gender rather than skills
talk about discriminating you sexist faggot.

I didn't say that though. And I fully am in favor of a meritocratic system. I specifically criticized rating employees differently depending on their gender.

Even if she's a scam, I find it okay from her to use her image to spark interest in a "scientific" field rather than in makup.

Women literally receive preferential hiring and GET SCHOLARSHIPS just for being women in IT.

there is no discrimination against women in STEM. If anything there's discrimination against men.
Also yes, you did ask for my opinion by posting your own in a public forum. Go fuck yourself.

Fuck yea.

Every time I see a good looking girl in my field I wonder how many dicks she sucked to get there.

My manager wants to hire a girl for "diversity". Yea let's hire another unskilled retard that way I can do ever more work while she slowly takes credit for shit.

Want to know why there are very few women in STEM? Because their fucking brains are wired different. Most of them don't even want to be in the field.

I fucking grill bitches on interviews because I don't want a crying, sobbing mess when I reject her PR because it's a fucking pile of shit.

I'd rather have a pajeet than a bitch.

Non-white-males receive preferential treatment. Nothing new there.

501(c)? So this whole endeavor is for her to avoid some taxes on her dollarydoos?

The worst part is you know there is a never-ending supply of betas to do her work in the hopes that she'll reciprocate with sex.

>Get audio
>Get video
>Get location

>wixen (wichsen)
literally jerking off in german

why am i not suprised.

You are such a special snowflake.

This is an excerpt from the kode with klossy camp application
Providing student race and ethnicity information is obligatory
Yay, forced multi-racialism & multi-culturalism!
>Pic related

I like IPAs and Kale...

>No Karli FLOSS

>touch my_first_program


I'd like to interjrct for a moment. What you are refering to as FLOSS is actually Karlie/FLOSS or as i've recently taken to calling it Karlie + FLOSS.

Because even stupid people can figure out that a piece of woodwork is wrong.

Anything complicated is manipulated by people to present to stupid people who don't know any better. Science, politics, technology or really anything complicated is abused by fake intellectuals.

I think this is one of the greatest issues the west will face this century. Stupidity and dogmatism hidden behind a shroud of complexity.

I liked it better when pseudo-intellectuals stuck to the arts and just convinced people that shitting on paper was actually really amazing and anybody who disagreed was uncultured.

Karlie Kloss' boyfriend is apparently Joshua Kushner
It just so happens that Joshua's brother is Jared Kushner
This whole ordeal makes me go

really activates the almonds