Tfw studying computer engineering

>tfw studying computer engineering
>tfw all my time is wasted on physics and math
>tfw I dont have time to work on my indie game

feels bad


In a computer engineering program, upset about learning foundations of engineering? Drop out.

should have gone for CS instead

No, in computer science you basically need to do experiments n shit. You want programming.

Get a major in CP and literally everyone will want your skills

what uni offers a degree in CP??


Akihabara University

>major in CP

my school only offers IT... it could be worse

>in college
>majoring in CP
>specialization time
>choose hurtcore to feel superior over all the loli brainlets
>half the questions are about D's Destruction
>literally the only class I skipped
>drop out and get a BA in memology instead
Don't choose CP, waste of time.

D's destruction
The fact you know of this puts you on a list, son

>indie game

nice b8

>tfw fell for the CE meme

So reading Wikipedia puts you on a list. :^)

>University had an Easter break
>Spent almost all of my time working on own project
>Can focus on it for 10 hours a day easily but lose attention when doing university coursework for even one hour
fucking hell

I think every University offers it as liberal arts degree


> wasted on physics & math
> indie game
> indie game


I went through the Bachelor's of Science programme and majored in CP

Computer Pedophilia is a booming industry with expanding real world application every day


Want to program the physics engine your indy shit vidya will run on? Physics and math will help you with that you cum guzzling hipster twat.

>Be third year mechanical engineer
>Have full ride but still miserable as fuck at school
> Stop caring about the shit curriculum, grades slip and lose scholarship
>pretty much dropped out with a year and a half to go
>decide im making a business
>make this
> won money at two pitch contests so far
>finishing the final prototype hopefully in time for laconia

Leave OP, do what you wanna do. Everything can be learned online. Take the entrepreneurship red pill.

Lmao nights just use unity like wtf lmao