Why does Sup Forums promote software communism?

Why does Sup Forums promote software communism?

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Because it benefits everyone.

Software & information is a post scarcity realm.
The only possible place it can work.

Free software is better than nonfree.

because the alternative is getting cucked by propietary software

>he fell for the "communism is bad" meme
top kek. enjoy your brainwashing faggot

Daily reminder that you can dynamically link with GPL without you work being derivative

...people aren't actually this mentally diseased, are they?

are you retarded? it's anarcho capitalism at its finest. every free software had been created out of spite.

What is "software communism" OP? The closest thing I can think to what you're describing is proprietary software, although that is closer to software fascism.

Because I believe only the political and military elite has the right to use technology.

Because in a world where you can copy shit for basically free, communism makes sense.

>make something cool
>BSD license it
>some big jew corp takes it and uses it in some trillion-dollar proprietary software package and only repays you with some verbal credit in a tiny font on the "about" page
There is literally nothing more cucked in the entire universe than the BSD license. You're actively permitting and even encouraging the development of proprietary software that takes away EVERYONES freedoms.

Just ask yourself if you want more or less free software in the world. If you want more, use GPL, if you don't, kill yourself.

Let's put it this way.
Would you eat a cake that might contain poison or a cake that you can be sure doesn't?
You sure look stupid now.


>Security is best done in the open. Everyone should be able to perform an audit on any software
>The value of everyone's knowledge is greater than your own
>The existence of open tools allows other people to create new stuff at low cost
>Software "communism" is not at odds with profits

You mean software capitalism

>>Software "communism" is not at odds with profits.


More like:

Software communism! - sponsored by Google and Facebook

That is incorrect. You must be thinking of LGPL. That is literally the difference between GPL and LGPL

So are you saying you don't ever eat a cake prepared by other people?

Daily reminder that only 10% of contributors to the Linux kernel work for free. The majority of contributors are employees at large corporations that are dependent on Linux for their day-to-day activities.

>literally all of your beliefs in life come from your hick parents
I feel sorry for you user

>this somehow a bad thing
So what

Only if it's GNU/Cake.


By definition, any form of state-backed artificial scarcity system is ANTI-LIBERAL.


I wouldn't eat a cake prepared by ISIS

install gentoo


It depends on how you do it.
You are not allowed to send the GPL licensed blob with your blob.
But if the user brings them together, you didn't distribute them together and didn't break any license terms.

FSF *claims* that they would win a court case here, but have never done so and just try to intimidate people to not do it.

It's not. It's the reason why Linux is usable.

Just saying, that calling it software communism is pretty laughable. Software libertarianism is probably a better term desu.


Fair enough. Probably the best thing Linux achieved was being recognized by big corps as something worth investing in.

>literally all of your beliefs in life come from aging cat ladies
I feel incredibly sorry for you user.

Go eat a jewish cock somewhere else you statist scum.

>Fair enough. Probably the worst thing Linux achieved was being recognized by big corps as something worth investing in.
Fixed that for you.



The last state of communism isn't that different from the last state in ideal libertarianism.

Who are you quoting?

Wrong answer. GPL embraces capitalism, free software = communism is a strawman and even Stallman himself says so.

Nice try copyright shill.

No, I do not. Proprietary software is propped up by a government-enforced monopoly. It's not even remotely close to a capitalistic idea.

At the end of the day nearly everyone wants full luxury communism except maybe some crazy ancaps.

t. Brainwashed commie kid.

Everyone wants it just like everyone wants world peace, it doesn't mean it's possible.

t. Brainwashed capitalist idiot.

Ever wondered why nobody actually wants to live in the USA that experience a decent country before?

Because they went ape shit crazy into capitalism, and all decent countries have some socialist ideas.

Just think about it, extrem versions of pretty much anything are the worst option.


>implying capitalism is benefique for non-rich people
obesity, laziness, poverty, mortgate, credit, mediocrity and so on is the goal of capitalism, there is not even one good reason to promote capitalism if you're less than millionaire.

>coming to a conclusion which contradicts the beliefs you were raised with is brainwashing
I don't believe you are really this retarded, user


not him, but being a contrarian is just being a child.

also communism always fails because of scarcity and fundamental human greed.

Just because in software you've freed yourself of scarcity in software does not mean communism can work. You still need to eliminate the human factor.

Capitalism on the other hand turns greed into development and motivation towards positive change (if regulated correctly). Of course a 100% free market would likely have people running as much actual slave labor as they could get away with. But yeah

>federal minimum wage is good, but we should have a regional minimum wage that goes more fine grain than state
>the AMA should be abolished and lodge practice should come back to fix healthcare
>software does not need to be free. People can sell software under the GPL 2.0, and some people make good money doing it in super niche areas. Make a business like that if you want in on it.

You are retarded. Libertarianism and communism are basically opposite. You are probably thinking of liberal and not libertarian.

>drawing conclusions which happen to contradict the beliefs of the majority is "being a contrarian"
I don't believe you are this retarded, user.

>this thread

>American education

Communism implies more government regulation. Liberatians want less government regulation. This isn't a difficult concept. On the other hand, liberals do want more government regulation.

What was the last book you read? Hell, skip that, even a simple wiki article would do to see that you're talking out of your ass and parroting bullshit from other idiots who talk out of their ass.

The libertarian parties own website has this as the title "Libertarian Party | Minimum Government. Maximum Freedom."

That is in direct contradiction with the idea of communism. Now fuck off you unedated retard.

>triggered leftist cuck.

because they don't need to pay the bills living with mommy

>taking the bait

>libertarian parties own website
Great source. What does the democratic republic of Kongo say?

>That is in direct contradiction with the idea of communism.
"As soon as there is no longer any social class to be held in subjection, as soon as class rule, and the individual struggle for existence based upon our present anarchy in production, with the collisions and excesses arising from these, are removed, nothing more remains to be repressed, and a special repressive force, a state, is no longer necessary."

free distribution of copies from an inexorable source is not communism

cheap or free distribution of products from a finite source which also depends on the lacking motivation from those who reap only equal benefits from it until they finally stop because it's finite... well that is communism and it's pretty much a failed ideology

>What the Libertarians say doesn't matter because they are biased
>Now, let me defend my argument by telling you what the Communists say

>literally believes property is theft
>"lol it's capitalism guys I swear!"
Nice try, shill. You're not fooling anyone.

>I’m so insecure about my opinions that I assume everyone I meet is the evil SJW boogieman and immediately have to tell them about the benefits of the free market and how much of a cuck they are
Go cry on , nobody comes to Sup Forums to listen to you talk politics.

What a political party claims is irrelevant to the actual ideology. Murican Libertarians pick only their reinterpretation of the bits of the idea, basically how Murican Christians don't give a fuck about most Christian values.

Or do you want to claim that North Korea and Kongo as examples against democracy given how both claim to be democratic?

>by telling you what the Communists say
The Communist manifesto not related to a specific party.

Who the fuck told gpl does not allow for property?

If anything you can choose to sell your software . eg red hat sells linux for 300€

Stallman is against intellectual property, you retard. Are you even aware of what's the subject of this thread?


Red Hat sells support though.

The whole GPL concept of copyleft is opposed to the concept of property in copyright.

Read the GNU Manifesto.



You're in a technology board. Why would you expect anyone passionate about technology to defend an anti-reason, science and progress system like capitalism?

>I'm entitled to you property because I work for you as stated by a voluntary contract!
>somehow wages aren't driven by supply and demand like everything else in a free market

I wish the mods would grow a spine and ban Sup Forums shitposters. Practically nothing in this thread is anything to do with technology. Look at the OP, do you really think he intended a technology related discussion to stem from that? It's a rhetorical question, he obviously didn't. This is a poorly disguised Sup Forums bait thread and its kind are ruining the entire website.

>complaining about thread quality on shtitpost Sup Forumsenerals only because people disagree with my vews
Look, another leftist cuck.

>free market
Thanks for pointing out the problems, user!

>Butthurt over commie software.
You tards know you've got a Soviet-installed president, right?

>I'm entitled to what somebody else produced because of some abstract concept called "property"
>somehow there should be no concept of justice in wages because the "market" is more important

You need to read the definition of fascism.

>deluded leftist
>voluntary trade and association is somehow unjust
oh wait better shot someone and take aways his property, that justice armite?

>"voluntary" trade and association
>submit to your corporate overlords or die of hunger or exposure

conservatism is a mental illness

>never work
>be rich by stealing the product of others' work
>call that "voluntary trade and association"
>"haha see what I'm doing is perfectly okay lol stay mad"
Fuck off to your capitalist paradise of Somalia already.

Reminder that Linux is actually owned by corporations and the average Linux user is just a beta-tester.

>software communism
First, communism is just bait for socialism.
Second, in the socialism government, the software belong to the state.
Free Software the software belong to "everyone".

>complaining about thread quality
Global Rule 6, faggot.

Linux is for fucking faggots. It's too hard to use and always does bullshit that windows doesn't so.

Sup Forumseddit is leaking for sure

>muh evil whitey is oppressing us
>muh infograph with a pig wearing a hat and monocule is proof that communism works goys!!

what an utterly pointless post

Like run stable? Sure, Loonix is ugly as hell but ironically it tends to "just work" unless you're having a weird ass system combination.

Linux faggots love big meaty cocks in their mouths. They love it when a rock hard dick goes shoved into it. That's why they shill it for free so their masters can blow their loads in them.

>accuse communists of violence
>repeatedly spam a forced meme about throwing people who disagree with you off helicopters mid-flight

>I-I'm going to be rich too... just you wait...
>i-if it weren't for those damn asshole on welfare driving muh taxes up I could make money doing nothing too...

dumb smelly sociopath

Stop replying to paid corporate shills.

what do you get when you combine autism, poverty, low IQ and shitty parenting?

a right wing hick

I left Sup Forums because off-topic politics, please keep politics out of Sup Forums.

Sad thing is that they aren't corporate shills but brainwashed cucks who hope their masters will give them bigger scraps.

Keep sucking that communist cock linux faggot. Work extra hard and daddy will fuck your tiny asshole hard tonight.

I am a paid russian shill mate it's my job

>shilling on 4chains instead of writing articles about the Führer
It's like you hate rubles.