IT Jobs - Age Discrimination Sucky Job Market General

My dad is 50+ boomer and has been in the IT industry since the late 80's. First starting out in Wall Street with Bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch, doing sys-admin work and then later in the decade moving towards infosec and compliance auditing. Shits been hard since the .dot com bubble (when Merrill Lynch Folded) and it really hasn't been better ever since. I realize the job market is shitty even today, but from the horrible experience my father has had I feel like he's really up against the stack.

He's very skilled, has a CISSP, and a slew of ethical hacking certs and related projects that's he worked on and yet its it's continual black hole for everything. Right now he's working for a vendor doing PCI audit work for the District of Columbia but his contract is ending in two weeks and I'm worried about him. So many jobs he would be perfect for but it comes back empty. It's like these hiring people are either shitty millennials with the "HURR DURR Old ppl can't into technology" attitude despite their closest claim to being "computer literate" is their time wasted on facebook or other "social media". Or surprisingly enough is other baby boomers in management who want to add "fresh blood" into their organization which is code for hiring cheap h1b's/college grads for lower wage and they themselves falling into the same "old people" can't use computers belief.
I doubt any older people here really lurk Sup Forums, but specifically does anyone here have insights or experience with this kind of bullshit?

On a second topic why is that when you put your resume on these job boards you get bombarded with IT headhunters/recruiters Pajeets matching job specs that have almost nothing relevant to your experience and skills?


I've noticed the pajeet hunters too. I keep getting calls about my resume being 'a good fit' for their company in tier 1 sales or other garbage shit that has absolutely zero bearing on my resume. I'll be forever fucked for doing the 2010 census on my off hours for extra scratch because everyone thinks that means I have sales experience for some reason.

Start a business. Maybe do consulting. Sounds like he's assuming he needs a boss, which isn't true.

OP here, I sorta know the reason, they get commission to scour these job boards to fill as many seats they can.

Online anything really is a waste for these exact reasons, you r playing number games. Most of the corporate job portals are just data mines anyway.

No I agree, and i'm the same boat too. I feel like you have better prospects on new startups or running your own show.

I've been egging him to do his own business, hell he's already self incorporated himself and has all the stuff needed to bid on on .Gov contracts. Its not easy either but then again whats worse, putting up with the fucked up job recruitment system we have now?

That being said why aren't more millennials starting their own businesses? Some like less then %10 have attempted startups. Even Boomers have a higher rate! Especially with the shitty job market we still have and the way employers just treat people these days? Its not like you owe any loyalty to them anyway? Why even put up with it when you don't even gain anything?

What am I looking at?

there's no way around it, combined with a HR dept culture composed mostly of young women off the college cock Carousel. Being an old straight white male is even more of a career ender then a young person. Triple fuck that if your in information technology.

Which is hypocritical with all their preaching of "equality" and anti-discrimination the most bias is with these people.

Truth of the matter is with h1bs, remote management outsourced to pajeet land when talking about sys-admin work and even high-end coding and everything else I mentioned above your dad isn't going to get a job or least a stable one. The work just isn't there, even in pen-testing most of it done with automated scripts that can cut-out the white hats from the picture. If you don't have a job or know people on the inside you aren't going to get one and the jobs that lost are never going to come back its a simple as that.

The only jobs that are going to be available are security clearance jobs which cannot be trusted to would be terrorist paki-pajeets and the 1% of "new" software development.

Millennials would rather blame someone else for their failure than take responsibility for themselves and work to succeed. 'Cause it's easier.

>the "HURR DURR Old ppl can't into technology" attitude
That attitude has existed for a long, long time, sadly.

Remember CIO does NOT means Chief IT Officer, it means Career Is Over. Many of these are in my painful experiences down right frauds. They know this. And therefore they will never employ anyone who can unmask their career as a fraud.

So my advice is to get out of the IT industry completely. Yeah, I know it is hard but there has never been much hope in the industry for people over 40. It was always a meat grinder.

>Which is hypocritical with all their preaching of "equality" and anti-discrimination the most bias is with these people.

He already pretty much is, as I mentioned he doing more audit compliance work as a contractor.

People in the IT industry have been routinely bent over fucked in so many ways by management. So much I see are people who willingly contribute and accept the status quo. I don't know if its because of fear of losing your career or job or it's and I hate to use this term for the lack of anything better, the "beta" mindset of many Coders, Sys-admins and even people who are engineers in various functions.

I think part of it is at least when I starting to learn code myself is people think it's a job that requires minimal human contact and collaboration outside of follow the project outline spec. When the harsh reality is that for most projects working collaboratively is imperative to get things done at least right.

>So much I see are people who willingly contribute and accept the status quo.
I think it is the perceived idea of this is how it has to be. I used to pull insane overtime work to keep the company alive. I think on average we did 800 hours overtime each year.

Then it appeared that parts of the management did not worry too much or even put in the effort of pretending.

Then the company imploded thanks to raging infuriated customers. See, couldn't-care-less style of management does not sit well with customers, and guess who pays for it all in the end? Yes that's right: the customer.

Interestingly management, the very people who were the root cause of the catastrophe, did keep all their jobs even if it meant promotions all around.

Losing your job in such circumstances feels of course utterly rotten but I must admit the job I have now is a different line of work and a totally different world.

Though I cannot see pizza without thinking it is overtime again.

So you're saying the skilled, talented and hardworking are eternal pawns? I don't buy it. What accounts for all the rich guys in SV aged 50-80? Right place right time and just enough venality? Luck?

>Being an old straight white male is even more of a career ender then a young person.
it's less due to SJWs (though I don't doubt that's some of it, they probably have a quota of non-whites and women they have to hire) and more due to the fact that the older someone is and the more experience they have, the more expensive they are. They expect a much higher salary because of those years of experience, and if the company provides insurance, they're going to be paying a lot more to insure him, since he's older.

And they've heard all the talk about age discrimination too, and it makes them think "Well, if we hire this guy, and he sucks, we might have a hard time firing him, he'll threaten us with a lawsuit. Better steer clear"

>accounts for all the rich guys in SV aged 50-80? Right place right time and just enough

Not OP but there is a huge disconnect between management and people with technology careers.

I mean take HP for example, you have a one of the most prestigious companies in the world that was virtually brought nose dive face first into the ground buy that thieving cunt Carly Forinia who has no business at all with industry other then being a glorified bean counter. When she was laying off legions of employees and HP due in both to market and poor management factors went south, She had audacity to comment, "no one has a guaranteed job". None of the engineers or the people who made the products made a fuss a took it in the rears. As much as I think Trump is a retard at least he took the initiative to call her out on her shitty reputation. God forbid she became president.

Well you really shouldn't pretend you have a stake in the company because well you don't. Unless you actually own shares of said entity you really shouldn't have any emotional feel for it. I'm not excusing doing a shitty job but just keep in mind you owe them nothing except for the work and time you are paid to do.

>recruiter keeps pestering me
>finally reply
>"you must have A+ Cert"
>I have a degree in this field
>"Oh, no, that will not work, bye"

I haven't bothered to sit for cert tests, mostly because I was broke at the time, and have a job anyway.

Anyone else experience this shit? It made me laugh. The fucker found me on lankedin but didn't read any of it?

You're all over the place in this post.
>She had audacity to comment, "no one has a guaranteed job".
>Well you really shouldn't pretend you have a stake in the company because well you don't.
Maybe I'm just too stupid to understand, but it seems like you share her mindset. ib4 reddit lucky horseshoe

It's your dad's fault for failing to stay relevant.

employment/job market situation is not technology

I'm shocked really. For all these years he worked around people that make a lot of money yet he can't work for any of them?

wait a minute, hasnt obama care dealt with that higher insurance cost?

Don't worry user with Trump BTFO Pajeet visas the technology job market will be supple and free and positions will be open!

underage trump shill detected

I'm just about to turn 23 and I worked as a cell phone tech for a major carrier for about a year and a half before I got pulled up into the IT department by a senior coworker who I proved to I was miles above my position in work ethic and ability. I've been in the job for about 2 months and he says that I'm doing a great job and I really like my day-to-day. Only thing is, because I had no experience or anything, he couldn't get me any more money than I was making as a phone tech which is only like 32k per year. What should I plan to do here? I doubt there will be much of a pay increase over the next year or two because the senior IT staff are very cheap and we tried negotiating when I signed on, but they didn't budge. My current plan was to ride this out and build some experience for my resume, but after that when I try to go elsewhere, will I even be able to get another job without certs?

I'm honestly surprised your dad is having trouble finding infosec work. It's one of the only niche tech industries that has negative unemployment. I'm guessing his salary requirements are too high.

Unfortunately, having a CISSP and CEH/Security+ only puts you into an incredible pool full of Pajeets and know-nothing computer janitor types who took a night class because they say InfoSec people making six figures and decided they wanted to do it.

The main age discrimination issue (and yes, it absolutely exists and is way more of a big deal than gender discrimination in IT, regardless of what Google/Yahoo/etc want you to believe) is that older hires have more experience and expect more money, typically have more family obligations meaning they won't work weekends/late, and also are nearing retirement age. It sucks, but that is how it is. It has almost nothing to do with technical ability, and companies know that. They hire the millennials/young people because they can exploit their labor easier.

Also, you really aren't going to get jobs cold calling companies or posting shit on LinkedIn (lol). He needs to network. Go to 2600/ISC groups locally to find infosec employees at nearby companies. InfoSec is a hot market right now to the point where it is rare to see external hires at a lot of companies. Everyone wants in, so internal hires are really common for new positions.

If he really wants to stand out, he needs to get a technical cert beyond the infosec certs. If he is technical, maybe look into Cisco, Sourcefire, FireEye, or some type of endpoint security software cert. Generic security certs like CISSP/CEH/Security+ don't mean shit to employers anymore.

>lower costs

What is capital

He's less on the technical side and more on the broader auditing side now which is fine because you still have some one who knows what the fuck they are doing when dealing with IT departments who are clueless or reluctant to be audited when the time comes. I really don't believe its a cert issue, because he's got certs galore including the CISSA and Cisco certs. That's just becomes a game of musical chairs where employers will ask you for xyz certs on everything and 4 years of experience on software that's only a year old. Then again they must find people with every conceivable certification, masters degee and 100% knowledge on [insert dedicate esoteric application].

LinkedIn is a joke and ironically enough a security and privacy hole I would never use it and nor count on it as a means of getting work other then perhaps marketing.
The ISC2 chapter really isn't a help, you hit the nail on the head when most people are internal hires or in sec clearance hires.

>Requiring an A+ cert.

That's like be asked to show your gold stars from kindergarten.

>The main age discrimination issue (and yes, it absolutely exists and is way more of a big deal than gender discrimination in IT, regardless of what Google/Yahoo/etc want you to believe) is that older hires have more experience and expect more money, typically have more family obligations meaning they won't work weekends/late, and also are nearing retirement age. It sucks, but that is how it is. It has almost nothing to do with technical ability, and companies know that. They hire the millennials/young people because they can exploit their labor easier.

Not to sound conspiratorial here, but for skilled labor the elites knew that casting young people to life with no prospects at all would lead to a revolt. That and the current indoctrinated class doesn't ask questions (except for the ones they are told to ask) and easily intimidated vs an older worker who knows the system better and doesn't have the energy or the will to fight back.

basically this. there is no limit to the treachery of business fags. also in general, what do you think the people outside the industry think of when they think 'tech'? it isn't your father. in my experience at the end of the day the business fags rule and keeping up appearances is the only universal truth. make money and keep up appearances.

Yes you have the right idea. Do that its what every one does. Lateral promotions are best promotions. They are free to fuck you by under valuing you, and you are sure as hell free to fuck them later if it suits your circumstances.

>So you're saying the skilled, talented and hardworking are eternal pawns
Yeah, people who are good in their job will always stay at the lowest position because they proved that they are good at that.
Never promote someone you actually need.

They would rather hire new grads to perform the same work at a fraction of the cost. There's nothing more to it than that.

>That being said why aren't more millennials starting their own businesses?

With what money?

Even if your typical millennial isn't in debt, which itself is incredibly rare. All his "disposable" income is going into a house/car/cellphone. Nobody has the capital to take risks on a business except the landed gentry who don't even need it.

Millennials are literally being reduced to the level of serfs.

>working weekends/late
I remember one of my first interviews when the HR lady said I would be on call 24/7 and should expect to spend alot of time working full time nights. She rolled her eyes and ended the interview when I told her that I couldn't do that. I thought it was just a shitty company to work for but I learned later that alot of employers expect that from their employees.

he needs to use words like "scrum", "synergy", and "rails".

The fiftyplussers here don't have any bigger trouble finding jobs in IT.

The young ones have bigger problems, having to compete with coder sweatshops in London, Boston and LA. I wish the yanks and bongs raised their minimum wages to at least burger-flipping levels so that IT/pharma jobs could come back home.

>So you're saying the skilled, talented and hardworking are eternal pawns?
Not all, just most. After all to become skilled you need to be dedicated to your field. To be successful, on the completely other hand, you need other skills like networking, management skills and a touch of psychopathic features also seems to help.

>I don't buy it. What accounts for all the rich guys in SV aged 50-80?
Management skills, not technical skills.

I read a few books on organizational theory after my job imploded. Quite the eye openers, really, in fact half the time I felt like the author was writing about my former employer and not in an amusing manner.

In these books the number one relevant example is the Challenger space shuttle disaster. The technical guys said do not launch. Management said go for launch. And 7 astronauts were killed.

Premise is ugly and aftermath was worse. After killing 7 people, destroying billions of equipment and setting back the US space project by a decade if not more:
- nobody was tried, let alone arrested
- nobody was found responsible, whatever this word means anymore
- nobody, absolutely nobody, was fired
- and nobody will ever see the inside of a prison cell

>Right place right time and just enough venality? Luck?
Luck plays a role, I have had a fair share of it I must admit. Technical skills, sadly, have little to do with it.

I found that problem too when looking for a job. I did shit in school, left at 16 and did various IT jobs for a few years. Decided I wanted to study physics so I self taught myself maths and physics, took the uni entrance exams and smashed them. Graduated with a good degree thinking I could use it to apply for jobs, but nah, employers were demanding to know my a-level grades. I didn't do a-levels because I left school at 16. Why the fuck does my grade in mathematics when I was 17 or 18 matter when I have a 1st in physics from a good university? It got me flat out rejected by many jobs I applied for.

Taught myself how to program and now do that for a living, so it all worked out.

>On a second topic why is that when you put your resume on these job boards you get bombarded with IT headhunters/recruiters Pajeets matching job specs that have almost nothing relevant to your experience and skills?
waaaah!!!! why cant the headhunters stop offering my dad high paying jobs that dont fit his job description?!?!?!
booo hooo!!!!!
Cant they see my dad is going to starve and lose everything if they dont stop offering him high paying jobs that dont exactly fit his ancient job description?!?!?!

This is soooo unfair that job recruiters dont go through and read tens of thousands of job resumes to give IT workers exactly the job they want!!!!

>The fiftyplussers here don't have any bigger trouble finding jobs in IT.
What, working on the "modermodemet"!? Nice scam you got going there.

You have no idea how hard these people like to Jew you

>taking online A+ classes at work during downtime just because
>learning about laptop expansion slots and Windows sidebar gadgets

This is true, but in the tech/consulting industry doesn't necessarily require a huge amount of capital, that and their's always loans there if you have a business plan that's well designed + backing it up with education and experience. If you partner with someone you can usually share these burdens too.

I just feel like that with all the horseshit people go in corporate recruitment something would have to give and people would say fuck this. The risk/aggravation of starting a new business is crazy enough less then going through the recruitment hell these.
I mean do you think a consulting company acquiring a new client would ask or be forced to ask for something as idiotic as highschool grades or some HR meme question like, "what is your spirit animal?" of course not. If employers put their clients through the same bullshit they do with their recruiters they would be out of business in less then a week.

Okay Pajeet calm down... but you better get those quotas filled or else you are going to have to marry off your daughter to your boss.