what password manager do you guys use?
recently sumbled upon this, "KeeWeb"
its a keepass fork that doesn't look striaght out of 1990 but its based of webtechnologies, does that make it less safe in any way?
what password manager do you guys use?
recently sumbled upon this, "KeeWeb"
its a keepass fork that doesn't look striaght out of 1990 but its based of webtechnologies, does that make it less safe in any way?
Other urls found in this thread:
my brain
Keepass is literally the only good one.
Nice. Now I just need to bruteforce your CVV
thats dumb dude
Why use anything else?
so can anyone answer my question concerning safety?
quads don't lie
KeePass 2 on Windows and KeePass X on GNU/Linux
wish there was something like autotype which keepass has. only thing i'm really missing.
seems rather annoying to use if you're not fiddling in your terminal 24/7 and a use a computer like a normal human bean
>normal human bean
Keepass + Keefox + Keepass2Android is the only sane way without having to adapt your workflow or selling your credentials to big brother
I am using the chrome extension and it fills the forms for me, not sure what you're doing wrong...
It also integrates with xclip to automatically copy your password in the clipboard...
Don't use chrome retard
100% against using a browser extension, too big a target to close down.
and yeah do the clipboard thing, but autotype pretty cool, might work on this when I get the time, been looking for a project.
Password managers are for idiots and for idiots only. The only reasonable way is to store them in an encrypted file on your computer, and decrypt it and shred it everytime.
>Password managers are for idiots and for idiots only.
> The only reasonable way is to store them in an encrypted file on your computer, and decrypt it and shred it everytime.
isn't this the opposite?
you're just too dumb to remember passwords?
Encrypted text file
I just use the same for everything tbqh
Who else /always uses the same password for everything/ here? Literally no regrets
does it have autotype? KeePassX or KeePassXC seem to be a lot better.
If you are mostly on linux I think you would be a lot better with pass.
>does it have autotype?
i used keepass on my windows machine before but then found this to use on my [spoiler]mbp[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i know they don't work[/spoiler]
I'm afraid I got your CC, John
>having a single point of failure
I used to do that but some sites have weird requirements like needing odd characters and certain changes made every now and then, like my uni's student email which has to be changed every once a year in the fall and cannot have more than 6 of the same characters in a row from the previous password.
If they can tell your passwords are similar doesn't that mean they are storing it in plain text? Lol
>not having multiple databases
minus keefox
what do you need keefox for?
iCloud keychaim
I used 7zip to encrypt an excel spreadsheet with a 20 character pass.
unironically used chrome to save my passwords including my paypal
keepass is good
but I prefer to just remember my passwords one by one. And if some websites require a signup I either use a second unimportant email adress or just reset the passwords if I forget it every time
I did that but then dropbox got hacked (and didn't tell till 4 years later) and I suddenly got an email that my skype account had been logged in from bangladesh, india, china, brazil etc.
never again
i used to do this but i kept forgetting them within minutes after resetting
t. op
the thing is you'll either use a service often enough to rememer it, or it isn't so important enough that it really matters. I find using phrases that describe the account help. For example linkedin usrname: user, pssword: thisaccountislikefacebookforjobs or something.
>tfw noone has answered my question if web technologies make the application less safe as opposed to whatever keepass itself is built in
KeePassX because I want the best and I actually did my research unlike many faggots ITT
KeepassX + Diceware + Google Drive
>trusting "the cloud"
>expecting hackers and letter agencies to respect this juicy target
I've decided to not use any third party sources and make my own. Why should I trust any 3rd party software to some of my most valuable information?
Batch was my first programming language, learned it from that site
A text file belonging to root that to grep into.
I use Lastpass. Yeah Keepass is safer but not more convenient. Lastpass has also done a good job of fixing exploits.
I also don't keep valuable passwords on it like e-mail or banking. If someone get in and snags my Dominos password, more power to them.