Hey Sup Forums, any idea how to play legal blu rays on a pc?

hey Sup Forums, any idea how to play legal blu rays on a pc?

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Buy a bluray player, install VLC.

Please buy a certified intel(R) system and drink a verification can to activate the 4K stream.

I rip my Blu-ray collection, encode them to make them smaller without sacrificing quality, and just use VLC. By default blurays are encrypted, so there are no known players I know of to play them straight from disc.

>there are no known players I know of to play them straight from disc
PowerDVD can, if you're in for a hunk of shit.

install windows 10 and buy the program to watch


Ripping them is the only real way to enjoy them now. I recommend you transcode them with 16 CRF 10-bit HEVC and 192 vbr Opus. Then burn as many movies you can cram on a 100GB M-disc for archiving and sell the original blu-ray.

aacs. Always had luck with it.

Is there any free rippers for Blu rays? I find plenty that are "free to try", but beyond that they all cost about $50.


You buy a certified Blu-ray player, goy

Buy a set top BD player and a line in pci slot card.

Thanks user

buy bluray disc drive and ur good to go

>get a copy of Planet Earth 2 in 4k bluray for my birthday
>can't play it in my bluray player
>figure I'll just rip it and make a bunch of fuck huge MKVs
>bluray reader can't read it
>find out these are new quad layer bluray disks
>need to get new, over priced players to even be able to read them
Seriously, I just want to watch this thing in 4k

By the way, if it asks for a key of any kind, check this

>without sacrificing quality
that's not how it works

MakeMKV has been in beta for years

Unless you're watching the master of a movie, you've already sacrificed quality.

Without sacrificing PERCEIVABLE quality

You don't say

This is why I pirate movies desu. I just want to watch the movie and not have to pay for another drive and/or CPU because you don't trust me to not steal it.

Why can't it be played?
I thought 4K BDs can't be ripped yet.

Frankly though, I'd buy the BD then download the pirated version simply because it's planet fucking earth

Because you need the 4k version

Pirating Planet Earth 2 is easy, but pirating it in 4k and not having it compressed to shit is something else entirely

no clue, have never used a bluray disc before, on a pc or otherwise
i just download remuxes

get a blu-ray drive, install the player it comes bundled with the drive

>make them smaller
>without sacrificing quality
something does not compute
>just use vlc
you must enjoy the stutter and the cache rebuild.

>ripping them is the only real way to enjoy them now.
explain why
>muh trailers
turn on TV and player (my harmony does it all for me)
>put disc on player
>loading animation comes in
>studio opening clip
>the disc menu appears
>choose language, subtiitles, PLAY
>the movie / series just starts

Can only ever get them to work with Leawo Blu-ray Player, have to rip them with MakeMKV otherwise.

>Why can't it be played?

You need a 4K bluray player. The laser pitch is different because the tracks are thinner due to needing 128GB per disk. They can't physically be read in normal bluray players.