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>the jew is white with blue eyes
what did google mean by this?
these pushes for diversity always come off as being so fucking forced.
you're lucky to have one black guy in the same room at google who isn't a janitor.
>diversity is bad
I want white males off my board.
>my board
What did they mean by this?
lmao, yo this better be bait
>there are people on this board who don't believe in our Creator Allah
>mfw can't blow people up through the internet
>cripples get no letters
More proof Google hates 'em.
>crying white males in full damage control mode
Wew "lads"
Top kek
Why are cripples trannies and gays grouped with religions
Who is that old person on the right?
So many questions
No, thank you.
>So many questions
in the grand scheme of things its not worth thinking about *at all*. truly a waste of neurons. at best the stupidity of it all is worth a kek or two.
They also go really niche. I've never heard of the e= religion/group.
And before you say they're referencing e=mc^2 as a general sign of science that's just silly. They'd have used the stereotypical science beaker if that was their intent obviously.
So they've potentially got the idea that energy-matter conversion is some kind of new radical theory that's more of a belief than established fact (like string theory used to be) or they've got something completely different going on there.
>Who is that old person on the right?
The image depicts a group of autistic children (most of whom have other mental conditions as well) on a field trip. The old person on the right is their guardian.
Where are the Asians and Latinos?
Real questions
The cripple is the only one in the picture without a mental disorder
He's actually the odd one out for different reasons
Link to stuff about this e= religion?
This is what happens when kids who weren't bullied in school enter the workplace
Hila Klein
fuck you, i got refused from a possible job because the company is into "muh diversity" and they didn't accept me. probably because i was white. The faggots had me state my ethnicity into the job application form. damn you and damn your diversity to the deepest darkest pits of hell.
Is this Google's first step towards them being a religion?
Funny how Google didn't make one for Easter. They must really hate the west.
Say you are a weeaboo lolicon. Just works for me.
Well, the smartphones threads will become a holy war.
What I learned is,if you're white or asian never ever put you ethnicity on anything
It's just me making an hypothetical about the views of artists at Google.
Though I understand your interests. Matter conversion fiction tends to be good.
I got shocked when I saw that question about ethnicity. I am technically not a "Pure Aryan White Male" but I am not brown to be considered otherwise, I had to choose "two or more ethnicity" option. Why the fuck do they even do this? What does data analysis and marketing research have anything to do with ethnicity at all? In a way I am happy I got rejected to be honest. I wouldn't want to be surrounded by stupid idiots who made it there because they have more melanin than me.
>No Scientology
Google confirmed for bigots
The quota system is purely racist. It is funny that the cucks think that they are not racist and they are giving everyone an """"equal""" chance by using such a system. Alright enough ranting. Life goes on.
>The quota system is purely racist.
What's wrong with being racist?
Have you ever seen Azkhenazi Jews?
Ethnicity is about race, so you are free to answer anything
Even pretty Jew girls look evil.
>What is wrong with picking up a less qualified candidate just because they have more melanin in their skin?
I lost 50 shekels by just looking at the picture
Id wife that.
wtf is gcoote=
Exactly. It is a religious tax no different than paying tithe to your Church, a very common thing throughout history.
asians are white male status in Silicon Valley
Emily Rudd.
Her mother is a Jew (and looks very Jewish) but I don't her dad is Jewish.
It's harder to get a tech job as an asian (non-Indian) dude than a white dude imo
Typo: *don't think*
>not putting kekistani in the ethnicity area
Look at this dude.
Sorry had to do it.
yes they are khazar (european).
However muh white genocide does never apply to them for some reason...
Mother of Kek...
A meme is born.
If that actually happened, you can sue the company.
Waaaaaa its a real life wifu wtfffffff
kill yourself
After you sweetie
she's about as jewish as i am related to hitler.
probably even the black janitors don't last long due to stealing ipads.
Jewish mom + jewish boyfriend = she is a kike mate.
1) This is Emily Rudd
2) I am aware of her existence.
3) She's an actor
4) She uses Twitter
5) She's not jewish
That's a cis white anglosaxon male.
>no buddhist
Fuck yeah you fake jewgle "diversity".
Diversity is something that looks good in paper but it doesn't really work well in real life. The only way for diversity to work is for the foreign group to integrate with its host's culture and be one with them. We humans are just naturally tribal and it's normal for us to stick with our own kind.
Fuck you cunt, we already had a thread about this stupid picture.
Syria is homogenous and Assad is still gassing his own people. Mao killed millions of his own people. Nothing on that scale has happened in diverse western countries.
Well, that's just because sand niggers are going to be sand niggers.
Those are examples of crazy leaders, user. It has nothing to do with diversity or homogeneity.
That's not how Christians actually see non believers.
Looks like an average dutch girl.
I think it's just the equality symbol they use for legbutt signaling. Throw in the 'e' because the target audience of two-second glancers wouldn't realize it spells out "google" without it. And it also suggests nerdocity to catch that e=mcsquared to get people to argue and congratulate themselves on finding it, increasing rate of discussion.
The old guy is daddy looking 2 play some black jack.
Ah, our first heretic. The solar cross represents many things, heretic. Will you speak for all christians, heretic? You do not.
I've read the Bible cover to cover. Nowhere does it say to be a condescending asshole to non believers. Actually, it extols the virtues of humility and humbleness and patience etc etc.
>mfw its this easy to b8 Sup Forums
damn why do I gotta put effort into shit
> straight white bois are physically challenged
Looks like truth desu
Why they put all these right-wing buzzwords on a typical libcuck. What did they mean by that?
What features of this man causes you to believe he looks like a typical libcuck?
That's cultural diversity, there is a big difference between cultural and racial.
You can be black skin dude but with a culture and personality as white snow flake. Then a black dude as nigger as it gets.
> Assad is still gassing his own people.
Tales we all pretend to believe.
Ah, a fellow /woke/ individual
>diversity is bad
Well, yeah it kinda is. Taken to the extreme, true diversity would mean having someone who speaks Chinese, someone who speaks English, someone who speaks Swahili, and someone who speaks Russian all on a team. It would be diverse as hell. And it would fail instantly because none of them could fucking communicate.
>assumption every person with more melanin is less qualified
>assumption that the white person was qualified in their own right
>Nothing on that scale has happened in diverse western countries.
>literally what is all of history
>That's not how Christians actually see non believers.
Some do, some do to a lesser extent, and some don't.
Anyone who would want to gas this beauty is a fucking faggot.
muh dick
at least they're not blowing shit up and driving trucks into crowded areas
What do you mean? All the western dictators and monarchs who killed their own people were using racism and anti semitism to justify their actions. Ie: Hitler.
You have your causation backwards, you mouthbreather. You're worse than that Obama leaf claiming that liberal policies make for prosperous states.
All of history has been nations butchering each other and themselves. Some nations rose above it and adopted democracy and liberty. As a result, they advanced and became more liberal, and diversity ensued. These nations were already prosperous and secure and free, and the comfort caused people to become more liberal.
As a result of the push for diversity, rape and violence have skyrocketed and these nations are on course to lose their freedom, security, and comfort. Look at Europe.
>what is the Soviet Union
>rape and violence have skyrocketed
The cases for these are reported more often these days. Not because they have "skyrocketed" thanks to comfort. There's a correlation between development of a nation and how often crimes get reported. More prosperous manage better so people trust them more and thus crimes get reported more often.
At least Hitler didn't use toxic gas on people like Assad.
welcome to future earth
>Why are cripples trannies and gays grouped with religions
wall of delusion
Soviet Union by any stretch was not a western country.
e equals what, you filthy nigger?
just watch me
>stealing ipads at google
that shit is gangster yo
What I find most stupid is the drawings.
Google strikes me as a real bunch of cocksuckers. Everytime they want to promote a product they use either stupid drawings or what is considered "good design" by some people but it's just worthless generic trash. Pic related, when I see shit like this it genuinely kills the image I have in my mind of these bullshitters.