Is he right?

Is he right?

current best thread on Sup Forums, nice job

Stallman Legend

Free Software-powered BDSM.

We truly live in great times.

He could let her give up on her root permission. That way he could have total control over her computing experience.

This does count as BDSM right?

What a good answer, wow. It's like a real life bdsm safeword. Good job, rms.


I met stallman once
He complimented the girl I was with and said her hair looked nice

Stallman is a lecherous old man

i wonder if stallman is still a virgin

>when you drank too much of dat commie aid

He definitely gave someone the big GNU cock

That's the most degenerate thing I've heard this week, but hilariously makes a lot of sense.

>girl I was with
Reeeeee fucking normies

Not a gf, just a female friend mate
3d is PD

Even people who want to give their freedoms don't deserve nonfree software, st iGNUcius has declared.

>tfw you use vim and can't become a saint of the church of emacs


For the amount you tards talk about Stallman its a shame you haven't read his biography. In it he has a girlfriend at one point.

>But there is one special case where using some nonfree software, and even urging others to use it, can be a positive thing. That's when the use of the nonfree software aims directly at putting an end to the use of that very same nonfree software.
There are no other exceptions.

That doesn't necessarily mean he's not a virgin.

He really will respond to anything, won't he?

Has he ever been wrong?

Stallman is always right.

like Sup Forums.


Okay, but they were talking about GPL vs. permissively licensed software. Still free software either way.

Yep, her name was Alix and he was going to name a kernel after her, since -ix was a common suffix for operating systems/kernels. But then it ended up being named GNU HURD instead, which rolls off the tongue much more nicely.

Sounds like a violation of the NAP

use evil mode

>GPLv3 prevents keeping information which is required to be known to install different versions of the software from the user to which you're conveying the software
What now?

I hope you're being ironic, because they're basically two opposite ends of crazy-land.

He's right about the dolphin fucking but wrong about politics.

You clearly haven't spent much time on Sup Forums.

Use Spacemacs

How is that first quote wrong?

"to any NSA and FBI agents reading my email" fuck off and use PGP

>Sup Forums - BDSM

> Crazy-land

Yes. They're still right.

Nice Satan trips
If Stallman used PGP, that message wouldn't reach CIA niggers though and would be useless. Think about it.

As if that will be taken seriously.

Does he smell bad?

There are so many germans on Sup Forums

No, he didn't have any offensive smells about him

He did lotion up his hands during the lecture, and he got mad when someone turned his tea off

/r9k/ please leave

Jesus. Stallman is godly.

>and he got mad when someone turned his tea off
>someone turned his tea off


The safe word is being able to uninstall the program, not have full control over it.

Checkmate. I just royally analy devastated Stallman bitch.

He brought his own little electric kettle
Someone turned it off as it was boiling for a while and he got mad


>uninstalling isn't replacing it with nothing

Stallman literally cucked this one guy I think back in the 90s

>they were talking about GPL vs. permissively licensed software. Still free software either way.
They were talking about using the software to make it nonfree (with her consent) but GPL doesn't allow this.

>not realizing the same logic invalidates Stallman's analogy as well
I still win a crushing victory.

yfw the vibrator you put in your pusi runs nonfree firmware

Someone brought him tea at a talk I went to that was in French.

He said, "J'aime seulement les thés qui dégradent avec le temps, parce que les autres sont des thés stables."

You retards are arguing over a joke response to a joke fictional Sup Forumstard BDSM fantasy.

>there are no freetards into BDSM


Is the joke that stable is a horses dwelling

"des thés stables" is pronounced the same way as "détestables" which means despicable in english

No, détéstables.

I only like teas that decay over time because the rest are stable teas.

... because the rest are detestable.

Yeah, despicable probably makes more sense than detestable in English.

I mostly just posted this joke because I was proud of myself for understanding a pun in French.

Mir could be Russian, too, dipshit.


He fucked your girl later that night and put GNU/Hurd on her laptop.

Everything is political, nazi.

Nothing should be nor is political in the sense you mean. That's pure ideology.

quality thread guys