Mac Programs

I'm getting a Mac and need a replacement for foobar 2000 on windows. I'm new to the OSX system and don't want to be memed by iTunes, yet all the infromation links to dead sites or sites that have 'rebranded' into botnet 'free trial' ware.

Any recs, lads?
General Mac Program rec thread I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's decent Mac software for everything EXCEPT music players, unless you're fine with iTunes. Swinsian is kinda okay.

i think it's time for you to write your own music player

Vox. It's noteworthy for its wide support of different Hi-Res audio formats.

There is also an iOS version.

They also have a cloud music storage service that supports streaming Hi-Res formats wherever you go.


>Cloud Music Streaming
schill pls go

Clementine for Mac. For the win.

ImageOptim is pretty dank. Latest beta builds have Guetzli support, too.

I use cmus for music and VLC for videos and audio streams.

Just use iTunes but turn off the copy files on import thing. Better music organization features, and it's not as shit on OSX, but no FLAC support, so you'll have to convert to alac.

Alternatively, use Vox, but ignore everything but the drag and drop. Too many features for its own good.

>foobar replacement


>for the win
Wew that's an old maymay

mpd + ncmpcpp


there's no flac support on itunes? what the fucking fuck

cog is the closest thing to foobar that is a native OS X application (pic related):
- (slightly updated fork)
- (original)

it's utilitarian, the dev version looks good and should work on the latest OS X, and it plays all fucking formats.

runners up would be:
- vox (as mentioned here: )
- deadbeef (there are a couple of forks for os x, but they're still kinda buggy:

Run Foobar in Wine

there is no replacement for this

>no media keys support

To the recycle bin it goes.


Better get used to iTunes, the alternatives are much worse. It's a decent piece of software on Mac after you get used to it.

FLAC is a format for storage or when you work with audio, not supporting it for playback is silly but also not really relevant.

Wrong board.

deadbeef WILL be the answer, but it's not yet stable.

I have my windows computer going into the same mixer my mac audio goes to, so i just manage and listen to music from there. i have a decent workflow of converting flac files and generating a new playlist for my iPhone sync and for transferring to my work computer. I use a python script i found on github for this exact purpose.

Here you go :)

Vox used to be cool but then it got fat without good reason. The latest version doesn't do much more than the first betas but it's shitloads heavier.


Fuck off, Maki's a slut.

Are you new or retarded? Vox is recommended mac software on the installgentoo wiki. It's Sup Forums approved.

I use Decibel because I have a lot of FLACs

Why would you listen to FLAC anyway? Just use Audacity and mass convert your flacs to 320kbs mp3 for listening. Don't be a stupid nigger and blame your incompetence on something else.

Why would you convert FLACs and then listen to them when you can just listen to FLACs? Why would you keep two copies of every song?

You are a fucking idiot.

I have an LCD3 and Auralic headphone setup and FLAC is a must. 24/96 all the way.

Go fucking kill yourself you poor fag.

Because FLAC isn't for listening, it's a storage format like said

The fact that you actually believe what you're saying is fucking embarrassing.

Kill yourself you stupid nigger.

Still doesn't make sense to keep two copies of every song.

It's called a master copy.

Jesus, is Sup Forums literally this /prod/ illiterate? Just google it.

I know. Again, why have a second copy of every song? You already have it in FLAC, just fucking listen to it as a FLAC file. You're suggesting pointless redundancy.

You're a fucking idiot if you think audio quality doesn't matter.

Some people golf, some people are audiophiles.

Because it's not designed for listening. Expecting software to support a format that isn't even intended to be used in that way is retarded and not a design flaw.

Seriously, just stop. You don't know what you're talking about and I'm not interesting it explaining why to a fucking idiot like yourself.

That's true. There is no good mac music player but vox and iTunes. and vox is even less foobar-like so you're bascially forced to use iTunes. It's not as bad as you thought t.b.h. The situation is so bad i made my own music player-thing with acme and ffmpeg and shell. here's the play code
#!/usr/bin/env mksh
ffplay -loglevel panic -nodisp "$1"

Also out of mac-only programs i recommend Transmit, Pixelmator and openEmu
alright what the fuck its bad on linux too
this is one of these which look good, but ultimately fail compared to iTunes
>not mp3fs
16bit/44khz/320kbit/s mp3 is more than human ear can hear

You know what else is retarded? Having two fucking copies of every damned song.

Take as long as you need to fucking figure out why people convert FLAC into MP3 instead of listening to FLACs and expecting media software to support it.

And if you can't, then maybe you need to find a rope and hang yourself with it.

>You don't know what you're talking about

Ok I have a $8000 headphone setup and I don't know what I'm talking about.

Go kys

Or they could just use software that does support FLAC or convert their FLACs to a lossless format that software does support, ALAC for iTunes, for example.

>8000 dollar audio setup
>doesn't even understand how encoding works

holy shit are you fucking serious?

top kek

You can do whatever you want - convert them, don't convert them, use whatever media programs you want - but when you start bitching about mainstream software not supporting a file format that isn't designed for playback, then you've gone full retard.

Dude are you a fucking idiot? I can easily hear the difference between 320kbps MP3s and 24/96 or even AIFF/WAV 44/16 and 320kbps 44/16 MP3s

I hate uninformed fucking moron shitposters such as yourself.

>when you start bitching about mainstream software not supporting a file format that isn't designed for playback, then you've gone full retard.
Good thing I haven't done that.

Sorry, thought you were Jesus christ, take a break kid. You can sperg the fuck out all you want but that doesn't change objective facts about human hearing and audio fidelity. Like said, 16bit/44khz/320kbit/s mp3 is more than human ear can hear

That is me, where in that post did I say I expect anything to play FLAC?

You are a fucking idiot please do us a favor and kys for using the "m'human hearing perception" meme.

That's like telling a professional sound engineer that he can't hear the difference between MP3s and WAVs.

Fuck I hope you die.

itunes actually works on mac
use it

then this is also you bitching about a non-standard feature not being present when it doesn't need to be, which is like bitching about a Honda Civic because it isn't also a spaceship.

Dude, just fuck off already. Anyone reading this thread can google for themselves what the limits of human hearing are and why FLAC has fuck all to do with anything. It's seriously amazing to me that you're still posting instead of doing that yourself already.

he can't! algorithms can but that's different

Wow man are you still shitposting?

Wow just die already you degenerate with inferior ears.

>then this is also you
No, it's actually not. I already knew Apple's software doesn't support FLAC. That's why I use ALAC, which I mentioned in

>implying you haven't been shitposting from square one

Okay well at this point it's actually becoming hard for me to tell if you've just been trolling me all along. If that's the case, then good job you fucking got me.

I'm not shitposting.

You're a fucking degenerate if you say there is no difference between 320Kbps MP3 and an uncompressed or flac file from the same source material.

Maybe for Jamal it doesn't matter, but there is a difference and those of us who can tell, can tell.

Literally kys

I'm just going to leave this here and walk away.

Have a good night, Sup Forumsentoomen

Just stop. It's over. You have nothing but shit to talk with no science to back it up. I get that you believe what you believe. But what you believe, in this case, happens to be objectively wrong.

Kindly fuck off and next time, take five minutes to doubt yourself enough to do a little research.

IIRC if we deletes a music file using Finder, it won't automatically get removed in iTunes, right? Is it still a problem in latest version?

There's no need for science you fucking degenerate when in fact that these formats exist for a god damn reason.

Go sit down with a film sound engineer and then we can have a conversation.

This isn't about "objective" truth it's about perceivable truth.

Kys you robot.

Fuck man just go to sleep you're making a joke of yourself.

No, I'm making a joke of you. You're obviously autistic, I mean actually autistic, not memeing here. I know that gets thrown around a lot, "lul fucking autist", but in this case you literally are. And you can deny it, that's fine. Save face if you want. But you know you are, and I know you are, and at this point I'm just having fun triggering you.

Go to sleep pajeet


Wrong board.