Is React the future of web and mobile development, or is just a cuckerburg jew fad?
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I consider myself lucky not knowing anything about "React" apart from the name.
lol, fag.
out of all the js frameshits react is the one that makes sense.
also you can do mobile apps with it
>out of all the js frameshits react is the one that makes sense.
That's not how you spell vue
React is the first framework to do things right, but it won't be the last.
ah! jew and any variation of the word 'cuck' need to be added to the filter. thanks!
Its a meme and in a few years will be unheard of. Just like:
Don't waste your time learning a web framework, like react or angular. The sooner this fad dies out, the sooner we'll get to actually improving the web by moving away from js.
no, that's angular 1.x you dumb fuck.
Angular 2 can fuck right off though.
> We should release more slow-and-bloated-as-fuck frameworks, sooner or later one of the cancers will spread enough.
So, is Meteor.js dead? That shit was cash when i was in college.
Holy FUCK, I'm excited about the React rewrite "Fiber":
React for web is the present, not the future. React native on the other hand is cancer just as any other mobile development "hurr duurr common code base" framework: ionic, xamarin, cordova, intel xdk, etc.
Frameworks like this are sub-nigger tier when it comes to new OS releases, platform-specific functionality and bugs.
> React native on the other hand is cancer
> hurr durr lets use java and swift
Oh fuck you poo in the loo pajeet
as an indian, fuck you.
>Is React the future of corporate cuckoldry fads?
meteor is bloated as fuck
>not free software
Into the trash it goes
I just want to say on behalf of Sup Forums that I am terribly sorry for this user's rude behavior.
Indians are important to us. You are not "poo in loos" or "pajeets" you are productive members of the tech industry and you mean so much to us.
Put on a smile and keep working hard!
Legit funniest thing I've read all week
it won't last another year
especially considering reacts license
Stuff like inferno or svelte are technically better anyway.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting