How much money and time would it take to develop an AI like AVA ?
How much money and time would it take to develop an AI like AVA ?
About tree fitty
It's impossible with current tech, so who the fuck knows.
around 9999999999 man hours
LITERALLY nothing is impossible you stupid faggot
Shit man, you're asking a lot for us mouth breathers. We have barely been able to launch spacecraft without them spontaneously blowing up.
Maybe like trillions of dollars over decades of work maybe.
Apparently reading complete sentences is impossible for you.
I want it done in 3 weeks for $700 and plus I need 12 month constant support and updates. The pakistani guy from upwork wanted $500 but I rather have it done locally, USA USA USA
>muh arse
We don't even have anywhere close to the computing power to simulate the human brain.
So maybe in a thousand years?
Sent :)
>even have anywhere close to the computing power to simulate the human brain.
>what are neural networks that are guided by genetic algorithms
Nigger u stupit ?
He's right though, just the raw performance required to simulate a human brain neural network is in exaFLOPS of FP64 performance. More for a complete simulation of all the cells in a human head. Shit's fucking hard yo.
>"Using the NEST software framework, the team led by Markus Diesmann and Abigail Morrison succeeded in creating an artificial neural network of 1.73 billion nerve cells connected by 10.4 trillion synapses. While impressive, this is only a fraction of the neurons every human brain contains. Scientists believe we all carry 80-100 billion nerve cells, or about as many stars as there are in the Milky Way."
>"Knowing this, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the researchers were not able to simulate the brain’s activity in real time. It took 40 minutes with the combined muscle of 82,944 processors in K computer to get just 1 second of biological brain processing time. While running, thesimulationate up about 1PB of system memory as each synapse was modeled individually."
Optical processors or that quantum voodo shit might get us there faster, hopefully.
>what is infinity
not enough knowledge about how the brain works
u dumb fugz, you've seen the film, u see vfx, run the VR with the 3d modelz from the vfx team, n ur done.
ava waz a dumb thot bot. top zognet. smdh ((she)) waz a special snowflake shillbot. top sperg imo.
ur waifu a shit m8z.
In the next 15 years it will happen. 2030 the power of conventional PCs will be over the human brain. AI is already wildly used today and many brain building projects are already running.
Pure science fiction.
>Pure science fiction.
This smells like waifs thread in disguise.
Lol. Science fiction.
Your first idiotic link to simulate 1 second of human brain activity took over 80,000 supercomputing processors 40 minutes. And you want to condense all of that in to the size of a small female skull?
Your second ridiculous link is VERY heavy on buzz words and concepts and even recommends biology books to read trying to lend credence to a ridiculous principle. It explains nothing yet insists that you can create it in your garage.
Listen up mongoloid, you can literally buy the chips at
Sell your shit elsewhere faggot.
Science fiction.
how much cock is up in your arse ?
Less than how much cock is on your brain.
Two weeks
It would take more than one company working together with many scientific bodies which will never happen unless there is some threat to mankinds existence and even then I doubt it.
Infinity isn't a number
it's been happening in the next fifteen years for almost fifty years now.
and it always will be.
>And you want to condense all of that in to the size of a small female skull?
no, i want to condense all of that into a warehouse-sized installation and have it remotely operate a small female skull. and all the other bits.
funny there are people who know how to do it. and there are places you can buy the parts. but nobody's done it.
what's stopping them?
Beaming communication links from satellites in an orbital station would be the only feasable method of operation.
protip: from a starting point of a few mbs of DNA, neurons fire off randomly then either strengthen or weaken connections thereby honing in on "correct" actions, in this way they program themselves, accumulating information about their environment and discovering solutions to problems which would take a team of scientists months or years to program into a robot manually
15-20 years my guess.
She just fucking locked him in there.
>Not using Nokia Waifu Ready™ 5G technology
a bit over 13.772 billion years, and many trillions of dollars developing the technology over thousands of years to get here.