
Glorious Slovak king Svätopluk edition

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me me me

finland and sweden

summer anime!

>he will never be your dad

How do I deal with this?

nordicks out

>Most popular politicians Tusk and Swetru

Kek the media are really dumb if they think somebody will ever fall for their baits...


The last presidential polls I remeber was giving Komorowki reelected again on first round, yet we all know what really happened...

you have to halušky

Polaks have you ever heard Goral speak?

gorals are such a meme

why do you brink warsaw and talinn in the discusion you fucking retard?
nationalist+polak+dumb is literally worst combo on this board

czyzby robili podklad pod powrot ryżego ?

yes, i visit our mountains regularly

Looks like a starfish

How are they meme? They have their own language which you wouldnt understand, they also have their own traditions and culture

is the language very different from normal polish? assuming you talk about tatra gorals

>is the language very different from normal polish?
not really

Co včera měl na sobě tvůj bratranec?
How's the word order?

post cities from your contry

>Co měl včera na sobě tvůj bratranec?



>czyzby robili podklad pod powrot ryżego ?

I think so...

To zbyt podejrzane.


pick one



To dobrym nekromanta bedzie musial byc aby przywrocic PO do zycia

Any Czech care to confirm this? Thanks for the help by the way.
Question to the Slovaks and Czechs here. You both (I guess) say nic, but do you also say nikd/nikt meaning no one?




Well nothing wrong with it, but i'd rather say "Co na sobě měl včera tvůj bratranec?"
But thats just literally bullshit to make it sound better, both mean the same

its correct

jano got it right
also nikdo=no one

we say nič, czechs say nic
>but do you also say nikd/nikt meaning no one?
we say nikto, czechs say nikdo

nik is correct too jozef



Thanks guys and remember, Slavs are the most powerful race in the world

Svatopluk was a Jewish pedophile.


Thoughts on Vaporwave?

>Slovaks trying to change history again edition
Prof. Roman Holec, pracovník Historického ústavu SAV a učiteľ na Komenského univerzite, v jednom rozhovore, kde padla aj otázka na mýty spojované s novou sochou na Bratislavskom hrade, lakonicky odpovedal: „Sú to úplne zbytočné komplexy (menejcennosti). Máme ich z našich malých dejín. Aby sme boli starší, museli sme vymyslieť starých Slovákov, aby sme mali kráľa, urobili sme zo (susedného) kniežaťa (nášho) kráľa...“

nobody is cityposting ;(

yes, nikt isn't
fuck off Marek

source? i would like to read a bit more


V prípade Svätopluka je historicky správnejšie používať výraz knieža. Nie je to však až také podstatné – je totiž jasné, že na svojom území bol suverénnym vládcom.

Svätopluk však určite nebol Slovákom. Pravdepodobne patril k moravskému rodu Mojmírovcov a ako ich zástupca vládol najprv na Nitriansku. Ako panovník presadzoval silnú centralizáciu a unifikáciu, rozhodne nepodporoval nič, čo by mohlo pomáhať vzniku samostatného slovenského národa, píše historik Vladimír Turčan.


i could post some interwar photos. Warsaw here

to be fair, some academics, even historians project their leftism by trying to erase their nation's history
see Milena Bartlová

here you go


>proofs anything
it’s the slovak look on life
i have no idea why but a lot of slovak just dislike their country and their history and some even try to disprove it without evidence
it’s pretty depressing
moravians was a name to both modern czech moravians and slovaks
i know you copied and pasted something in a previous thread but that really doesn’t disprove it
just post something to prove your point



You claim Svatopluk was Slovak, burden of proof is on your side.
>inb4 Moravians were an old name for Slovaks therefore Svatopluk was Slovak

After the breakup of the Moravian realm the Moravian tribe was divided between the Duchy of Bohemia and Principality of Hungary. The western Moravians were assimilated by the Czechs and presently identify as Czechs (see Moravians (ethnic group)). The modern nation of the Slovaks was formed out of the eastern part of the Moravian tribe within the Kingdom of Hungary
source: aunt wiki


Polish dorms

why don't you make this a thing again?


>at work
>20 seconds later the radio mentions there's a storm coming from czechia which will reach northern NÖ in the next 30 minutes
>that doesn't sound right
>oh and also there's a storm forming in southern NÖ at the same time

so now I'm getting sandwiched by storms, hopefully there'll be a tornado

>to be fair, some academics, even historians project their leftism by trying to erase their nation's history
I think it's the other way around in Slovakia:"Už som raz upozornil, že na Slovensku máme dva historické ústavy – vedecký v Slovenskej akadémii vied a nacionalistický v Matici slovenskej. A Matičiari teraz znovu mohli vystúpiť pred širokou verejnosťou so svojimi výmyslami len preto, lebo im to umožnil „sociálny demokrat“ Fico."

there were no Slovaks at the time tho, modern slovaks ARE moravians

Post man hands

those mountains are a bit off

>lefties getting butthurt because of a sculpture

I wanted to make a new thread.

fuck off with your imaginary Svatopluk

>why dont you want to be bitches of another nation again?

after 1000+ years it gets bit tiring

>gets proofs
>fuggen lefties amirite :DDDD

>The modern nation of the Slovaks was formed out of the eastern part of the Moravian tribe within the Kingdom of Hungary.
we were all called moravians in the past
slovaks changed their name so moravians is just an old name for slovaks
i’m not saying all moravians are slovaks tho

i see svätopluk as slovak because his closest known family was rastislav which was proven because of his name that he was an eastern moravian - slovak

>Ján Stanislav doslova píše: „Forma Rastic nie je možná u nijakých iných Slovanov, len práve u Slovákov, a to u stredných Slovákov, resp. u Slovákov zo stredného Slovenska, lebo koncové -c je za praslovanské tj, a teda typicky západoslovanské, a rast- je z praslovanského orst, čo je systémový jav stredoslovenský a juhoslovanský. Meno s týmito dvoma javmi vedno môže byť len stredoslovenské… Ostáva zjavným faktom, že Rastic je typicky stredoslovenská forma a že teda on sám žil na území stredoslovenského nárečia resp. sám bol stredoslovenského pôvodu.“

plus his base was at nitra

But it proves nothing? Its just his opinion and it doesnt make sense anyways. King of Moravians would be king of Slovaks by default



I like this video. His speech, whole attitude and the music make it so comfy. Am i pleb?

We have serious academics that actually research history and nationalist charlatans that distort history

i wasn't saying they are wrong i was just amused by how upset they can get because of one statue


We all heard about Svatopluk, but what about his less known twin brother, Plukosvat?

A revisionist turanist Hungarian honvéd and a Gárda member was teaching a class on Ferenc Szalasi, known hungarist.

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Holy Turul and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Szent István!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, morbidly obese senior SNS member who had survived 19 years of independence and understood the necessity of state language law and fully supported all legislative decisions made by the Slovak National Assembly stood up and held up a valaška.

”What do you know about Slovakia, boha ti?”

The arrogant Magyar grinned under his thick bajusz and smugly replied “It has no history, even I am older than Slovakia. Can you name a Slovak king, you buta Tót?”

”Svätopluk I.”

The Hungarian was visibly shaken, and dropped his lángos and copy of Szabadság, szerelem. He stormed out of the room crying those turanist crocodile tears. The same tears revanchists cry for the “Hungarians in Slovakia” (who today live with such privilege that most can enjoy signs in Hungarian language) when they jealously try to claw justly earned independence from the autochthonous Slovak ethnicity. There is no doubt that at this point our gárdist, Csaba Feketepatkányi, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a fascist paprika guzzler. He wished so much that he could pledge his allegience to the Slovak nation, but he himself had denied its existence!

post hands

>egy forintért leszopom ;^)

LOL I don't get that slovakian attitude. Czechia was carrying that country hard. You were the ones holding it back. If anything Češka was your bitch and you are the ones who should be nostalgic about Czechoslovakia.


Because it was tacky, ahistoric and it reeked of lack of confidence

imagine if they put a nigger statue on Václavák (or some famous square in bratislava)
righties would go fucking nuts.
Anybody can get mad over one statue.

i love buildings and cities at night
it makes them 10x more comfier

The students applauded and all rejected double citizenship that day and accepted Ján Slota as their leader. A golden eagle named “Orol Tatranský” flew into the room and perched atop the double cross and shed a tear on the chalk. “Hej Slováci” was sung several times, and Ľudovít Štúr himself showed up and re-established Great Moravia across the Carpathian basin.

The turanist lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He nearly died of pálinka poisining and was sentenced to live in Rimavská Sobota for all eternity.

sure they have every right to be upset, doesn't mean i can't be a gleeful cunt about it though

>you should be nostalgic about being a bitch
nice attitude, too bad we dont share it

Anyways, the decision was made by politicians, people in slovakia or czechia didnt want to split, looking back it was correct decision

impressive knowledge of both countries

god bles janosik

I was about to make a pic but it started hailing like crazy

Not very, it sounds a bit funny and has some additional sheep and mountain related vocab, but it's rather easy to understand.
And yes, they are a meme. Their "culture" and "traditions" appeared relatively recently. It's more of a large family business than an actual ethnic group. Acting funny attracts more tourists.
>Podhalanie posługują się gwarą podhalańską. Została ona spopularyzowana na przełomie XIX i XX wieku przez Kazimierza Przerwę-Tetmajera, który wydał cykl opowiadań pt. "Na skalnym Podhalu". Posiada ona wiele cech wspólnych z innymi gwarami południowej Małopolski, np. z gwarą żywiecką czy sądecką.
Their dialect wasn't really a thing before 19th century.

No, nationalists deny our history. We were a part of the Kingdom of Hungary, and we participated in its history

It wasn't" a thousand years of slavery" like nationalists spin it. There were many historical figures that were connected with Slovakia or were Slovaks, but they weren't Slovak enough for some people.

You don't have to invent history, we already have one, but it's inconvenient to Matica nutcases

>Letopisy alamanské užívají podobu Rasticius, v Letopisech xantenských najdeme tvary Rasticium, Rasticius, Letopisy bertiniánské tvary Resticio, Restitio, Restitius, Resticium, Restitium, Restitii, Letopisy fuldské jméno zapisují v podobě Rastizen, Rastizes, Rastizi, Rastizo, Rastiz, Letopisy hildesheimské užívají variantu Ratzidum, v podobě Razidum uvádějí Rostislavovo jméno Letopisy altašské větší, mladší prameny obvykle opakují pravopisné podoby starších pramenů, z nichž opisují. Život s přenesením svatého Klementa, psaný latinsky ale vzniklý překladem nějakého slovansky psaného spisu, jeho jméno zapisuje jako Rastislaus. Tyto doklady se zdají být jednoznačné. Ještě ale projdu slovansky psané prameny, než se pustím do komentáře:
Život Konstantinův má podoby Rostislavъ, Rostislavu, Rostislava, v Životě Metodějově čteme podoby Rostislavъ a Rostislavu. Východoslovanská Pověst dávných let je mladší památka opřená o starší prameny, v ní je moravský vládce uveden v podobě Rostislavъ.

We look like some Central Asian shithole trying to prove something. It's pathetic.

A statue of a horse with big balls isn't going to impress anyone.


What are some other famous Slovak heroes besides Svatopluk, Štúr or Jánošík?

It's actually morning in the winter

Slovakians like Petofi or Košút can go fuck themselves they dont deserve any mentions

>We look like some Central Asian shithole
who is this We? and to whom do we look like a CA shithole?
Dubcheck, Štefánik

i have a whole folder

And that interferes how?

Štefánik should be our hero not thief Jánošík

it's Slovaks dum dum