Nvidia BTFO, How will Nvidiots ever defend this?

Nvidia BTFO, How will Nvidiots ever defend this?

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>How will Nvidiots ever defend this?
Something something power consumption.

>power consumption
Performance > power consumption

>my good old r9 390 with the highest minimum frames

Feels pretty good man, still happy with that purchase, might go for an r7 in the coming months.

Holy shit, the gimping is real.

Buying Nvidia is a shitty cycle of constant upgrades.

>constant sidegrades

Hawaii is the 2500k of GPUs.

When will they fix their stupid Directx 12 drivers?

1. Frostbite is an AMD-sponsred engine.
2. The Nvidia cards with single digit FPS have 2GB of VRAM
3. Power consumption

>tfw r9 290 and dont feel like jumping on the vega/volta bandwagon this year, but will be replacing most everything else
hawaii is comfy

>more expensive than 1060
>only 3.7 higher average fps
>5 fps lower minimum
enjoy your fluctuating mess, fuccboi!

There is no magic driver fix.


Because their hardware can't run DX12.

1. Frostbite was developed by DICE who helped develop Mantle, which then became the foundation for DX12 and Vulkan.

2. It's almost like Nvidia doesn't give a shit about future performance so they can sell you a new card in a year.

3. Thank God for that power consumption, it really helps when my hardware is taxed the fuck out pushing 20fps. While the competition uses slightly more power and slays Nvidia.

The best part is it will still be a great card at 1080p until Navi comes out.

lol, $20 more for 4 more fps and 5 less minimum fps

>more expensive than 1060
u wot m8

depending on region the 1070 isn't much more expensive than the 480.
I guess it has to do with nvidia's distribution.

That's insane. 1070 is over 100$ more in America.

yeah there's definitely some variability.
here a full size 1070 can be snagged for only $50 USD more than a decent 8GB 480.

DICE has been sponsored by AMD for the last ~7 years. No surprise that the competition performs worse.

Yet a 770 gets nearly 40fps on 1440p/Ultra. Crazy how that works.

>sea islands party
>nvidia drowning in kiddie pool
used 390x still doing a solid 1440 vsync in most titles.

>all of a sudden AMD fags move the goalposts and hate power consumption
Make up your minds

>hawaii still shitting on NVIDIA
Man GCN is fucking nice.

>Nvidias year old midrange just got BTFO by AMDs newest, best offering


you are a dense motherfucker
implying shillvidia investors will come in and spot muh power bill.
stating that performance is more important than power consumption.

Unless you are mining or boincing your card will be at idle or near it a majority of the time pulling the same power as a lightbulb. It's just something to argue about.

>Have to exclude all Nvidia's real offerings and only include their cheapest poorfag shit meant for Indians to make AMD look good

I guess AMD is fine if you only use your computer to play crap like Dota and LoL.

I'm not even sure I need Vega, my 390 Nitro works on 1440 too well.

You mean toms hardware is shilling for amd? The same website that recommend the P4 Prescott over the athonl 64?


Fuck off, Maki's a slut.

whats the point of forcing dx12 on nvidia cards when they perform magnitudes better in dx11 mode?

looks like a misleading benchmark.

Because DX11 offers a subpar experience to DX12. And performs worse.


DX12 just looks so much better. The smoke, the lighting, weapon flash.

Nvidia cards dont perform worse in DX12, they actually perform better, it's just AMD card perform betterer.

>more expensive

Not where I live.