How do we fix windows 10?

how do we fix windows 10?

Are you triggered, trumpkin?

Maybe it will just go away.

By deleting it and building a custom user land around the Linux kernel ala macOS and Darwin.

i believe you can still run FDISK.EXE
delete the partition
fdisk has to own
it'll own until windows is obliterated

install xubuntu homie

you always ogle the login screen all day?

You can't, all you can do is make the conscious decision to not use it since nobody is actually forcing it down your throat like your Dad does with his... well, you figure it out.

his what?

Fuck men and fuck white people.

By abandoning it

a lemon and a shotgun

get more women working on it regardless of whether they're qualified

>first reply isn't install gentoo

>install gentoo

>Classic Shell

end it.

install ME xd

I cant get rid of it but remember there was a way. it's embedded now.

Like a tick.

by dropping it.

1.) Remove Cortana
2.) Remove Windows Store
3.) Remove telemetry
4.) Allow you to remove individual updates/block individual updates

That's pretty much it - aside from that it's a decent enough OS. I realize that I've basically just described LTSB.

every one here is mean and worse than Sup Forums
what's wrong with WinDows ten anyway?
>i play computer games just fine on it
>the camera is a lot better than my old lap top
>it still has wordpad and notepad on it
>the start Tiles aren't as invasice as in WinDows eight
>".dLL files not founds" problem is easy to fix

i guess if you're into customizing your Lap Top you might want to download Linux but other than that it's not that bad.

This. I've been using LTSB for a while now and aside from the inconsistent UI, I kinda like it. Every other build of 10 is crap.

>install windows 10 ltsb
>Run Dws lite
>install classic shell

Agreed. I was running Enterprise 1507 and it was a fucking shitshow of an OS, including numerous driver issues that caused frequent crashes. Switched to LTSB 1607 and it's incredibly stable and pretty good. I'd say equal to Windows 7 at this point since Win7 is starting to feel the update bloat.

>hmmm, why don't you just edit group policy on LTSB and turn it off yourself
>wonder what Dws Lite is
>go to site
>read "Add spying domains to hosts file!"
ahahaha, enjoy your placebo

It doesn't just do that you retard. It disables services such as dmwappush and disables defender.

>there are people on Sup Forums that use windows

how do we make Sup Forums leave?

Tell them you like what you see.

again, why don't you just do it yourself via group policy? And the fact that statement is there makes me think they don't know what they are doing because
a.) if they correctly disabled the services editing the host file would be redundant
b.) Windows 10 completely ignores the host file for internal processes, so adding Microsoft entries to the host file is pointless

Serious question. Why are people removing Cortana and Windows Store? There's a few Windows store apps that work great and Cortana is useful for searching. I just turn off all of the automated shit.


>Cortana is useful for searching
>useful for searching anything other than porn
And what windows store apps are you talking about where a Win32 equivalent doesn't exist that is just as good? Literally the only one I can think of is Netflix.

sc config "Name of Service" start= disabled

run gpedit.msc
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender "Turn off Windows Defender" = Enabled

>how do we make Sup Forums leave?
stop watching anime

Fuck off, Maki's a slut.

How to fix windows 10 in 3 easy steps:
>Take windows 7
>Give it another decade of support and updates and service packs
>delete every single trace of windows 8, 8.1, and 10 from the internet and your data storage and never fucking ever speak of it again
Gee that was hard

lock screen settings ->
annecdote sources ->
delete everything except infowars and breitbart

oh wait you can't because it's windows.

For everyone shitting on Windows 10, install the LTSB version to try it. It's just the barebones OS. No store, no cortana, no built-in calander, xbox, etc. It doesn't even have edge or windows media player. Barebones windows 10 is windows 7 levels of comfyness, except it has support for 10 (TEN) years and the start menu is actually better because it's resizable, you can group things AND it still has the old menu on the left side


I switched from LTSB 2015 to 2016 too, seems LTSB 2016 is really the new windows 7

Man 1507 was pretty buggy. It even started with the login menu where you could set a background pic but when you click your username it would change to the standard one

which is never going to happen, however much we all whish for it. install 2016 LTSB, at least when you are forced to switch in 2 years

Install Linux

Guess the demographic around here is changed huh

>instead of discussing things lets just repeat the same meme for 10 years as a reply to everything

Delicious spaghetti and meatballs friend

Do you want to fight about that?

>Only 6.7% of women graduate with STEM degrees
>Like what you see?

By ricing it again.

Blow it away and install Linux


NT needs to fucking die already.

It's a piece of shit on W10.

Or press one button for the same effect, instead of going through 20 menus or typing shit.

>Linux shills

r u fucking retarded ?
first you give to MS a bag of money for a piece of shit OS, then ask "how do we fix windows"
top kek m8

Not anymore.

>discussing windows 10
Microsoft has lost consumer confidence. The only way they can ever regain that is to start again with honest and good intentions.

The animal print clothing in that one turned me off

>instead of going through 20 menus or typing shit
win+r and a copy/paste?


Do you have oneclick enabled and individual batch files for disabling every single service on your desktop?

is that fucking real?
are they seriously pushing feminist bullshit on the login screen?
my login screen has been a shitty chinese rice patty for a couple months.
is it supposed to change?

>install classic shell to get ban the classic menu
>uninstall all uninstallable apps & fluff apps
>replace shitty apps with good ones
>set privacy settings to "basic"
there you go, windows 10 is now usable

If that is real it feels like hilarious bait

So I'm about to install windows 10 ltsb , is there an in depth guide bon what to do after installation for maximum control?

just download shut up 10 and do the recommended shiit
I want to go swimming in lulu

I prefer to rape your mother

>Stop putting ads all over the goddamn place.
>Implement more coherent design.
>Fix glitches.
That's about it.

Stop shoving ads down my throat and stop trying to make me use shitty Microsoft products like Cortana and Edge and we're good to go.

thx, getting a used key.

Use Windows 7, Linux or macOS. I personally use all 3. Windows 7 on a ThinkPad, macOS on a 2016 15" MBP and Linux/Windows 7 dualboot on desktop.

it's like women aren't interested in this stuff

Can we fucking talk about how Windows Store apps don't show up in the volume mixer? How fucking retarded do they have to be? This is like a basic part of their ecosystem that doesn't work together for no good fucking reason

it's like they didn't think about this for more than two seconds

You're giving them too much credit. They literally didn't think about this for 2 seconds.

Can you remove the cancerous text messages on the login screen?

Hello Pajeet.

1. Worst font rendering of all OSes. How is this possible in 2017..

2. Still has the old UI in file properties, volume mixer, the Run window, context menu and many core programs.

3. There needs to be a solution to create something like shelves of icons, if you need to group icons on the desktop in separate groups and only show them when you need them.

4. I've looked everywhere but I couldn't find an actual system log which shows you why the system crashed at one point. All I see are messages logged after an abnormal shutdown, so I cannot really debug whatever application is causing a crash or a freeze. How come there are so many services running in RAM, monitoring things, but none is able to report wtf happened when the system froze.

5. It should have a native file preview function, like macOS, when you hit spacebar on a selected file. The only program I found which does this is Seer, which is made by a Chinese guy who embedded malware in it. Such a shame a function like that doesn't exist natively in the system.

>not using Gentoo on ThinkPad