I don't understand all this social media bullshit...

I don't understand all this social media bullshit. I grew up being told NEVER PUT YOUR REAL NAME ONLINE YOU FUCKING RETARD and now everyone seems to be doing it and they all look at me strange for not having Facebook.

The worst part about it is they think because they can post on the internet that their stupid ass opinions mean dick shit.

I'm only 27. What the fuck has the internet become.

Normies would give their ID to carders just to get themselves noticed user, thats why they dont understand, nothing matters to them as long as someone acknowledges their existences lmao

boing boing boing boing boing boing

Well back when no one put their name only it was more likely to become a target for psychos. When everyone started doing it these criminals have a harder time choosing their next victim similar to a lion attacking two zebras in contrast to a herd.

It's for people who like to have a social life. You can't deny it's much harder to nowadays without being on some form of social media. You can be on Snapchat and never use your real name.

I've never had an issue with social events and I don't have any of this shit.

Never say never and why not both?

Sometimes gay fucking faggot and sometimes oldskool terrorist

Best of both worlds

every time



Facebook was fucking hell with creating events and sending invitations and shit like 4-5 years ago but since some normies started deleting their accounts as well (or staying just on IG/Twitter) fed up of their own family, most people now understand that mail and/or group chat is the best way to go even if it's slightly more inconvenient.

It's just your fucking name man. Nobody can do anything with it. also it's good for keeping in touch with distant relatives who literally scrap book all day because their too old for shit.

>it's just your name
>it's just your phone number
>it's just your address
>it's just your browsing history




Yea they can. Putting a name to a face is really bad. Making fake profiles, tarnishing your record and there's buttfucked nothing you can do about a fucking bot or some fucking Russian from doing it

Ya that can be a good case but please tell me how often that ever fucking happens.

and you may take this as blind naivety but seriously how fucking often would this ever happen. and if it does happen it's a simple fix. jut use a different profile image, you yourself already said you are a low profile person, if you don't associate with any of these russian hackers how would they know you.

>Ya that can be a good case but please tell me how often that ever fucking happens.
How can that ever be good that someone takes your name and face and uses it to make fake profiles all over the Internet?

>if you don't associate with any of these russian hackers how would they know you.
Yea because I can just choose not to associate with bad people. No way they could ever browse the Internet to find another person whose info they can use

No way Jose doxxing isn't real and I don't think it happens at all

I said that's a good case for an argument, but I'm asking how often that ever happens. it's like arguing that it's too dangerous to leave your house because of cars.

there are 1.8 billion facebook users. you aren't putting your name into a dark alley, it's normalfag territory. I think you've raised the internet into something more dangerous than it is, unlike the darknet.


Alot actually

It must be the golden era for pedophiles though. Not only can they fap to prepubescent children posting revealing photos of themselves on the Internet but they also have their full contact information.

>there are 1.8 billion facebook users
You mean 1.8 billion accounts. This is the same bad logic that okcupid has some hundreds of millions of users because they have tens of millions of accounts. Not only are they counting inactive and dead accounts but also multiple accounts from the same person and fake accounts too

There was the biggest bust by the FBI of something like 5,000 pedos in america. don't quote me on the number. but it was something big like that

Do they still force you to put phone number?
>"Hey, Facebook, I started getting spam from you."
>"Totally not us, goyum."
>"This is a new crispy phone number, you're first who I shared it with."
>"Not us, goyum, read the ToS."

5000 is maybe 0.1% of all pedophiles in USA

now we're both coming up with arbitrary numbers

>I'm only 27
It is far worse than you realize.

Welcome to 1984. Soon opinions like this will be eliminated.