>he uses windows 7 because he thinks it's spy free
>he doesnt know windows has been government backdoored since like 98
>he doesn't know that microsoft backported telemetry to windows 7 via updates 1-2 months after 10's launch
>he doesnt know microsoft changed windows 7's update delivery system so they can bundle telemetry with security updates as "cumulative updates" to force you to take it
>he literally uses depreciated software for a placebo effect
He uses windows 7 because he thinks it's spy free
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't know which updates need not to be installed
>he thinks operating systems spying on him is more concerning than his hardware spying on him
It's a proprietary operating system after all and this is the best you can do.
>He installs Windows 7 updates at all.
Can't get your info if you never let them in.
>he worries about software telemetry on backdoored hardware
>He uses Windows because he wants to play games
>He needs Windows because he was retarded and took arts as his major
Is having a firewall with whitelist viable?
>he doesnt know windows has been government backdoored since like 98
It would be nice if you posed evidence of this.
>He needs Windows
Citation needed
MS changed the system so they can bundle whatever with security updates. Some 2 year old guide of updates to avoid wont help you
Just look it up. It was all well publicized shortly after windows 10 released. Or keep living in your bubble
>art major
u wat m8
>He has needs
>He has had needs
I ment by the use of telemetry before Windows 7. I thought Microsoft issued telemetry in windows 7 through 10 only.
user honestly the most secure OS is MS-DOS
All OS allow you to be spied on, the only way to avoid it is stop using the Internet
>This is what a macroshaft wandblows user believes
Router is backdoored
Any sources? Which generation of CPUs have known and exploitable backdoors?
Intel Management Engine
Cat5e cable is backdoored.