Share some of your old tech
Just found this laying around
Shockingly small by today's standards
The icon theme still looks amazing
>Material was a mistake
Share some of your old tech
Just found this laying around
Shockingly small by today's standards
The icon theme still looks amazing
>Material was a mistake
>today's kids have nostalgia for the 00s
I am 35
this thing is from 2007 I think
that is 10 years, not much, but pretty old for this type of devices
i have an icloud locked cdma iphone 4 that won't work in my country that i bought and repaired. are there any cracks to repurpose it? got no bids on ebay. i didn't steal it because it's not worth stealing.
also, I see a lot of ads, selling broken phones for parts
they are always pretty broken, so yours could be of great value for someone wanting to repair some
can i actually install anything when it is locked? I did a reset so i didn't have to enter a pin.
damn, I have an Ipod 2G lying around too, battery is completely fucked.
I don't know
they only apple device I have ever had is the one I posted (an ancient ipod touch)
>Material was a mistake
glossiness isn't much better, though
I heard you all this time, nigger
I hate material with all my life
the day IOS7 appeared, I couldn't believe my eyes
I still have one of these. First of the Galaxy line. I got it as a demo phone while working for a cell phone store and never returned it. Used it when I went out drinking during school. Was decent, touch screen was a little rough but it was understandable.
When I get home, I've got you beat. I have a working HTC Dream, the first Android phone ever. I should sell it. I'm sure some autistic fuck would cum in their pants.
That, or my openmoko freerunner neo running gentoo
post them candids
I miss small screens. So much nicer to carry around than these 6" niggerphones.
>apple tech ages great
>10 year old android looks like shit
>material design was a mistake
>clearly ios
low iq detected
yeah you can remove the with the ssh ramdisk tool and use it as a ipod so only wifi works but that might be too hard for your feeble third world mind to comprehend.
ios went full material after androids success
to be fair, the home button is broken, and this version does not included the software equivalent one
>i don't know what material design is
iPhone SE
>nostalgic phones
>ssh ramdisk tool
thanks senpai.
I had that and it was slow shit that constantly ran out of RAM and forced close apps. Cyanogen didn't help at all. Also there was a delay and pain of sliding it made me type on the touch screen unless I knew I was writing a paragraph.
Is that... stock Android?