Oh. My. God

Oh. My. God.

Other urls found in this thread:


kys retard

looks like complete shit

post it on /r/lifehacks for some upboats



you have to go back

Wew, gotta do that with my server asap

thats nice, is there a nice way to add spacers underneath the cables also to reduce noise from the floor?

normies need to die

it probably came from there

what exactly seems wrong with this, apart from maybe tightening the ziplocks around the cables too much if you'd ever want to release one of them without pain

Says the normalfag using the word "normie"
Kill yourself

those are not cables they are licorice

fine user, you're the most autistic and eccentric person here, have a star

Says the normalfag using the word "normalfag"
Kill yourself

wtf faggot

What if I need to replace a cable?

says the normalfag using the phrase "says the normalfag using the word "normalfag""

kill yourself

just cut the cable

says the normalfag using the phrase "says the normalfag using the phrase "says the normalfag using the word "normalfag""
Kill yourself

Oh. My. God.

>Cables aren't sleeved


Says the normalfag using the phrase "says the normalfag using the phrase "says the normalfag using the phrase "says the normalfag using the word "normalfag""
Kill yourself

This user is right. Normie is the reddit word that started getting used during the rare pepe xD invasion. Normalfag is our word.

just terrible.

you should never use zip ties for data cables. any bending or squeezing can dampen the signal.

Doesn't roll off the imaginary tongue as well.
I know you want to say fag and tell those stable life having people to get off your lawn but it doesn't sound phonetically satisfying which is why it was replaced.

Zip tie are for plebs, use velcro

Velcro for patches, zip-ties for infrastructure; always.

macOS is the best OS

Segmentation fault

Actually it was replaced because the word fag is offensive now.
Don't get smug with me, animeposter.

this dosen't even look good

Why are you pointing out anime if we're on an anime website on a board for anime enthusiasts to discuss technology?

loli is pure stop lewding it

delet this

Look at her butt. It is SO BIG.

You were getting far too smug. Show some respect.

this is degenerate
you defiled dubs for this

Double bubble-butt trouble, baby!

Looks like a waste of zip ties. Just use one to bundle them all together.

stack overflow u dingbat

Waste of space too. I can't think of any legitsmate use for this except for eye candy.

>visible form of autism


Looks like it could almost work well as a replacement for a broken molex connector if you were desperate enough. It's maybe useful for low clearance stuff like in a computer case but it couldn't work well running wires through a wall or even on a cable tray. Adding or removing wires from the bundles would be too inconvenient

Oh wait no, molex has the female or receiving end on the wire bundle so it wouldn't even work well there.

Yeah no it's fucking useless.

>aesthetics is useless
>daily ricing threads
What did Sup Forums mean by this?

fucking poorfag can't afford $30 titanium cable combs

Ya, cable management. It's a thing.

Just what the hell is your damage?

Is everyone in this thread a mentally retarded pajeet?
I'd genuinely ban your entire ISPs if I found out only shitposters use that specific isp.


Try all you want, Australia and Canada aren't going away.

I use the velcro bands from lettuce. They're the perfect width and thickness and they hold really well. Plus, they're about a foot long, so you can get many ties from a single strip.

You ought not to take for granted that any of us have velcro on our lettuce. The fuck is that

It's used to hold the lettuce heads bunched tight so they don't get all broken and bruised. Usually you find it on romaine and loose leaf varieties.


My lettuce comes wrapped tightly in plastic, or in a rigid plastic container for loose leaves. This is bullshit. I want lettuce velcro.

>re-purposed aphid sheers.
I've seen them a thousand times. And never did it occur to me they could be user to lift and cut bindings.
Could have made a million.

> cutting cable ties down to the nub so they can come undone easily
> using 6 cable ties when you could use one

eat shit

>Doesn't roll off the imaginary tongue as well.
>Normalfag is our word.

The guy who made this was banned for being underage.
Fuck off normie.

This or with a big ass rubberband to hold the loose leaves together lightly.

>ITT: lettuce velcro: Sup Forums's new hot meme

btw: where the hell do they DO that, anyway?

I don't know, it sounds like some real fufu Whole Foods kinda shit. Or maybe Wegman's.

>> cutting cable ties down to the nub so they can come undone easily
This. I can't stand that shit. Especially when you're trying to hold some pieces under stress together. I cut them off in front of the offender's face and make them do it over again.

I'll eat your ass, normalfag.

This might be nice for composite cables. Otherwise kys

anything that requires that much cabling should just be switched out to fiber or some other AIO

Never seen this either. Feels bad to be american. (in this one single instance)

what's a lettuce

t. American

>retard it workers who actually give a fuck about how pretty their cables look
Lmao this is why you get paid shit compared to devs idiots

But I am American, and I shop at a totally normalfag grocer (DeMoulas, it's a New England chain).

Texan here. I've never seen lettuce velcro in my life until now. Down here, they wrap 'em in plastic/cellophane, to help prevent the spread of disease.

I guess I should consider myself lucky then. My wife eats lettuce like it's going out of style, so there's always a plentiful supply of velcro.

any normal building cable shelving has cables ziptied and you can sperg as much as you like
you cant tighten velcro, velcro is a toy for faggy sysadmins refer to Eat a bag of dicks, you sound like a manager that is trying to do savings on petty stuff, if you so badly want to undo zipties and reuse them get specific ones with the little unzipping tab
Besides no professional would leave ziptie ends sticking out left and right, so I assume you are new to cables or faggy sysadmin

The gaylord himself
refer to

>during the rare pepe xD invasion
it's older than that, you damn normie

velcro straps are reusable and much easier to modify and install than this stupid shit

If you want it to look good you might as well run conduit

fucken newfag normobot

Bundling them together could increase the risk of cross talk.

We can't have that. Spacing is for the best.

you make me sick

We do this on MQ-1/9's on the air data tubing to keep it from twisting. All the copper lines just get put into one big bundle.

thank you for your service

I'm a contractor, not a filthy enlisted.


>reddit spacing
every time


that is a dumb fucking idea.

you know what is better in every way? velcro straps

Redditor here. I see this shit every day in so many threads. These "Gotta make a pun or any other quirky shit on what the previous poster said!"

Excellent shitposting, user.

This. I remember these kinds of posts from five years ago when I was on reddit daily.

Everyone on Sup Forums is a fag.
Newfag, oldfag, normalfag.
Get used to it, i've been on here since summer 2004 and can legitimately call me an oldfag.

Protip: using the word "normie" only shows your origins.


I was enlisted and can tell you the contractors are the filthy ones lol... fuck you guys

never implied it's a sekkrit club. The hacker named Sup Forums, chanology and other headlines made us "famous".
But if you come here learn the slang or fuck off.

I don't think you're in any position to tell anyone to fuck off. Oldfags who care about le board culture are outnumbered 5 to 1.

and who the fuck are (You) to trample and look down on our culture, your upboating, censoring shitfest tries to copy?

lmao triggered autist

lurk moar

I've been here since adtrw on SA, and I use the term normie
Get mad


This. If you're cheap, you just buy a big roll of Velcro, and cut. But Velcro is the way.