speccy thread
Speccy thread
no fuck off
>anime trash
>gtx 1060
good goy
>post your epic epilepsy specs
>are you a virgin
>cheating in csgo
I remember when I was 13.
who said it was for csgo
because if you're using it for overwatch i assume you'd just kill yourself.
>who says i play overwatch?
>tfw I don't have desktop.png on my phone and already packed my pc for moving
Someone post my desktop for me, pretty please.
here it is friends
>activate windows
looks great pajeet/tyrone
>greentexting your question
lol ok kid you're a pro-gamer we got it
good goy/10
sub human/10 get your shitty gay ass desktop out of here
>paying a premium for 8 threads in 2k17 / 10
boy this thread is shit, saged
hello isac
do you use discord lad
need more drives :(
You fucked up bro.
Good luck filtering that shite