Fuck this guy


He's begging for free javascript to help him connect to McDonald's wifi.

I can't stand this marxist piece of shit. He's your typical academic faggot. No consideration for anyone's pragmatic issues or reality, wants to just argue about semantics he defined himself and if you don't follow his semantics he erupts like a man child.

The GNU license is great, but the philosophy that everything should be GNU is fucking stupid as fuck. People will work on what interests them. That's good for open source. For everything else you need to give people $$$ as an incentive to improve software. Who cares if you can just copy software from one machine to the next with little effort. Can you just magically create the labor required to build the software? This is why I hate this faggot. He's marxist but doesn't want to pay programmers for their labor?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hello, I am a computer science student currently studying data compression, and I've taken the liberty of running your post through an algorithm I've developed. Here's the output:

>I'm retarded

No need to thank me :)

>state of stallman defenders

Free = free as in freedom.

You can still put a price tag on it

Linux is also heavily reliant upon its community. The ubuntu developers are paid but I haven't really read into it

>I can't stand this marxist piece of shit. He's your typical academic faggot. No consideration for anyone's pragmatic issues or reality, wants to just argue about semantics he defined himself and if you don't follow his semantics he erupts like a man child.

this 100% so much so many time 100% always every single time

as soon as someone says something contrary to what he's saying he goes into full manchild mode


Go outside to you car and leave the keys on the hood, put a sign that says "Free (optional $10,000)". Leave the car running. Let me know what happens

He likes to use the injusticessssss

>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:>car analogy
Let's keep this grounded in reality: you talk about paying developers for their labor, but check this out:

Look at that, I just made 10 identical copies. Virtually no labor was expended. Am I getting paid to do that?
If anything, I should be paid for the labor of writing the first instance, not for every copy I make.

>argue about semantics
You really don't know who Richard Stallman is, or what he represents.

Why would I pay you for your labor of creating useless shit?

You really think we don't need a voice like his in this day and age?

>you aren't using my words
>you're wrong
>end of argument


is that a question or an argument? Nobody can really tell with you socialist fucks you never make any points you just virtue signal and appeal to authority.

The FSF should really get rid of him, or at least stop paying him to go around being a massive dickhead.

Why would you pay me for "labor" any retard can do?

WHY would we need it you flaming faggot

>Hey I wish to cucked, why don't others like it?
This is OP.

If you wanna do a car analogy then here's one for you friendo. Imagine a world where you aren't given access to what's underneath the hood of your vehicle. You can't fix it yourself or modify it in anyway. Now for some people(women) that's fine, but for the rest of us we'd like the option to work on our own shit. Why? Because we don't wanna gargle corporate cum like you.

>For everything else you need to give people $$$ as an incentive to improve software.
The GNU license doesn't stop that. The license is about software freedom. Not "free" as in price.

Are you saying that java is good?
If you please remove yourself from this planet,that shit has caused so much headaches that I want to kill the fagot that invented the thing.

>Hey I'm too retarded to build an argument but I'll post anyway
This is you

Oh look, it's yet another RMS hate thread!

>He's your typical academic faggot
Citation needed.


>Open Source
pick one

>hey I'm too retarded to google this shit that has been repeated millions of times and discussed to death already, so I'll blame the others who are tired of cucks like me shitting up their board.
You don't even fucking program, you dumb consumerist cuck. Why the hell do you care?

> S T O P L I K I N G S T U F F I D O N ' T L I K E

>doesn't want to pay programmers for their labor
He does want programmers to be paid for their labor.

Do you know how many times he wants them to be paid?
One payment for one finished job.

Stallman doesn't interject because he wants credit for his ego, he interjects because calling the system Linux makes people think that Linux is more than a kernel. It makes people think the whole system is Linux, made by Linus Torvalds, who doesn't give a shit about freedom.
All RMS wants when he interjects is making people aware of the orgin of the system they are using.

OP, you really should visit one of his speeches or watch a video recording to fully understand what he's about.

>install mingw
>uninstall entire rest of windows userspace
>use mingw to build apt as an exe
>use apt to install gnome
>still call it linux

What he represents is long dead, he should follow suit

Already made that for him last weekend.


>What he represents is long dead

Which is exactly how it works in most corporations nowadays.
The programmers get paid for their work, and the corporation produces copies and sells them.

yeah, there is a problem. You are running malware.

You're missing the point. GNU with Solaris, GNU with kFreeBSD, GNU with whatever else isn't Linux either, but that isn't the point. The point is that we're talking about the combination of GNU and Linux and its distributions.

If Linus doesn't give a shit why is he using the GPL?
Why not MIT, or BSD?
Because he cares obviously.

If linus doesn't give a shit, why does he insult the FSF whenever he can? Why didn't he uplevel to GPLv3? Why does Linux.com shill for nonfree software? Why does he add nonfree blobs into the kernel?

>and the corporation produces copies and sells them
Yeah but this part is wrong. Copies of software should be gratis, because if they cost money, that money has to go somewhere, and no one it could possibly go to has done anything to deserve it.

>>This shit has been repeated a thousand times
>I still chose side with Stallman because I'm too retarded to see his completely derailed by now
>I'm gonna call you out as a retard instead of making a point
Well, shucks, I've been exposed as a consumerist cuck who cannot see that Stallman postures are completely oblivious of the world today and that he's a nostalgia fuck that wishes everyone was still using laminated cards he could check in his local library. All this while not actually being able to code because of the shitty editor he made.

>Why the hell do you care?
I care because Stallman default posture is his way or the highway, which doesn't work when you try to build a community unless you either choose to suck the leaders cock or are paid to do it (see the kernel dev).
Stallman is always in for a free ride that doesn't make him compromise anything. E.g. loyalty cards. He won't have one but gladly use yours, he won't use non-free software on his computer but gladly user yours. Is you believe that behaviour is acceptable, well kudos. But for me it's nothing but a manchild who wants to play with Bobby toys and calls them shit while going back to his backwater cabin to play with a pile of shit that he claims is superior because he shat it himself and watched Sally shat on it contribute to it.
The FSF doesn't need this kind of people.

>In some ways, Linux was the project that really made the split clear between what the FSF is pushing which is very different from what open source and Linux has always been about, which is more of a technical superiority instead of a -- this religious belief in freedom."
>-- Linus Torvalds

That's the point I'm implicitly making.
The system is fucked.

>open source is technical superior to free software
ebin brainwashing

>serious risks to the preservation of proprietary software rights

I'm triggered

He considers Expat (MIT) and (modified) BSD licensed programs to be free software.

They are whitelisted by LibreJS.

He doesn't like them as much as the GPLs though because if the proprietary licenses get to fuck us over as much as they do he thinks GNU/FSF should leverage the power of their own license

that article was deleted of linux.com because many people got triggered, kek
archived here: archive.fo/sE6eb

Which country are you from?
You sound like a tard. Are you a (don't)poo-in-the-loo?

Also what the fuck are you talking about?
You know nearly nothing about the man and what he stands for, but still start to shittalk him?
Inform yourself. Its painfully obvious that you have the mentality of a 12 year old.

>oblivious of the world today
His teachings are more relevant than ever in history.
You are basically retarded.

>Still no arguments
sure thing buddy

>I can't stand this marxist piece of shit
The Marxist booyman strikes again!

>this image triggers Sup Forums users

>keys on the hood
>Leave the car running
Damn, proprietary world must be fun to live in.

Yea u are ;)

The philosophy of open source, with its purely practical values, impedes understanding of the deeper ideas of free software; it brings many people into our community, but does not teach them to defend it.

Not that user but the free software movement has been around for over 33 years. People get tired of repeating the same tired arguments over and over again for decades to people who probably weren't born yet when free software took off.

I know. And the point I'm making, is that not only is the combination of GNU and Linux effectively just Linux, so is the combination of GNU and anything else, even if the isn't involved in any way. It's just the way things have turned out: "Linux" means GNU now, not Linux. No amount of language policing will ever change that.

In fact, the name "Linux" is so very synonymous with GNU, that when people combine the Linux kernel with OTHER userspaces, it's NOT called Linux. Example: Android.

He literally contradicted himself on several occasions by complaining some softwares weren't open source.

Dude, this is not an argument against free software and Stallman work in the early stages is invaluable but honestly he to be put to rest now.
Before he was quite coherent and inspiring, now he just rants all over the place. He's still right, but the way he approaches issues today isn't really helping. It's time to pass the torch.

The expression “the Linux kernel” can easily be misunderstood as meaning “the kernel of Linux” and implying that Linux must be more than a kernel. You can avoid the possibility of this misunderstanding by saying or writing “the kernel, Linux” or “Linux, the kernel”.

I am not arguing anything. There is not even a purpose to this thread.
Am I supposed to argue why you should like him or what? I don't care.
You can dislike him all you want while gargling corporate cock,
but actual programmers like him because he paved the way for a world where free software has it's place.
A world where we can share, learn from, and work on interesting software without any cost.

Anyway, I am basically pointing out that you are a retard.
Which is pretty useless, since it's painfully clear already.
Now get the fuck out of Sup Forums you fucking pajeet.

Aha so you admit it then! That you're retarded!

When someone else as right as he is steps up, feel free to nominate them as spokesperson.

sure thing buddy


Free as in Freedom, not Free Beer

The purpose of cat is to concatenate (or catenate) files. If it is only one file, concatenating it with nothing at all is a waste of time, and costs you a process.

I don't think it's a matter of being "as right as he is" I think it's a matter of being both charismatic and energetic to take the post and preferably someone within the ranks of the FSF, which I'm familiar with since Stallman is it's most public face.

>be in your 60s
>life literally stopped for you at the college level and for the last 30-40 years you've just been some autistic commie mooch living in a fantasy world

I'm not* familiar.

If you settle for someone charismatic and energetic but who doesn't see nonfree software as the crime Stallman sees it as, you've lost ground.

>If it is only one file,
This is impossible.

$ cat a

How many files are being concatenated?

There are TWO files being concatenated here: a, and stdout!!!!!!!!!

>non-free javascript
wut lmao

>fantasy world
Did you read the news? Everything stallman feard became reality. Watch out of the window, NSA, CIA, FBI, botnet of things, DRM books, spying kids toys. Holy shit. Stallman was right all the way and nobody listend, they told him:
>shut up, youre some autistic commie mooch living in a fantasy world

>These requirements present serious risks to the preservation of proprietary software rights.
>serious risks to the preservation of proprietary software rights.
>risks to the preservation of proprietary software rights

I just got cancer

That's the problem right there. What use is the FSF is Stallman is the FSF? What are they gonna do when Stallman is dead? The FSF is the one taking the posture, but it needs a better public face to attract new followers.

>These requirements present serious risks to the preservation of proprietary software rights.
These requirements present serious risks to the preservation of proprietary software rights.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Dammit, two words short.

I want that script or did you align it manually?

I wonder if any online meme forums will take up the cause.....

If shitposting was a way to contribute...

I'm well aware of that, the fact of the matter is that he is an Asperger who never did anything except rant like a crazy person.

>get up on stage
"hello ladies and gents, i only have one thing to say tonight: >tfw no gf"
>mic drop
>applause erupts

>who never did anything
he made free software a thing
he made the gpl a thing
he made gcc a thing
witch again made linux a thing
which again made gnu/linux systems and severs all around the world a thing

after all the work, i guess it's ok to have some rest, but does he rest? no, he's still on it, traveling around the world, still fighting for freedom, with over 60 years

Who is this asshole? He reminds me of this pile of shit math prof I know from a couple of the townie bars here. I gorgeous woman could offer to cook him his favorite meal, fuck him, and leave, and the tub of shit would find something to bitch about.

abadon this troll thread, here's the real thread:

Stallman is right for the most part, but he's also horribly uncharismatic and has a grating personality. He's like the adult version of that annoying fat weird kid that every school had. The one who smells like cat piss and BO and argued with the teacher over stupid semantic shit and always had to be right. No doubt he's extremely intelligent but he's also horrible at socializing and the average joe will immediately write him off or ignore everything he says. OP is right, it's time to pass on the torch.

Java was never mentioned. Please read more carefully.

Yeah. Most web pages have some JavaScript software that they load onto your computer and run without giving you a chance to see the source code first. Sometimes the source code is available, but often it's in a minified form which is like a binary, since it's not the preferred form for editing. And either way, there's often no license attached, making it proprietary software. Nonfree JavaScript can have hard-to-find bugs and security vulnerabilities, though the browser does sandbox it to some extent.

The browser add-on LibreJS blocks scripts that aren't marked as free software. Try browsing the web with it: a lot of stuff doesn't work without nonfree JavaScript.

As for McDonalds, what RMS is requesting would make it possible for him and others who completely reject proprietary software to use the internet in many more places.


Have you got a point or just shitposting in lieu of one?

Literally not a problem if we have infinite cars, like we have infinite software.

>It doesn't have't be super convenient, it just has to work.

Is "have't" a word?


Yeah, because Stallman is constantly gaining ground? Face it, no one aside from the neckyiest of neck beards on Sup Forums care about what he says, mostly because he's an autistic manchild who normal people can't take seriously, hence his popularity in Sup Forums; he's just like his average fan.

So yes, someone with any sort of charm or charisma would be a massive step up, at least then average people won't dismiss him as some homeless raving lunatic

We don't have infinite labour though.

Once you pass the torch, there's no going back. If you give it to someone who doesn't care and thinks proprietary software should exist, or that open source is enough, or that noncommercial licensing is acceptable, etc. then that will be the position they push. The people who will be inspired by this person won't care about the part this new spokesperson compromised on, and the people inspired by the people inspired by this person won't, and when it comes time for this new person to pass along the torch, will they give it to someone more "radical" so that we can finish the road to freedom, or will we be stuck with this wishy-washy compromise for the rest of this movement?

>Sup Forums doesn't care
>giving a shitposting board taken over by normies any value

Fuck off, Jaime.

>People will work on what interests them. That's good for open source. For everything else you need to give people $$$ as an incentive to improve software.

It's not even paying them as an incentive to help your software but to prioritize your project over a company's

There's people that are genuinely interested but can't spare the time. If i have a family or debt or both, i'm not going to quit my $60k+ a year stable job to freely contribute a lot of work to an open source base that will pay me nothing.

Sorry the world isn't breadlines and that growing children can't live off of ramen like most devs, rms.

This is why the best FOSS projects are the ones with funding. Linux, Krita, Blender, Aseprite are like my favorites that have recieved considerable funding (idk if Aseprite recieved great funding, but i love his model for payment) . Blender is nearing a contender in the professional space, do you think that would have happened with $0 contributions? Sorry... you can't compete with millions a year Autodesk and Pixar (as far as renderer goes) on a $0 budget anytime soon. Do you think HaikuOS would be GOAT if they had money to give developers time to help on the OS? Do you think GIMP would be good if people... well... idk if gimp can be saved... but :P (actually if professionals gave GIMP good money and ideas they'd be fine)

The ideals i'm fine with, but you can't act like developers will help for free out of the goodness of their heart, not professionals\real devs. If i had a shit load of cash and didn't have to worry about shit, i'd help out FOSS more, but nope, it's a 8-5 for me writing proprietary back-end code for a site in le C#

>but you can't act like developers will help for free out of the goodness of their heart
What a horrible world you must living in.

How do you pronounce ">"

reality sucks a little bit... sorry people prioritize their family and sustainability over furthering FOSS out of nothing more than raw passion for the projects and the neets it supports

IMPLYING anyone or anyone's kids would die if anyone would stop developing nonfree software

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.