His desktop is full of icons

>his desktop is full of icons

>And they're all chrome shortcuts

Excuse me sir but this autistic woman is triggering me and I demand you remove her from this internet web zone this instant.

>he activates a single almond over how someone else customizes their desktop

>his desktop is NOT a glorified picture browser
>having icons on your screen like your computer is a fisher-price toy


Don't make fun of her, she tries her best.

> his desktop has anything other than icons on it

>he doesn't have a suitable normie like desktop with a nice simple background picture of of their favorite hobby, followed by default icons of regularly used programs so it doesn't look like they spend more than 12 hours a day on their pc like some virgin turbo autist


you virgins will never learn

What is it like being so autistic that you care about how someone uses their desktop.

>he has icons on his desktop

looks good


Is that some sort of lesser klingon?

>his desktop wallpaper is too small resolution for the screen and has black space at the sides

>he has the kde cashew on his desktop

>he uses his computer

>Bethesda.net launcher
>Fucking Origin, jesus christ
>Windows 10
Man, you really fucking LOVE botnets, don't you?

>The Sims 4
Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were a 12-year-old girl.

Speaking of which, how do you disable desktop icons on windows, while having actual files in the Desktop directory?

Feel free to critisize


>Windows 7 glass
>giant taskbar
>default desktop wallpaper
>icons strewn randomly
>horrible colour banding

I r8 b8/8 m8

>he still uses a desktop

>using big icons

This is a default desktop. Perfect to go unnoticed unless someone recognizes the icons.

Just joking, if you're gona take care of your OS at least use linux. I dualboot with Debian.

>they don't have dual monitors and use the main monitor for icons and the second monitor as a slideshow of wallpapers when not in use
>not having your cake and eating it too
plebs all of you

>I ignore useful functionality because I don't have a job and I want my desktop to look as good as possible for my NEET faggot peers on Sup Forums

This is on W7.
Not sure what you have, but if it's Windows I'm sure it's similar.

It's your fault that now me icons are disorganized.


I clicked "large icons", and fuking windows 7 doesn't remember icons last position.

Why the fuck did you click that instead of "Show Desktop Icons" (or whatever it says in Spanish)?

I've always hated having icons on the desktop.

The big red button syndrome.

>he just stares at that empy gradient in his screen


>Fucking Minecraft
This has to be bait.

Minecraft can be pretty fun with friends though

I like my Win10 simple. Tools of the trade up top, vast void of comfy down below. Dank papes rotate every 10 minutes, and most feature either comfyscapes, barefoot animu girls, or both. KDE is the same deal. I boot Windows when normies need to use my computer, or when I need to use MS Edge for my wife's online college. Fuck Phoenix.
>inb4 Chrome botnet meme, I write for an Android site, get over it

>he actually allocates his desktop to display an image he labels as his 'wallpaper'
The autism is just stunning.

>new folder

>he has the cortana search bar STILL ENABLED ON HIS TASKBAR

DESU, Minecraft is only fun when it's single player. I can't stand multiplayer

I group mine against a black background by type.

Black background is the best. It doesn't fuck your eyes and the icons are more defined.

>Black background
Yo ho ho

>black background

>>Black background
>Yo ho ho
Its clean, just like any other neutral color background, and it doesnt clash with anything.

I don't know how much time you spend looking at your desktop, but I doubt it's enough to fuck your eyes. There was a soft for linux that allowed to lower the blue channel on the screen, that may do something if you really care.

>he uses default taskbar
are you baiting us?


>he has a desktop

It's almost a terminal at this point. It could be cool to have an actual terminal there.
Fuses with the taskbar color, +1

Had a good laugh, thanks user.


Why use labels? They seem to take up more of the taskbar than necessary.

>he didn't delete the ASUS bloatware
Gotta be a b8 post.




Call me when they fix the qbitstalled interface

You overdid it. I'm sure it sucks to move your head every time you read a justified line of text.

I'd understand if you complained about qbit's functionality, but the interface is pretty much a clone of uTorrent's so I don't know what your problem with it is

>redundant search button
>pinned explorer icon
>not disabling the new retarded action center
>fucking ginormous date

>filename is Windows 10 - minimalist .jpg

I really need a better monitor

Except it looks 10x worse.

A messy desktop is equivalent to living in squalor. I bet your rooms smell and you leave your dirty clothes all over the floor.
Get, on my level, plebeians.

>he doesn't waste time on inanities
>mfw his capacitors are never drained

>get access to one of these autist desktops
>right click and disable desktop icons
>watch them go insane

> I'm sure it sucks to move your head every time you read a justified line of text.
I don't really know what you mean by this. I never use the desktop icons, I always press windows key then type whatever I want to open
My room smells because my high protein diet is making my farts heavy so they longer for very long. I don't leave clothes on the floor but at this current moment my room is messy and I hate the mess

Best ones so far


My desktop is full of icons too. I don't see anything wrong with it though

Judging by your desktop I didn't think you cared about aesthetics

what foobar plugin are you using to make the player at the bottom left hand corner of the taskbar?

nice and simple

All it takes is a little cleaning time, friend.
I don't see how.
You've clearly organised them for utility, so you can access programs quickly, which is a lot better than having a disorganised mess on your desktop. Personally though I would have text under the icons, as it makes them quicker to identify. Same goes for color over simply white. It's the difference between taking 1 second to find an icon verses 3 seconds, but I'd still do it. Each to their own though.

>tfw at uni
>hide the desktop icons
>move taskbar to left side and lock it
>unpin chrome and explorer
>sitting at a different pc and doing this every day

r8 my favorite desktop

It's called Deskband Controls. It's made for Windows 7 and is no longer updated but it's easy enough to get working.



Desktops needs to be plain and functional. Programs are the ones who need to be aesthetic.



R8 my desktop senpai


I disagree

are you a youtuber?

Who was the guy that had the all-time (you) counter on his desktop? That was dank and really autistic

>his desktop supports icons

>protruding button
>giant asymmetrical space around clock

Just use the THICC taskbar senpai. Since you're already using merged icons, just put the taskbar on the sides to get the vertical space back.

what program do you use to display the clock? can I just display the clock with it?

>not individual logins for every person every session
I call bullshit unless your uni is really that bad at IT.

Why have a desktop at all then?

why not?

For a wallpaper, of course

Rainmeter. Yes, you can just have the clock only by downloading a clock skin online.

There's tons available.

it's called iconic desktop

>his desktop wallpaper is too large for the screen as has black space at the sides and or top.

>Guessing your listening to Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.

Nice choice.

>D U A L C L O C K W I E L D I N G

rate my meme

Vim on windows, seriously?