For 80's kids technology hasn't fundamentally advanced at all. There's nothing revolutionary...

For 80's kids technology hasn't fundamentally advanced at all. There's nothing revolutionary. In 30 years the only advancement is making things smaller.

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In the 80s I couldn't tell you to fuck off this easily. Fuck off.

>For 80's kids technology hasn't fundamentally advanced at all.
Just about all modern music is based off of samples.
Tons of examples. You're one dumb nigger and probably 13.

Nice argument.

Theres this little thing called the internet. I'm sure you heard of it

Those existed already in 80's. Sure they got more impressive, but that's not revolutionary. Fundamentally, they remain the same things.

Smaller, faster and cheaper is revolutionary, dumbass. I grew up with an Apple //c, if you took a time machine back to the 80's and handed them a smartphone you might as well have just handed them an alien artifact.

Tim Berners-Lee made www in the 80's.

>Those existed already in 80's.
They factually did not. Some of them had their idea started in the 70s and 80s but having actual sampled music wasn't a thing till the 90s.
CGI also wasn't practical till the very ass end of the 80s and really wasn't big till 1991 T2 and 1993 with Jurassic Park.
Cellphones again not a thing till the very end of the 90s. And not popular till the 2000s

It obvious you're underage or really a dumb nigger.

Stop being an edgy 12-year old. NOTHING "fundamentally" changes you sperg. Shit isn't invented out of thin air and hasn't been since the BCs. All technology is an evolution of previous technology.

I was born in the 80's. Let's see.

The introduction of consumer internet. Which gradually rolled out to cover even entire cities and nations wirelessly.
Mobile phone, which became smaller, then turned into PDA's and then smart phones.
Now you have a GPS or Google maps in your car that tells you where to go.
Online stores that deliver on the same day.
My music and video games are stored in the cloud. Instead of on cassette tapes.
I can consult the library online.
Unlimited digital porn.


>All technology is an evolution of previous technology.

That's not true.For example, microprocessors were something truly new.

Based off On/off logic that was around for ages.

>storage has become so fucking efficient that you have a library's worth of text on a chip the size of a fingernail
>b-but we had storage in the 80s so it isn't revolutionary
We have watches that have several times more processing power than full-blown desktops of that decade

Prices have certainly come down, though. I'd consider that an achievement.

I'm a fucking 90s kid and consumer-available technology advanced through the fucking roof.

We had watches also in the 80's.

Remember when Amiga was forcing update to AmigaOS 4.1 for all owners of 3.0-3.9?

80s kid here. We never dreamed of the internet or FPS's.

No, he made a rudimentary HTTP transfer in 1989. It wasn't until 1993 that users could get a working hypertext program. I assure you, you didn't have anything like the world wide web in the 80s.

No, but I remember pops taking us in to his work where they had The Internet, and downloading with Netscape all the mac shareware I could fit on to a Zip disk to bring home.

This service started in 1985. It's not HTML but you could do pretty much everything that makes the foundation of the web today. It had chat rooms, file hosting, email, news, multiplayer games and message boards.

>not popular till the 2000s
american detected. cell phones were popular in the early 90s in europe.

you are right OP. nothing has fundamentally changed. the interesting thing that has happened is lowering of the costs making the tech more accessible to more people.

and the software has gotten much much easier to use. I mean BBS communities were huge in the early 80s so the internet was already a thing.

The major difference between 80s and today is the ubiquity of users, when before it was the thing of computer clubs in palo alto and other places by very strange people, not your grandmother uses facebook. the fact that literally everyone uses the internet has made it what it is today.

To me the great advantage of this is simply that everyone is accessible via text message through IM online.

The disadvantage is that some industries/people feel entitled to make money out of something that was never designed for such and want to restrict your freedom of using your own computer because they feel you owe them a living.

>3rd world
Can't read either.

>For example, microprocessors were something truly new.
No they're fucking not. Vacuum tubes would like a word with you. As OP said, stuff getting smaller doesn't count.

Even vacuum tubes don't count because mechanical calculators were a thing. Same idea, different implementation. If you want to nitpick at things, nothing new has ever been invented. We're still cavemen playing with fire, it's just really small now.

touch screens? solid state storage? kill yourself.

Yes yes some concept in a lap is the same as a Iphone in your pocket, wide adoption makes a fucking huge difference.

I was born in 1980, ama. Op is a retard.

>My music and video games are stored in the cloud. Instead of on cassette tapes.
They're not yours if they're in someone else's computer

Toucj screens like those with IR leds around screen
SSD? You mean newer version of magnetic-core memory?

They weren't mine when I stored them on my hard drive, floppies or cd either.

Then you posted a false statement, my good sir.

are you kidding? life is so fundamentally different now I don't know how anyone could hold the opinion that nothing revolutionary has occurred.

Kys you insufferable faggot

Wheel? You mean like feet but faster? Space shuttle? You mean like a bus for space?