Why don't you invent something Sup Forums?

Why don't you invent something Sup Forums?

Ayah Bdeir (born 1982 in Montreal, Quebec) is the founder and CEO of littleBits, an open source library of modular electronics that snap together with magnets.[1] Bdeir is considered one of the leaders of the Maker Movement[2] and Open Hardware Movement[3] and a proponent of an open Internet of Things.[4] She was named to Fast Company's list of "Most Creative People in Business" in 2013,[5] Entrepreneur magazine's 10 Up and Coming Leaders to Watch (2014),[6] and Popular Mechanics' 25 Makers Who are Reinventing the American Dream (2014).[7] Bdeir was named a 2010 Creative Commons fellow for her work in defining Open Hardware and for co-founding the Open Hardware Summits of 2010 and 2011.[8] She is an MIT Media Lab alum[8] and a TED Senior Fellow.[9]

Bdeir spearheaded the first Open Hardware Definition[25] that was adopted by CERN for its Open Hardware License.[26] As a fellow at Creative Commons, she led the public competition of the Open Hardware logo—now adopted on millions of circuit boards around the world. Bdeir has published academic papers and coined the term "Electronics As Material," which is the idea of "thinking of electronics as material that can be combined with other traditional ones."[27]

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She's a fucking hottie

Because I'm too depressed to get out of bed to make it to work on time most days, much less actually make something of myself.

i live in a third world shithole, so my main objectives generally speaking are basically not getting stabbed when on the street, find something to eat (hopefully every day), have somewhere to sleep (hopefully family won't kick me to the curb anytime soon)

so as you see, even if i was the smarter bean in the can, i already lost the life lottery.

All the things I wanted to create would be worthless now that cloud computing exists and micro usb is the standard for nearly all mobile devices now.

Because whatever I can think of has already been thought of before. And even if I can think of some novel idea it's unlikely I have the resources to bring it into practice.

They are learning tools for children, are they not? From a marketing and educational perspective she done good. 10/10

don't give up, user

How is this innovative, wtf?

i had that idea but she stole it

I don't know if you are shitposting or what but this sort of made me feel good. I'm just clinging onto every positive response for dear life, thank you user.

Try eating something and listen to some hardstyle

i wasn't. been there myself, get your shit together and don't ever give up, fucker

>its another ceo claimed to be the big ideas guy

I'd coat that uterus

I would squeeze her littlebits :^)

Is this meant to be ironic?

I read your entire post and you didn't list anything that she invented.

I'd let her executively officiate my little bits if you're picking up on my subtext

She created this youtube.com/watch?v=MMYqtCUN5X4
other than that, a talking head.


It honestly sounded retarded but the video makes it seem slightly better than those electronic 100 in 1 kits that toys r us sells.

I thought of this already. Besides you should just do shit. Things may not happen when you do but they certainly won't it you don't.

Self degrading sexual jokes, my favorite.