Daily reminder that women were the first programmers

Daily reminder that women were the first programmers.

Daily reminder they were just plugging in cables and punch cards on systems designed by men.

Holy kek, feminists are so worthless they get rekt on their first post, keeping this for future reference.

I don't really see how that's rekt, what those women did was basically extreme low-level programming, they didn't have instruction mnemonics or even numerical machine code, basically they had to rewire the ROM one bit at a time. Sure, they had documentation to work off of, but that doesn't mean it was easy, most programmers today would struggle to write a FizzBuzz in assembly even with the Intel manuals in front of them. What they did was a critical skill in its own time, albeit one that is of limited use today that computers are now powerful enough to program themselves.

they were the first to feed punch cards into computers!

you gotta go further than that OP

Fpbp, pack it up boys

Dubs of truth

supreme/g/entlemen btfo


What they did was equivalent mentally to solving jigsaw puzzles with an instruction manual

Once again, on machines and computers designed and manufactured by men lmao. Then the men would see what doing this and that did.

so women of the olden times were like the webdevs and pajeets of today?

Pretty much, I'd imagine they wouldn't smell like curry though

No. But they were a large part of the programming workforce. And the job was not exactly designing and constructing the programs.
No there's also making the punch cards. Onerous work. My mom used to do that. Now she writes in C.

I don't see why there's so much apparent opposition to women in software engineering from Sup Forums. It's not a new thing. My experience with female programmers is a large measure of diligence and a normal measure of ingenuity. Overall a better experience than someone that writes code you can't rely on.

There is no opposition to women in software engineering. There is opposition to them letting everybody know they're female.

Just do your fucking job. Nobody needs to know you're a woman in software engineering. Nobody gives a shit about you, your job, you family, your gender, your mental health and what not. Just fucking work like every sane person does.

>there's opposition to them letting everyone know they're female
So full burka but gender neutral should be the dress code?
Can you not read these posts and see the opposition to women?
I'm not saying it's a general tech thing. Just Sup Forums.

>I don't see why there's so much apparent opposition to women in software engineering from Sup Forums
I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't care if there's women in software development. I actually would love to see more women in software development. I just don't think you get good software developers by choosing the ones who have vaginas.

The whole "we r wimminz and we kode lol" movement is dumb as shit because it's literally trying to reduce someone's value to their sex/gender/whatever. If you want to be a developer, go be a strong developer. Learn the tools, learn the logic, and apply for jobs. And if you can show some reasonable proof that you were denied a job SOLELY because you're a woman, I'll personally back you 100% that it's wrong.

But just because you got turned down for a job or heard a dongle joke doesn't mean there's rampant sexism in the software industry. Nobody cares until a bunch of feminists start beating their tits together and crying about how there's no women in software, and yet none of them, y'know, pick up a book and learn to write software.

The point of my post was that some groups of people are making an agenda out of gender. Gender is irrelevant. I have no problem with females in software engineering.

How many threads do you see where people are like

>Wow look at me I'm doing a thing and I'm a MAN.

It's inane uninteresting shit. Show me something you made at least. Why should I or anyone else care what you've got going on in your underwear

Daily reminder that before electronic computers that all computing was hand calculated by women. Being a 'programmer' back then was dumb drudgery job that only women would take.

women were the

Daily reminder that when electronic computers were finally invented the program was hardcoded directly into hardware with telephone switch plugs just like telephone operaters used (also a womans job), again only women would take this job

>Daily reminder that women were the first operators.

Daily correction of your opinions.
Women were chosen as operators because they could do the job for a shift and not make the errors that men did.
If you wanted sheer speed you chose men, if you wanted accuracy you chose women. Also women had more endurance at repetitive jobs.
This was only discovered when men were not available for these tasks and it was found that women actually excelled.

Good to know women's value is in doing menial tasks correctly. Boy howdy am I glad we cleared that up.


How many computers have you designed? When was the last time you wrote a non-toy compiler? Virtually every programmer depends on tools built by others. Even if you write your own OS, your own compiler for a programming language you designed yourself - you're still depending on everything beneath that, the physical hardware layout of the computer, the BIOS, the microcode, the ISA, and the multitudes of tiny switches across your CPU, motherboard, and RAM.

IOW: "You didn't built that. Somebody else made that happen."