VLC is goo.....
VLC is goo
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>he doesn't watch videos while streaming in a browser
Enjoy your files
Do you guys really think this is an "error"? It's an intentional frameskip.
does anyone say that here?
I kind of want to become a trap just so I can justify wearing those. How cute.
I see you've discovered how VLC deals with lack of hardware HEVC decoding support.
This is what happens when software HEVC decoding is too slow.
What is the point of this shitpost, no one here likes VLC unironically
Oddly I have this issue on MPC-HC but not on VLC. Maybe VLC uses my ram and cpu more effectively or something?
this is about 20% of my experience with VLC.
I only use VLC if the file is somehow damaged or something
Wth is wrong with VLC and what could be better?
I love it, though I can see how it's anti-normie.
It's a little bloated despite being able to play literally everything, and it's full of tweaks and tools. People here can bash it all they want, it's irreplaceable and they know it.
It will even tell you if the file is corrupted.
OP is a retard, who ignores warnings
your fault for seeking directly to a p-frame
You could always be a femboy.
Just shave everywhere and have a cute face
>not buying a $1 pair from Ali.
Screen tearing. Search up an example on YouTube
>programming socks
That's what you deserve for not using mpv
I always have a backup player when something with vlc goes wrong, but yeah vlc just werks and this is something linux fags dont understand.
Vlc has sometimes issues with gamma value and weird resolutions with weird codecs but I use my backup player in those case. Sometimes helps when you set the decoder to hardware.
werks on my machine
you have to use va-api
use vlc beta, at least on android
What do osx users use?
VLC is not a media player. It's a streaming server. It was built to restream content. Why do you think it's actually called "VideoLAN Client" ? It's not a proper player and thus will not try to account for all kinds of problems like incomplete initial stream reads.
VLC is garbage at HEVC decoding
use fucking mx player on android, tard
use more video cache for higher bitrate.