Just so we all agree: Flash is shit

Just so we all agree: Flash is shit.

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No flash == no Homestar Runner
It's shit now but it had its place historically

>had its own place historically
So did Old English

Here's a snippet
>Dan rhe dirre Old Anglph Tunzan eoge rpecan

Does it have a place in the modern world? You tell me

What is Shakespeare
It may be obsolete but it's valuable to observe and remember it

Only people that don't use /f/ and didn't use newgrounds back in the day actually fall for the /flash is shit meme/. And those people are newfag normies and should just fuck off.

Shakespeare was Middle English. Learn the difference.

Old English is basically the bastard child of Latin and independent Western civilization.

If you're actually comparing flash to Shakespeare then you need help. It's what worked and people flocked to it because it worked. There's better stuff now, so it's being dropped. Flash is not the Shakespeare of code

Ah shit man, I remember going to Newgrounds all the time to play Zone games. She is the reason I became a /d/egenerate

Shakespeare was old English dumbass, his plays gradually morphed as they were reprinted.
Flash is closer to Khafka anyway

Old English was deprecated around 1150

Just like flash was deprecated last year

Right, it's dead. Like Old English.

I'm glad we agree.

Mozilla made a flash VM in JS and it runs pretty well.

Good talk user

>a flash VM in JS
But why?

To create a safe way to render and play flash content without native code.

It also helps to preserve the functionality of old flash content.

nostalgia trip for 90s kids

also bonus points for those who remember the intro banner


shakespear spoke early modern english (also known as middle english.)

Well, you were almost smart. Old English was a western German dialect made up of a fusion of Frisians, Anglians and Saxons; the Normans added a bit of French (which is just a German/Latin creole) but English has never been a Romance language.

No he was middle or early modern english, why don't you hit up /his/ and get rek't faggot

I miss going to Newgrounds and Albinoblacksheep every day after school ;_;

its not that bad. the alternatives can be pretty fucking shit.
>some simple webgl thing
>memory usage shoots up
>browser freezes/crashes