Oppai edition

Oppai edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker disservice by providing members with opportunities for shitposting development, by recognizing tracker drama competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

AB is officially dead and has been replaced by OT.
OT is now cabal.

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.



>give a game a rating on ggn
>get gold

what did they mean by this?

OT is cabal

Please sir pass the headphones

Why are you so attention starved you need early OPs? Spamming is very much against the rules you are aware?

What tracker has all the vaporwave albums? thanks

Absolute Cancer.

What's the grace period on a lapsed Oppaitime account

Redacted has the most bandcamp albums, so that one.

This seems like a really dumb way to try and discredit a clear numerical advantage one site has. The only argument that sticks is that dead torrents don't get pruned but this is dumb.


I reported a dozen dupe torrents almost three months ago and they're all still there waiting to be deleted.

When is spaghetti getting married?

Never because Spaghetti's a faggot.flac

t. zed defending his shit tracker!

BBT is down again :^(

Let's hope this time is for good!

At least the tracker is up now.

I want to sleep but I must /pyramid/

I love India. I love doing the rrrrrrrippings!

I suspect spaghetti and azathoth are the same person.

Which one? neither the 'april' or the actual tracker are working for me


>red won't get the new gorrillaz because early releases aren't allowed
top kek

what the fuck is this

deadass I just wanted to torrent some e-books and upload a few myself but instead I get a god damn "community" of trackers
this shit is like a mafia with high ranking "cabal" trackers and moderators being the kingpins like jesus shit what the hell?

Wait fuck really
Going to bed then

I just want FTN back.
>not even the cat video is online anymore

I wonder what tracker is really FOR THE PEOPLE

not true

i still haven't bothered to get a music tracker since wcd went down

what tracker we using these days that has interviews

weebs aren't people

>quotes post about red
>says its weeb
are you really that dumb?


What about Apollo? And can you quote the rule on RED?

>AB is officially dead and has been replaced by OT.
wtf oppai is just porn
I need my animes as well


RED has interviews
APL is harder to get in

>is harder
>to get in

OT has anime sir

everyone migrate to OT and start uploading anime

How is that a quote about RED, retard?

Why don't we start our own tracker? The domain weebsh.it is not taken.



>join interview channel
>keep interview prep site open
RED is open signups sir

>no invites
>irc is down so no interview
Much harder sir!

porn anime

Serious answer: there's no reason to do it

>Citing a shit-tier invite forum

nice OC

Really makes you think.

Where does OT rate?

0/10 because nobody actually wants to join


>Maintaining ratio on APL: hard


How the fuck is it hard to maintain a ratio on a site with no anti-cheat?


Did Animebytes get lower or did I miss something?

This list is garbage.

no site has anti-cheat, you can get away with it on any tracker as long as you aren't a moron. Apollo and RED have both banned obvious ratiomaster users

>red acted

This image only applies when just a smug girl is posted you retard

"Red acted retarded."

t. 500% butthurt zed

Will getting into OT increase my chances of getting into Bakabt? Or any other tracker of importance for that matter?

Because I don't know how to. You do it

Zed's red, baby.

t. missing Apollo sysop

BakaBT has official recruitment on OT.

>getting into bakabt
wtf I thought they were a semi-public tracker

do I have to start to actually care about my account there ffs

wait what is that Hydro Zone thing? Only 300 torrents?

>tfw soon AB will be as exclusive as when I joined it
Please do not mark this post

Yes! And 50 users!

It's closed now, no signups, no invites.

They must be too exclusive and elite to have their icon posted.

those 300 torrents must be pretty rare to justify creating a tracker for them, I'm impressed

LOL, you must be joking? WCD had the most aggressive anti-cheat, and BTN/PTP aren't far behind.

DRAKE and DRIZZY WAP certified exclusive(TM) torrents x 300

Drake AND Drizzy Wap? Drake IS Drizzy Wap you idiot

>tfw I got an invite about a month ago
>tfw it put me six months ahead of all other neons because I would have had to wait six months to get to better trackers from MaM while most just want PU from AB.

>tfw I signed up for bakaBT randomly one day then I told someone I signed up for it, they laughed at me, and gave me a AB invite.

Funny I know have two of the most sought after anime trackers for just wanting to watch ghost in the shell.

>tfw not poweruser because I just download whatever I want
>too late to change it now
I'll need to upload so fucking much while people with 30gb upload are 'power-user' it's so fucking stupid

I registered back when it was still boxtorrents, god has it been some time since then

AB I just got an invite from a guy I knew on IRC, same for oppaitime (aren't the invites there quite plentiful tho)

How the fuck did you fuck up your ratio on AB?

There is tons of fucking freeleech and not only that but bonus points. I got to over 30GB in two weeks just off uploading and bonus points. I downloaded Ghost in the Shell a week before the movie came out and that pretty much gave me a popular upload.

I have been debating getting an opi invite. Non of the trackers I am apart of invite to there but now after about a month and a half I have a decent account record to try to track one down. the problem is I barely watch porn.

I spent hours finding my account in the AB database by searching through text edit.

I did this to find the staff comments for my profile. There weren't any comments (despite being a prolific user). Good result, but shit journey.

I never looked into the data base but couldn't you have looked at it faster using excel or access?

oh please, I used ratiomaster all the time on WCD

>how do you fuck up
Since AB doesn't care. As in, you don't get banned. I didn't wait for FL just to watch a show I liked. Also download multiple versions of movies just to see which one has the better picture quality and over-all downloading obscure shit that doesn't get much new people leeching. I guess you just got lucky? Maybe I should do this with Your Name.

Is Demonoid considered private?
I can make you people some invite codes if you want.

You don't need an account to use Demonoid.


my AB way: I downloaded a ridiculous amount of stuff I wanted to watch, left it seeding, bonus points are generous enough to pretty quickly fix the ratio since its not like I watch gigabytes of anime a day, I've had a ridiculous 1TB+ "buffer" for years and can just buy off any hit n runs if I feel like it

trackers w/ bonus points are easy modo

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Nobody cares about demonoid.


that gorillaz leak... forget about it, the rip is shit

It's a vinyl rip
>no lineage :v)

I dont even know which private tracker is good for HD movies and music anymore..

What do you guys use? Assuming invites weren't an issue.

your nose is broken
