>Alphabet Inc.’s Google is planning to introduce an ad-blocking feature in the mobile and desktop versions of its popular Chrome web browser, according to people familiar with the company’s plans.

>The ad-blocking feature, which could be switched on by default within Chrome, would filter out certain online ad types deemed to provide bad experiences for users as they move around the web.

>Unacceptable ad types would be those recently defined by the Coalition for Better Ads, an industry group thatreleased a list of ad standards in March. According to those standards, ad formats such as pop-ups, auto-playing video ads with sound and “prestitial” ads with countdown timers are deemed to be “beneath a threshold of consumer acceptability.”

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>>Unacceptable ad types would be those recently defined by the Coalition for Better Ads
so google's are acceptable
run your ads through google's systems, or don't get your ads displayed

Based Google.

Apple has had this shit for almost 2 years. And its not biased towards Google's own ads like I'm sure Chrome's version will be

I can't wait for browsers to start competing on who can block the most ads. I hope that this runs away from Google as Firefox, Safari, and Edge start saying "We block all ads! Not just non-Google ads!" The online advertising industry is on the road to bankruptcy, and it'll take Google along with it.

faggot. this is just google dipping there dick even deeper in fair lady internets coochy

This is great. I'm not totally opposed to ads (websites have to make money somehow), but intrusive ads are a plague that needs to be treated.

Great way to corner the ad market and look like a saint at the same time. Clever.

>implying law makers won't make ad blockers / ad blocking illegal sooner or later
You can't win, goy

>Advertising giant gets to pick which ads are blocked
That's one hell of a conflict of interest.

In other words they plan on copying Brave's advertising model, forcing advertisers onto it.

i cant wait for 90% of the web to be unusable because of anti-ad blockers

>would filter out certain online ad types deemed to provide bad experiences for users

ie. not Google ads

Works for Brave.

That just screams conflict of interest

This is pretty smart, they're destroying all other ads except theirs. They'll have a monopoly on ads

why would i trust an adblocker from a company that makes most of its revenue through advertising?

I can't wait for 90% of the web to go bankrupt. We'll return to the glorious pre-clickbait era because nobody will be able to make money off of eyeballs and pageviews anymore

So instead everything will be behind subscription paywalls

this is a pretty huge anticompetitive move
hopefully google doesn't think that they're immune from breakups

because it installs the update automatically on your macbook

>using chrome over firefox


this is a good way to trick the goyims into thinking they have an ad blocker and so wont install ublock origin.

but this is good news regardless

Companies are still copying Opera?

That's literally a better future than clickbait.

Hobbyist sites and other stuff that gets put on the web because someone has something they want to say, those will stay. Sites that will say whatever they need to say to make money will have to convince people to actually open up their wallets. That's a much higher bar. You think anyone would pay money to read Buzzfeed? Or to use Facebook? The paywalls will mitigate the massive consolidation of the web, as for any given site a large percentage of the audience will say "Fuck it, I ain't payin' real money for that", and they'll go elsewhere.

i dont have a macbook

windows too


kek I actually am using a macbook. kind of spoopy how you called it.


I wouldn't use adblock if ads were text only, non-animated and not maliciously placed (ie weaved between actual content)

you would think that not having an ad laden site would be a selling point. look at this place for example. just a modest old school banner ad without any jew gayshit.

in other words i still use uBlock Origin with custom filters and rules. nothing changes

This sounds like it will get them sued by ad companies. Looks like a win-win situation to me.

Does it actually make any money though. I know j-list paid some kind of set amount of money based on how much traffic came from here and actually spent money there, so it wasn't enough that people just see the banner

Fuck no. I'd want to reference multiple sources for accurate information. Imagine paying 10 sites just for "fact-checking." Even behind paywalls (WSJ, NYT, etc) there is still a ton of bias and misinformation.

And if everything is paywalled, you can bet they'll find a way to block the webarchive bypass.

delet this

Smart move, the moment everyone stops using third party blockers they wont be able to block google ads.

>it block everything except stuff form alphabet

>muh brave

Brave still blocks all ads by default
I don't know if they've even implemented ad replacement

Sup Forums has been getting some malicious ads, fucking gook Hiro.

Google ads might not contain malware


made me kek enough to reply

so they are going brave huh?

just enable extensions on mobile so we can uBlock Origin, Google.

>he doesn't use a pihole

Enjoy your laggy browser-based ad blocking

yeahs thats a pretty smart move 2 be honest
god i hate google


And edge still sits with no webm support

I'm ok with this. As long as they stick to blocking only intrusive ads, I see no issue with it. I normally don't mind seeing ads, as long as they don't try to fucking hi-jack my browser.

I do see the potential to abuse this, but I hope the fear of a law suit would at least keep them from overstepping their bounds.

Holy shit the EU is going to have a field day with lawsuits

Ad companies btfo

>Coalition for Better Ads

If your ads are from one of those companies, or associated with one of those organizations, then your probably fine. This doesn't really seem like a move to stomp out competition, but it does seem like it'll make newcomers to the industry REALLY nervous.

>corner a market that is built upon being fucking annoying
God damnit, Google.

>Create fastest browser to appease fb normalfags,

>See every browser slowly dying and cloning your code
>Have a virtual Monopoly on browser space,proceed to make you other service more profitable like ads.

>Next thing you know they slow Down all non Google products,like office 360,or I next annoying ads to compete for products.

>and then Congress goes full Bell on their asses and all the little Googles live happily ever after

Google's ads are great tho, few an unintrusive, marketer scumbags btfo

EU is even more corporate cucked than the US nowadays, they will probably do laws to ban anyone who isn't part of the Coalition for Better Ads

You know this thing isn't going to block trackers who follow you from site to site.

>it blocks all the ads
>except google's own ads

Incoming lawsuit

Fuck most of the ad industry.

I actually don't mind ads.
The ads I do mind are fucking pop-ups, plugin-ads, video and audio on non-av sites. (sound especially!)
Equally abusive GIF ads with high framerates. (anything over 5fps), or flashy GIFs.
And obviously, site hijackers and any malware advertisers.

Only other ads I block besides that is Youtubes video ads because fuck that shit.
I watch videos with a group of people most times. I'm not waiting 4 seconds. I'll fucking kick you in the 4 seconds.
Even my 3 year old niece skips the ads.

Don't worry, they only block disruptive ads. Ads that make sound. And ads that cover all the content.

So, when is Google going to block the unskippable YouTube ads?

nothing google does is good user

My guess is, that where other blockers by default can easily block all google ads, Chrome blocker would not block Google Ads because it would classify them as acceptable. And Google would then hope that people would use their built in blocker rather than downloading a third party extension which would highly likely block there ads. And if people have a built in blocker that blocks the mostly bad ads, the people would start to hate ads less and be okay with 'good ads'. Also since people wouldn't use third party blockers as much those companies would go out business more likely.
It's a very risky move on Google's part, so would be a bit surprised if it happens. But doing nothing, is equally if not more risky in the long run for there business model.

It's Embrace, extend, and exterminate.

YouTube also has an unnatural backlink profile. They allow guest users to post content for SEO purposes without moderation.

I think YouTube will soon be delisted from the search engine.

what about malwarertising?

I wouldn't use adblocker if websites like WSJ hosted the ads themselves in .png or .jpg format

There is no mention of it.

>((((((((((((((Unacceptable ad types would be those recently defined by the Coalition for Better Ads)))))))))))))))))))

So basically Brave. Nah I'm good at Brave only at mobile. Desktop? It's slow as heck and download tab is useless

It is a genius move, actually. By blocking the annoying ads that cause people to install add blockers in the first place, they increase the chances of people not installing a blocker that blocks everything.

I think Google will apply the rules equally and fairly. I just think that everyone else will get butt hurt about not being able to running annoying ads.

And the next step of course will be to ban all third party ad-blockers from Chrome.

It will display only google ads.

Sounds good to me, if that;'s how it is going to happen. I will still still be using a proper adblocker since every ad is intrusive to me.

Reminds me of SJW's who get triggered by everything.

You should think more carefully before you write something this stupid next time.

You too.

Y-you too...

With a pretty nifty whitelist for them

I think part of this is to try and curb blocking of their own ads.

Think about it, if they provide the feature in browser some people will remove adblocker addons instead because why have two things doing the same thing?

More of Google's ads will get through while a lot of other (and frankly worse) networks get fucked.

>some people will remove adblocker addons
You mean google will remove all other ablockers for those people, just like google has removed adnauseum already.

>let's block all ads that aren't ours

The decision that led to birth of Google Chrome.

>video with auto playing sound and prestitial ads are unacceptable to consumers

Huh? Isn't that exactly what television ads that we've had the last 60 years are?

TV ads are unacceptable, although the comparison here isn't fair: TV ads interrupt whatever you are watching, while online ads run in parallel, constantly distracting you from what you are consuming.

And YouTube.

This 100%

Surely the authorities will spend billions of dollars to bust millions of people who don't wanna be ad bombed while watching porn.

The internet is not TV, and most people use to tv commercials to stock up on snacks or to use the restrooms.

True. I have no idea how normie just put up with ads on TV, internet, and Spotify. They're fucking insane for just sitting there and taking it up the ass when it would be next to zero effort to avoid all of them

You can also use the 15 minute full screen online ads to stock up food and go to the restroom.

>Surely the authorities will spend billions of dollars to bust people for smoking weed or drinking unpasteurized milk or collecting rain water

>terribly made pornsites and "top ten" shit finally get killed
Nothing of value was lost.The only site I visit that has ads is 4 chang,but I block that shit anyway.

I get a sick thrill from using AdNaseum because I know google hates it

>drinking unpasteurized milk or collecting rain water
Do what?

lol anti trust suit incoming

the largest online ad company is going to filter ads they consider "bad" but leave their own

Of the fucking ad industry? Do you know what Google does?

>acceptable ads

>Block networks that have more than X malware complaints a year
>Poach authors of popular ad-blockers
>Manufacture controversy about extremists using online ads to recruit
>Block networks that have more than X 'offensive' complaints a year
>Remove APIs that permit ad-blocking for performance reasons
>Manufacture controversy about advertising networks sponsoring terrorism and pedophillia
>Block networks with ads on 'illegal' sites (incl. piracy)
>Fold to media pressure, adopt a 'block first check second' approach ala YouTube
>Collude to 'compete' over ad-blocking performance
>Add enabled-by-default option to block 'sponsored content' (incl. self-hosted ads)
>Manufacture controversy about competitors being run by sexists
>Wait for tumblr to flood inbox with fake complaints
>Block competitor networks ('accidentally'), merge the big ones into Alphabet when their stock plummets
>All ads must now go through Google and Co's network
>Moot makes one last call to Larry
>Sup Forums ads blocked
>Hiro commits sudoku
>Sup Forums finally dead
>2020 anime season starts

>setting themselves up for a lawsuit

kill you are selves

The ad blockers, google's shit become defacto standard, and the necessary apis for ublock origin to function will be deprecated. They will say: no worries, we already have an adblocker in Chrome.