A valid criticism of apple?


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The userbase is distateful



don't they update their iPhones a lot longer than lagdroids? and since iPhones have always been faster than their lagdroid counterparts, I fail to see how this could remotely be true.


you seem to fail how to read graphics. That would certainly help.

Or do you also deny that this is fail design?

That's good design tho

thats actually one of the best mice out there. too bad lincucks and winfags still don't have gesture support in 2017.

an executive running linux?

i won't make fun of you. You make a clown of yourself already.

Oh I don't know, is it that we collectively thought Steve Jobs was a great man even when we knew he made billions off the backs of children?


You're probably a retard who thinks it takes hours to charge. A 120 second charge gives 9 hours of battery life. A full charge lasts 1 month. Charge it overnight one every 2 weeks and you'll never have to face the dreadful woe of waiting 120 seconds to use your mouse.

Millennials will complain about anything.

wtf you can charge the pencil without having to find a wall outlet? thats awesome lol. how long does it take tho

I disable the touchpad on my thinkpad, user.

Keyboard shortcuts are as good as gestures and I only need to move my hand a half inch from home row if I need to move the mouse pointer. I use my thumbs for both the spacebar and the mouse buttons.

>Underpays their employees, so much so that their store employees - often seen as the human face of the company - are paid half of what Verizon employees doing the same thing would get paid.
>Only support macOS versions for FOUR years and then completely abandon support
>Planned Obsolescence on both iPhones and macbooks.
Obviously a lot of companies engage in the practice of Planned Obsolescence but I cannot name any that do it as badly as Apple.

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel admitted it's shit and went back to solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>shit tier 1mm travel chiclet kb
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats constantly from abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz due to chronic overheating problems
>retina meme for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating impossible to use with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade

>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>ultra shit tier zero travel kb
>keyboard louder than WWII cricket
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>soldered SSD
>tamper tape on battery screws
>applel falls for their own thin meme and uses 54WH battery
>2 hour battery life

>it's 2017 and moving folders around in finder will STILL cause massive data loss

>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?

>gesture support
dude yeah
i upgraded from an old mac to a gaymen laptop. heavily missed the comfy of glass trackpad with an os supporting gestures...

it minimally supports rotation, and pinch and zoom but idk if thats an OS level or trackpad driver level thing on the non macs

can't upgrade anything on laptops, kinda bloaty resourcewise


I don't actually use mice anymore at all, user. I have a thinkpad keyboard for my desktop as well. It is a lot more convenient for my HOTAS setup.

This, the only thing tht thy have is there os, if windows made a linux base os apple would die, but im sure apple will stop being jews n create a good laptop now tht thy lost so much money from there 2016 flopbook

Tax dodging company that traffics almost exclusively in 'cool'. Hardware is slightly above average, software is mostly trash.

They made me waste my hard earned money and then asked hundreds to fix a manufacturing defect THEY created.

Apple can rot in the gayest part of hell.


>Keyboard shortcuts are as good as gestures

They're both totally different things you dumb fuck. What's the key combination for pinch accurate zooming? Its not one or the other, they're both complementary.

Don't even get me started on Force Touch.

>They made me waste my hard earned money


If you didn't live in Bangladesh they'd have replaced it for free.

>t. mactoddler subhuman

Do you hit yourself in the head with a 2x4 all day long? You need to stop that man.

Hey guys i work at microsoft just want u guys to know tht windows is going to release there first linux base os in 2-3years although lately tgere has been talks about releasing it in 1.5years in order to take over the apple market in 3 years

0/10 go to bed, Jimmy

>people can't have accounts in different currencies

Aren't you a retarded underage fuck. You post over and over that the US is a 3rd world country. Get off my board you filthy pajeet.

Too much control over ecosystem.

>inb4 muh "faster horse"
Sometimes people know exactly what they want.

> a valid criticism of Apple?

Their products?

>You post over and over that the US is a 3rd world country.
Seriously man, that 2x4 isn't gonna make you smarter no matter how many times you bash your head with it.

You don't get it. That is the only way to charge the pencil. You can't charge it in a wall outlet.
Imagine: iPad on your desk, charging your pencil, and someone comes along and drops it on the ground. iPad and Pencil broken just like that

Apple Pencil comes with a lightning adapter to charge via wall plug. the fact that you can charge it via the iPad is an added bonus, fucktard.

friend works at Apple Store. he says they pay the highest compare to a retail job at the mall. and the discount he gets is insane, he's not an apple guy so buys and sells a product annually for some extra cash. bought me the 2016 at a pretty sweet discount too.

but seriously why resort to bsing, this post is about a valid criticism.

It's not the "only way", you need a micro USB outlet dumbo

Can confirm. A friend used to work in one of Apple's London stores here and the employee discount was like 35% IIRC, when you're talking about a £1,400 machine, that's significant amount. Apple takes care of their employees and its got better since Cook took over because he's a softie.

iPhones are supported for at least 5 years

Lagdroids lose support in less than 2 years

> lagdroids

How I do I stop my Galaxy S to stop lagging? Does Cyanogen (is that even still a thing?) clean it up or is something like a Oneplus the only option?

It's lagging because of Samsung software, mainly TouchWizz

I don't use Androids so I'm not sure if it can be replaced or if you need a custom ROM or what

They use forced child labor to assemble their overpriced, locked-down hardware.

>planned obsolescence
>low quality hardware
>heavily limited software

>Overpriced products
>Pretty big restrictions on what's allowed on their app store
>Limited hardware support, have to go through hackintosh bullshit to use with most hardware
>Have to buy an adapter from Apple to use USB shit
I could probably go on

oh it's a thinkfaggot. no wonder

In a way it doesn't matter since most people won't use their phones, tablets and laptops for more than a couple of years anyway


I personally prefer KDE

An executive using linux?

an original S? fuck me!
cyanogenmod is now lineageos but they don't host any old stuff. maybe see if you can find an old cyanogenmod rom archived somewhere and also find out how to unlock your bootloader so that you can actually flash it.

Ah thanks I was talking more generally with the Galaxy serious but I do have S1, S2 & S4 and they're always fucking lagging, especially txts. I really do get the lagroid meme but I've never used a custom rom or a clean android phone.

They are essentially patent trolls, as have mastered the art of adopting an existing technology and then marketing to try and imply that they created that technology.

It's unpleasant.



They force you to buy accessories that only work for one generation of the device and make faulty software patches to force you off your old device.

Go out of their way to prevent customers and third parties to repair their products, and force them to buy new ones instead.
No really, if you're not an "official Apple partner" the only way you have to know how to repair their shit is to reverse engineer the damn things.

t.work at a repair shop that gets service documentation from all brands but Apple

Slowly but surely abandoning professional products. (useless touchbars at the cost of superior keys, and other flashy, battery draining crap)

Trying to turn macOS into iOS.

Hates headphones jacks, bluetooth is NOT an alternative, the amp got to sit somewhere, now there is another piece of crap you got to charge, has higher price and lower quality.

"Sleek design" in disguise as they abandon more and more ports, which leads to adapter overkill.

Product quality is fine at the price, HOWEVER, they will fail in a specific window of time.

Put in actual effort to make their products harder to repair and maintain, in no way is this a mere byproduct of their design.

They push to make their products even thinner, even though we are past the point where this has any benefit.

Mac OS X peaked with Tiger.

you can buy one with F keys instead of touch bar

I get that you kids are too poor but it doesnt take money to have half a brain.

>not snow leopard


Two finger scrolling is better for small areas you goon. Middle mouse plus trackpoint is for large pages and long scrolls.

>proprietary connectors for phones
>customization for casual users is VERY limited
>app store restrictions are silly (though probably fault of Murica)
>absolute jewery when it comes to adapters and the likes
>their fanboys are as bad as freetards or Sup Forums cucks

Most of the stuff like underpaying their employees, slave labor, expensive products or tax evasion applies to any other company, making it a weird complaining point.

no beige

The design is getting a little stale.
Not much more dieter Rams stuff to copy.

Since Jobs died they've been slacking off.

Who else browsing Sup Forums outside

On phone/tablet side maybe but Macbooks are still easy the best looking laptops there are. iMacs are going to get refreshed too.

what a shit product. Just lmao.

aluminum is making computers stupid expensive and it's a waste of a precious resource that can be better used for storing alcohol portably not to mention environmentally unsustainable when people toss their aluminum computers into a landfill

Good plastic or magnesium alloy shit are even more expensive.

>when people toss their aluminum computers into a landfill
Who the fuck does that? You can easy get couple hundred bucks for an oldass Macbook.

i just want a fucking computer monitor keyboard printer mouse case with the build quality of 80's/90's beige nokia-like durability


Watch the first 10 minutes

Immediately and literally kill yourself you fucking trip faggot

It's debatable. Either is a good choice.

those graphs don't even prove anything, of course people are gonna search for "iphone whatever" a lot more once a new iteration is released. android is a completely different story, most normies don't care if there's a new version, they just update.

I'll throw in, updates that take forever (both to download and install). And no, it's not my connection. Linux and Windows all update very quickly here.

they do not search "iphone whatever" tough. the bottom graphic clearly indicates searches including "iphone slow" and "android slow".

>thinking that most Android users speak English
>thinking that most Android users give a shit about performance
If you're buying a premium product, it's given that you want it to perform absolutely perfect. If you're buying a poordroid, you're happy that it's working.

>binned meme

this is retarded. androids only get support for 2 years max. iphones that are 4+ yars old are still getting updates.

>le others are doing it too! Fallacy
neck yourself
Written from my 3 year old android phone which runs even better on 7.1.2
And I bet it will even get better next android releases.

>4+ years old still getting updates
and getting slow

I have one of these at work. It's an abortion.
Should just use one of the external trackpads and a normal mouse instead

>iPhone 6+ has TouchID issue that's 100% Apple's fault due to shitty design
>Try to get it replaced by them
>"It's out of warranty, suckaaaaa!"

What a piece of shit company.


>product quality is fine at the price