Are you scared that the admins at your work can see what you watching on your pc over remote control?

Are you scared that the admins at your work can see what you watching on your pc over remote control?


yes. that's why i don't have a job.

>Be me at work
>Reading Sup Forums and see this
>Alert shows up on screen from IT
>Proceed to manager's office
>Fired from job

at least I still have the first letter of every line



Fuck off Sup Forums

This meme does nothing for me and still makes me wanna fap to that fine ass.

What t stands for?

It stands for LURK MOAR NEWFAG.


What the fuck kind of retard does shit like browse Sup Forums or something like it at work?

The most I do is look up stupid shit like how to do card tricks on my breaks. People at work probably already think I'm a sperg so that's nothing.

>dynamic ssh to home server
>can't see anything

>start new accountant job at small business may 1st
>unsure of their IT staff and how vigilant they are

Most remote desktop utilities that take control of another user's session give an obvious warning or message that someone has access to their PC. I'd be more concerned about your network guys, we can see all your shit, even encrypted traffic :^)

Why are you so rude? Is it because you are neet and girls don't let you touch their pee pee?


kys faggot this isn't the place for kindness

>what is vnc
Yes, you are

BRAAPPP tehehe sorryanon but i know you like my stinky farts oohhhh it smells like the lobster and steak you got for me and chad thxs for being my wingman teheheee brrrrAaaap


>girls dont let you touch their pee pee
wait a minute

it is pretty funny but it still doesnt stop me from enjoying that ass

They're both called pee pees you moron. Did you never play with girls as a kid?

you must have some really odd "girls"

no because I am the admin at my work.

I don't think most places would do this. What they might do is MITM your network traffic.
>muh https
Your organization can add their own certificate to your computer to prevent the "your connection isn't secure" pop up

Sorry if this doesn't make sense. Im really drink.

No girls called them vee vees or whatever the fuck you're thinking.