Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

>those collegefuckfest cups

>Chevy truck

They're not sitting on my dick for one

>generic blonde bimbos

It's a Ram

The one on the right isnt sitting on my small white peepee

>>generic blonde
blondes are like 2% of the human population, how can that possibly be generic?

>no guns on sight

Where are the ripped black guys?


Tailgated once though, it's actually pretty fun if you know someone who's part of that community.

they look slavic as fuck

also iPhones

Gold digger who's dating a literal clown.

Because when i go to store i see blonde girls, i go on train and i see blonde girls, im sitting in school and my teacher is blonde, blonde is not fucking rare, the % is so low because of asians. There is no rare hair colour except for red, and i still wouldnt call it rare

they're pretty boring tbqh, fuckable but uneventful

>Find a flaw.
They aren't my gfs.

>Find a flaw.
they're americans

>Find a flaw
she will never fuck me.

>There is no rare hair colour
Any non-black color is rare.

Almost everyone on earth has black hair. All of Latin America is jet black hair. Everyone in North Africa has black hair. Everyone in sub-saharan Africa has black hair. Everyone in the middle east has black hair. Everyone in central asian has black hair. Everyone in eastern asian has black hair.

>it's a slovacuck post

>Find a flaw
They aren't my sisters

Dyed hair, dark eyes and visible native ancestry, specially in the one in the right.

in Europe its not rare at all

how is it cuck post retard

thats exactly what he said, blonde is not rare for europe/NA

>neither flag is confederate

nice proxy Sweden


>all of latin america is jet black hair

>what is the southern cone

>Find a flaw.
Macdonald butts. Except this, they're gutt.

>stacey he uses fagdroid!
>lmfao no way!
>it's true! and look, you can see his tiny little peepee! how embarrassing!
>what a looooser!

you gay?

I've seen this photo a million times and have only concentrated on the high test parts

but now I notice something off, what's with those boots

user i-is this you?

i need to get me some white meat

niggers fetishizing white women is gross. stick with shanaynay.

>hot girls makes flaws not exist

>Ywn see Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy's Baby Girl get BLACKED

who are you quoting?

Is she her?

>apple fanboys

I bet you this is from some instagram whores photo. The brand placement is way too obvious.

that seemed to be what you were implying

> marketers will never be banned by the mods

>the first thing you noticed isn't the thicc white girl, but the fucking phone

american flags in the back

Fuck off yank I noticed her

>Uhh Mr Cuckboy, Sara said that you don't like America...
>Yeah, like, what's up with that?
>user, why don't like like America?

It's a meme, you dip.
Back 2 you go

the one laughing and the one on the lower right look really nice, but the other girls look shitty. Cheerleader effect doesn't work on pictures

It's not a very funny meme, maybe you should stop forcing it in every thread.

>id explain but you stupid whores wouldnt understand.

No, this is me.

why aren't you posting niggers, white america isn't a white country

she's not my gf

because only south americans or obsessed stormies know or care about le white southern cone