Honest thoughts on Windows 10?

Honest thoughts on Windows 10?

True trash, no meme
Windows is currently at its lowest point in years

When you fail at mundane things, that's when I stop trusting you with the relevant


It's genuinely good.
>t.someone who never used windows 8

It's a shit.


As a casual that has recently been forced to use it at work, I can't stand it. I feel like I have no control over it and I feel like it's a rust bucket shit box with a beautiful coat of pain & a new shell.

Every week the experience gets worse & I have to spend a lot of time at work trying to tweak things so it can stop annoying me. God it even messed with our printers/scanners.

I don't mind the Cortana assistant & some of the features but the appearance as well, the UI itself feels really clunky I don't know how people use it over W7 honestly. I'd like to change.

Stop pretending to be a casual you autismo.

even ignoring all the privacy shit, it's the same design philosophy 8 had of "let's ruin the lives of our desktop users for the small portion of people that actually use tablet computers", not to mention even LESS compatibility than 8, i hope reactOS gets out of beta so there can be a decent alternative

A steaming pile of garbage.
I don't know how people put up with that shit.

It's great when I use the Enterprise LSTB version that doesn't come with App Store, Cortana and ads.
Haters are understandably tinfoils, luddites or people who haven't found the Enterprise LTSB version.

I wish I was pretending. If I was any good with Linux (took me 2+ hours to install OpenSUSE at home & I'm sitting on W7 atm) I would install a distro on all the office PCs but instead I have to sit there on google trying to trouble shoot 2 or 3 times a week for everyone in the office.

Apart from the tablet ui faggotry, how is it worse than 10? 10 basically has advertisements in the OS.

>Tablet UI you can't disable
>advertisements you can disable

It's ok.
Lots of garbage running in the background, sometimes random hiccups but "ok" os.

Still using Win 7, not planning on changing anytime soon.

Used XP for the longest fucking time, and Win7 was the latest major upgrade I plan on having to get used to.

Getting used to another operating system's settings and generally where to find all the knobs and dials to get things the way you want it takes the longest to get used to.
Fuck me if I have to do it all over again because microsoft thinks its a fun game to change everything around once again.

A decent operating system that has too much influence by suits/business/company relations.

aka it sucks, but I still use it

How did you get it?
Just download an iso and get a key from somewhere?
Where do you even buy a key for LTSB?

Download Generation2 version off piratebay and install KMSPico.

>Honest thoughts
> Windows 10?


I don't use it and I don't care for its issues.

since I don't have to deal with cortana bullshit - I like it more than 7
yes, I said it, I do

>Getting used to another operating system's settings and generally where to find all the knobs and dials to get things the way you want it takes the longest to get used to.

The truly fuckt thing with microsoft is all the most useful features getting removed. I've wasted weeks of my life looking for things that have been removed, then trying to find the retarded work-arounds to do the same tasks but not anywhere near as well and with twenty extra steps & clicks. Not even talking about the shit they added that is utterly useless eye candy for retarded 9 year olds, which you either can't remove or, again, takes weeks of research and fucking around to disable or hide. And still it sucks computing resources and shits the system into a crapbox of Doesn't Fucking Work.

Every fucking time I open a .\DIR\ window, and it just thrashes for 3 minutes with useless indexing and reporting back to Redmond while refusing to just list the motherfuciking filenames so I can select one and close the fucking window. I still have an XP machine I use for basics because when I click on Open Window, it just fucking opens it instantly. My Win7 machine ... Jesus Fuck. Suddenly jumps 30%-50% CPU use and eats an extra gig of RAM while I go make a fucking cup of coffee waiting for it to just. fucking, DISPLAY THE GOD DAMN FUCKING FILENAMES ALREADY!

No amount of disabling index & search (and I uninstalled anti-virus three years ago) or trying to bypass it makes a fucking difference. It's amazing I haven't blown the fuck out of the machine with a shotgun. Yet

If I ever made it into the offices a Redmond, God damn but I'd spend the ay hunting every fucker I can find and shooting them a dozen times each before allowing them to die.

What about destroy windows 10 spying?

It's absolutely terrible

..oh sorry didn't see you there.
jealousy is a illness sweetie, get well soon ;)

>Every fucking time I open a .\DIR\ window, and it just thrashes for 3 minutes with useless indexing and reporting back to Redmond while refusing to just list the motherfuciking filenames so I can select one and close the fucking window. I still have an XP machine I use for basics because when I click on Open Window, it just fucking opens it instantly. My Win7 machine ... Jesus Fuck. Suddenly jumps 30%-50% CPU use and eats an extra gig of RAM while I go make a fucking cup of coffee waiting for it to just. fucking, DISPLAY THE GOD DAMN FUCKING FILENAMES ALREADY!
this shit right here
its unforgivable in current year
this has to be one of the most basic things in the fucking os, browsing files

What would it take for microsoft to take the win xp experience, and modernize it, while tightening every screw possible?

I think I speak for all of us when I say they dropped the ball on solitaire.

works ok.
no issues so far.

I can play games so idgaf

I dislike the aggressive force to get users on it, the telemetry and all that shit. How buggy it can be at times.
But the only real reason I never upgraded from 8.1 is the UI.
I don't like the even more weird Metro UI. I like 8.1 with classic shell for a start button

If it wasn't for the fact that I use my machine to play all sorts of different games, I'd install Linux in a heartbeat

I like the improved task manager, file copy dialogs and a few more UI behaviours.

Otherwise, it's a pretty big pain in the arse, and a privacy intrusive one no less.

Basically everything critical to me is now on another Linux machine, and I advise you do the same.

Not forcing tablet UI shit, ribbon bars and a gazillion of "telemetry" legal espionage tools upon its user.

And give full control over updates, best done in Linux style with a package manager of sorts. Some improved Chocolatey that also does system updates and has a bit better configs would do the trick. (BUT it's essential that the user controls his choice of package sources in a reasonably fine-grained fashion - it can't be the Windows Store shit).

Under the hood, Windows 10 isn't a bad update otherwise. It does better with more cores, it does have a bit less idiocy than XP.

If they didn't do the other bullshit, it'd be not too far from an improved XP.

I advise you stop installing windows on bare metal and start working on a PCI passthrough solution if you must use Windows for resource intensive tasks.

Its alright, could be better.

This is the level of intelligence of a BSD user. They can't even differentiate between thumbnails and proper images.

PS: This won't happen. Microsoft has very evidently more incentives to go just the other way.

Just move whatever "important stuff" to a Linux machine. Buy one first if you have to. It's the best way to deal with it that I can see - life is annoying like that.

Could also work for you, but I'm going with the method that is more obvious and achieves near complete separation. Two machines. You'll know what fails if it fails, not require skills to set it up, and a decent Linux box is $500/6 years or whatever.

You know yourself if that's absolutely no problem or painful to your budget.

Cobbled together mess

>implying larger is necessarily better


In many ways it's a fantastic OS that improves upon 7 exponentially.

Unfortunately it's been marred by 20XX design philosophy so has been chopped up, locked up, retweaked and hamstrung for no particular reason. Apparently Microsoft decided that it should try to copy OSX

> for no particular reason.
It's a pretty far progressed mobile phone / tablet touch screen UI.

The reason is obviously that they wanted to get these huge growth markets, even if they had to piss off virtually all existing desktop users with a fairly much worsened UI. Because on the Desktop, what choice will people accept?

[Yea, intelligent people will maybe manage to switch to Linux, but most people and organizational entities are too lazy and / or dumb to switch. So you just force everyone on Windows 10 and they'll largely suck it up.

It's more important that they get accustomed to Win10 on all and then want it on all their devices.]

All it has done is alienate their main userbase though, Enterprise customers are starting to advertise for Redhat engineers more and more because of Win10.

Had to update because of a kaby lake CPU.
I feel fucking raped.

Happy birthday Hitler!

thanks senpai

What anime is that? What animus have adults instead of pedo bait kids?

That is probably pretty accurate. And they seem to have realized they have a problem with both private and corporate customers.

But who would expect Microsoft to revert everything they fucked up just because their smartphone market domination plans failed? Certainly not me.

Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Sinners from Kinoko Nasu/Type-Moon. They write books and make visual novels which are later adapted into anime and manga.

Windows 10 is SHITE
>hurr durr install a 3rd party shitty script made by a skiddie only to restore all those TRASH at each update
>hurr durr pay extra for the supposedly ad free wankbloz
fuck off

i never touch the start menu thing.
i never use edge.

i also do take the telemetry shit seriously.

otherwise it feels pretty much same as 7/vista did.

You can turn these suggestions off without any 3rd party tool or paying my duderino

should be called windows mobile instead

Never had a problem with it.

I don't what these other faggots are talking about.


t. Someone who never used w8

Better than Windows 8.1. I'm using it right now.

That being said, I hate Cuntana.

I would very much like to use ubuntu but I like games too much
that's it the only reason I use windows - games

it's unforgivable in any year, I bet a 386 with windows 3.1 can open winfile.exe pretty quickly

It's not as good and it's not as bad as people are saying

>ads in multiple places in the OS
>vulnerable to NSA / CIA tools and can not be fixed
>must install Russian malware to get around activation if you're a thief
I'd say anybody stupid enough to use this piece of shit deserves what they get.

I hate it enough that I've gone back to using my 5 year old Thinkpad a lot more than my Skylake desktop. There's no damn excuse why opening the start menu and typing should lag so much, or for the Get OneDrive popups, or for resetting my default programs every couple of months.

It's like windows 7 but worse

It's fine.

Most people don't know how to use it. Also "lel random restarts for updates" would be a meme if people knew how to use settings.

>t.someone who never used windows 8
Windows 8 was good, 8.1 was better and Windows 10 is shit.

great data harvester.

another step to a one world governement.

disinfo shill, here some

I fucking hate it

I bought an XPS13 with windows 10 and its the only computer I own with windows 10. All my other computers use either Windows 7 or 8

Every fucking time this thing updates something goes wrong. Recently it updated for me in the middle of me doing something out of the blue and ruined a paper I was working on. After the updates were finished, I found that it reinstalled candy crush and tons of other garbage bloatware and reset tons of settings I had turned off.

After redoing all my registry changes and settings a week later there was another update that bricked my wifi card and now my laptop still cannot connect to the wifi. The retarded microsoft support fuckers wanted me to connect to the internet (that I couldn't connect to) so I could download another fucking update. They wouldn't help me uninstall the update that bricked my wifi, and not even dell would accept an RMA because its not a manufacturers defect. Microsoft won't do anything to help because well apparently the wifi card is dells problem

So I have a 1300 dollar laptop with a bricked wifi card that I can't figure out. External wifi dongles work ethernet works but wifi doesn't which is the biggest fucking inconvenience. I hate windows 10 so fucking much purely because every time I want to use my computer theres something that just fucks me in someway every single time

I hate how windows 10 feels more like a chore because it feels like I'm not using a tool, I'm just logging into a computer thats more or less designed around consumer interaction rather than work production.

Not him but they shouldn't even be there and I shouldn't have to turn them off

my computer is a machine, not some facebook faggot machine

Seems faster than 7. That's the only difference I've noticed to be honest. I use the same programs I used on 7 including the file manager, so really, it's all the same.

trash like your pic

Best Windows OS since 7.

>upgrade to win10
>it wouldn't recognize my 1tb toshiba external that just werk'd on win7
>rollback to win7, sure enough, external works again
anyone find how to fix this short of saying "fuck it" and buying a new external?

I used it for a full year, gave it a fair shake, and went back to Windows 7 with no regrets. I guess that summarizes Windows 10.

windows 10 is an advertisement spyware OS

Enterprise N LTSB is nice

>battlefront 2

your first problem is using a USB hard drive


how the fuck am i supposed to back my data up then?
>le ebin cloud meme

I don't have a lot of stuff to back up (10GB), so I can put a encrypted archive practically anywhere

honestly though USB hard drives should be as plug&play as regular USB drives

I can't figure out how to write it to a usb in Linux

I don't have windows installed anywhere else

Total garbage.

I use it headless as a server to stream steam games.

God awful.
Actually got me to switch to Linux and holy fuck is free software great

mkfs.vfat /dev/sdxx
mkdir /mnt/windowsusb
mkdir /tmp/windowsiso
mount -o loop windowsnigger.iso /tmp/windowsiso
cp -r /tmp/windowsiso/* /mnt/windowsiso

UEFI doesn't need an mbr.


the whole telemetry turns me off. If it weren't for that, it's kinda ok.

Opening folders is kinda a minus too since it takes a little while.

I disagree

trips of the truth

Windows 10 is what we get when that at fuck hosed windows 8. Ballmer is a fat, sweaty, nasty, filthy, piece of shit, cum gurgurling, webbed foot havin, beady eyed, self righteous, small dicked, piece of shit loser, faggot, hand me downs, gimme dats, garbage ass twat. Fuck ballmer and his poo in loo replacement. Can't shit in a toilet, what the fuck? It's a god damn toilets. A 3 year old can do it, but a bunch of darkie desert fucks can't handle a lil poo in loo. Nadella eat a turd.

Just get the normal enterprise version - that way you have access to all modern features and access to ones that will come and still able to shut everything down to make it exactly like LTSB if so you desire.

police state os

I am legally obliged to disclaim that I am a microsoft employee. That said, windows 10, just like every microsoft product, is borderline unusable. Just to mention things that happened in the past few days: edge crashes as soon as I have 5 pdfs open and switch to any tab. We are asked to install the creator's update by may 2 noon. I do the update early to get it out of the way. Took the entire work day and BSODs a bunch of times during the update. Afterward, teams keeps crashing and refuses to restart even when force-killed and force-started. Then skype just hangs during calls (it was already super-unstable before, too.)
That's with a domain-joined i7+gpu surface pro setup by M$ IT staff so this is peak performance.
The fact is, nobody at microsoft likes any of the microsoft products because of this like that, and that's not to mention the garbage interfaces to all the products as well as the ridiculous amount of anti-features.

bad enough that I'm switching to linux after using windows for over 17 years.

Literally the opposite of how enterprise works.