/wt/ - Watch Thread

This thread is about the appreciation of horological tech and watches.

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The song archie is using is called Hit Vibes by Saint Pepsi its the first track on the album.

China is a 3rd world shithole that is incapable to producing anything original or high quality.

Great country to buy shitters from

Not entirely correct.

The original Tongji movements and watches are nice, but the Deng Xiaoping reforms towards market economy in the 80's made them all devolve into low quality shitters.

Fuck that's gorgeous

Press F to pay respects to my F91, as I got my Seiko yesterday

so to all of you who were like me, constantly browsing these threads but didn't have a watch - here is some legitimate advice. It is worth it to drop a few hundred on a very nice automatic and simply never buy another watch again. Don't do what I do and cheap out and get the cheapest option available, as although there isn't exactly anything WRONG with the Snk803 I have, it was not satisfying at all.

It was definitely worth it to have shelled out more and had something that I would have taken actual pride and joy in, rather than going with the bare minimum here as you can see.

Besides my mentioning that one should not go all-out cheap, one also should not spend over $350 on a watch, $400 is pushing it. The definition of the word luxury (depending on which dictionary you use of course) is "something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary" - You can still get a nice watch within the $100 to $400 range, that will look and feel good, and it also won't be so expensive that you would fall into worry over it, or into the slippery slope of diminishing returns.

>tl;dr this gets the job done, but it would have been worth it to buy something nicer, I've found myself not displeased, but indifferent to it on day one - because I'm aware I very well could have gotten a better watch

it really isn't

Most of the watches looked good too. They mostly came with white dials and chromed cases whether they were Shanghai, Baoshihua, Beijing, Zhongshan etc. branded.

you're just a basic consumer that loves to spend and be companies' bitch.
i have an snk803 and a couple more expensive watches and I fucking love the seiko, it's the last watch I would get rid of.

wait why is this actually good music

t. Zhao Bao

>and it also won't be so expensive that you would fall into worry over it,

To be honest I stopped worrying about my 3k watch after the first month. It isn't gaudy and obviously expensive so nobody will steal it and they're designed to be worn after all.

t. has never seen a picture of the inside of a watch

if this was wapanese it would sell so fast

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this is also why your mom is the only one who gives you compliments

They've already all sold m8.

I like it too, but it just wasn't what I thought it would be

I realized I would have preferred something now with a more classic look, and probably just time markers and the hands with a small branding, think dressy looking

What triggered me was when I looked at the circle-tipped dashes, and saw that they looked a bit cheap when you really focus on it. I think a dress watch with actual solid markers rather than a painted dial would have been a better fit for me

its not horrible by any means! I do like it, I just think I should have chosen something more to my tastes that I didn't know I had yet

it is good that you didn't go with gaudy/attention seeking, but it still is a diminishing return

>but it still is a diminishing return

True enough, my favourite watch by a mile is my other one which costs under $1000

yeah that's what the chinese want you to think.

>blued sword-style hands
>ripping off glorious nippon granduu seiko


Here is the base song.

Can someone with a thin wrist post a shot wearing a 42mm Swatch. Their lug to lug is only 47mm so it seems doable.

Not a Swatch but this is a 42mm watch with practically no bezel on my 6.5" wrist. Too small for that style imo but up to you obv

What logo should I put on it?

A rolex one :^)

>seiko invented dauphine hands




it was clear from his post he was interested in lug geometry, not bezel-related optical illusions. you can tell because he specifically mentioned the lug-to-lug distance.

there is a whole lot more to how a watch wears than a two-dimensional look at the dial size.

Fischer Islands belong to Japan, Nanjing massacre was a blessing.

Fair point, lug to lug is 48 so still pretty similar.


I like the look of these two watches, but I don't want to get the one on the left with the gold plated case cause the plating will eventually wear off. Do you think the one on the right with the steel case and two tone dial will look equally good on a leather strap?

The Sup Forums clover

The shape of the case is exactly the same, it should look fine

>dauphine hands

I don't know how or why that style of hands have that name, nor do I know for that matter why "Louis XIV" hands are so-named, in the sense that I can't identify a particular watch with a particular noblemen. I suspect that is lost in history.

Dauphine, though, is the feminine form of "dauphin" in French and refers to the wife of a dauphin. Here's what I do know about "dauphin":

NOUN: 1. The eldest son of the king of France from 1349 to
1830. 2. Used as a title for such a nobleman.

ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, from Old French, title of the lords of Dauphiné, from Dalphin, Dalfin, a surname, from dalfin, dolphin (from the device on the family's coat of arms).
Middle English, from Old French daulfin, blend of daufin and Old Provençal dalfin, both from Medieval Latin *dalfinus, from Latin delph nus, from Greek delph s, delph n-, from delphus, womb (from its shape).

Is this a Chinese company?

If so I'd like either this or the Falun Gong logo.


If it wasn't $800 for a basic as fuck watch it would sell so fast.

At that price you're saying:

No thanks I don't want a JDM Seiko and spend the other half on hookers
No thanks I don't want a vintage Omega
No thanks I don't want to save a bit more and get a Speedmaster

It's a good watch but there's so many things better than it for that price.

>comparing used to new
>comparing a chrono to a dress watch
The "JDM Seiko" comparison might hold some weight if you'd specify a model, but as it stands you're just not maing any sense.

not the guy you are replying to, and not interested in the watch... but new watches really are not direct competitors with vintage, and the other two things you listed are explicitly different prices.

i get your point, but you set yourself up to compare it to other new watches around the same price and then just... didn't. all told, not such a great post, 3/10, might read again once but not twice.

I'm saying if you have $800 in your hands there are many better watches to buy before you buy that.

When designing a product you need to think carefully at the price point you're placing it at because of this.


it's for good luck :)

This only makes sense if you only have $800 for 1 watch. Most people who buy $800 already own other watches at similar price points.

wtf I hate the nazis now

Except "better" doesn't really mean much. Are there any objectively better watches? Because that doesn't mean anything.

I'd say a watch from a known Swiss or Japanese company would be objectively better than a Chinese watch from an unknown and untested company.

The Chinese watch isn't going to hold any value as no one has heard of the brand before.

It's not a bad watch, but it needs to cost $300.

Yes quartz watches are objectively better than mechanicals :^)

>The Chinese watch isn't going to hold any value as no one has heard of the brand before.
See, that's just a single criterion that most people don't give a shit about

now we're talking

Resell value is one of the most important criteria for buying luxury watches. That's why cunts go for the specific man on the moon version of the speedmaster, or a Rolex over a Tudor or why Tag Huer are dog shit.

just go back to archie's channel

>Resell value is one of the most important criteria for buying luxury watches

No one wants to think that their watch massively depreciates in value as soon as it's brought.

>archie posts in /wt/


Its new style called vavporwave,creating music without constraints or care for copyright.

Fuck off m8.

I hate that cunt. He's the type of moron that is unemployed and takes out a 10k credit card loan to buy a watch.

aaaaand now you've lost me.

but you seem to share the same interest in watches.

>Its new style called vaporwave

He's the type of person to unironically own a $20,000 solid gold Rolex and still beg for donations. The gall of it is hilarious.

>aaaaand now you've lost me.
Just go with Yung Bae - Bae,its pretty sweet album.
>not new

>Hey everyone here's my NEW car, it's 7 years old.

Your dumb ass made a stupid ass statement regarding the importance of resell value and then I explained why your monkey brain is wrong and you couldn't think of a counter argument so you resorted to straw manning me by comparing me to that fat horned cunt.

In terms or artistic direction that fucking nothing.
Baroque for example lasted for centuries lol

That's the thing, he doesn't own anything. It's all on credit

but you're wrong, resale value doesn't make a watch better. just because you buy things you can't afford doesn't mean other people have to care;

>there are people posting in this thread who don't buy their luxury watches used
>they don't know they can get every luxury watch for 40% cheaper
>they don't know people buy overpriced shit and regret it later
>they don't know wives make men sell their watches to buy handbags instead

>i am too dense to find the gif

Are you a retarded or just a refugee from TGV's comment section?

Please educate me. tell me how your magic system to rate watches objectively works, and how a vintage omega is a better watch than a maison celadon.

>i post gifs instead of WEBMs

What is this 2012?


1. Step into average workplace
2. "Hey check out my Omega"
3. "Nice watch", "Damn son," "Check out Bond over here lol".

1. Step into average workplace
2. "Hey check out my maison celadon"
3. "Who", "What?" "Did you get that of aliexpress?"

>Please educate me.

Literally fuck off back to R eddit desu. Spoon feeding needing lazy moron who holds opinions and posts misinfo

Literally who walks around saying "check out my watch"

wow, you sure showed me. i love spending my money for other people's opinions.

>1. Step into average workplace
>2. "Hey check out my Omega"
>3. "Nice watch", "Damn son," "Check out Bond over here lol".

this is what meme on the moon owners actually believe

What did they mean by this?


Here you go

>mfw someone with an ALS 1815 chrono, breguet, JLC geophysic and I'm sure many others recognized and complimented my imperial

Guess you just don't hang around watch autists irl.

Is there a good reason to buy a new watch?

This guy buys one watch and suddenly he's an expert on the frugality of watch purchasing. You learn what you like by owning watches. I sold two divers because they were so redundant. I learned that I didn't like them anymore now that I had more watches that I liked better. I started out with a shitty timex, moved onto a quartz Seiko, then moved onto an Invicta 8926ob, then more Seikos and orient, etc.

0 scratches. But yeah most of the current-era watches apart from Japanese, Rolex, Vostok, and some microbrands are absolute dogshit.

He's right though. It's better to buy 1 £2000 watch every 10 years than 5 £400 watches every 2 years.

I don't think so

The only new watch I would ever buy would be a steel Rolex sub desu. I would go to an AD in a tax free state like Delaware, offer to pay cash for a small discount and fuck off.

Prices between used and new Rolexes are like 1k-2k and with a new Rolex I'd have the piece of mind it's legit and under warranty and all that jazz. Difficult to tell fakes or even small, minute fake parts inside to a nonprofessional like myself on a piece that's been counterfeited so much like a sub

but when you have no watch in the first place what do you do

Well according to this place and that wannabe rich fgt they love, you buy a £1500 Speedmaster of course.

NO. Price is irrelevant. Wear what you like and can afford not what blogs or youtube videos getting paid to shill brands dictate.

Vostok or Swatch is the best option for most first time buyers, not Seiko.

Seiko or Orient

Oh wow thanks. It doesnt look as tacky as I thought it would, but I'm still not entirely sure...

>recommending the two ugliest goddamn watch brands over seiko
Christ, man

He's right though. Although most luxury watches don't get re-sold, people hate thinking they've made a bad deal.

Are you talking about lawyeranon? He's one of the most humble guys on these threads from what I've seen.

Or are you talking about Archie? 'cause Archie is broke as fuck and a meme. He's like /wt/ reincarnate.

I'd buy an in-house Tudor over a Rolex anyday.

Protip: Tudor is Rolex

You are such a cuck ffs I've never seen such an e-cocksucker as you

What's a good cheap automatic watch?

any seiko 5