Reminder that today is the desktop competition

Reminder that today is the desktop competition

Other urls found in this thread:

owo i though u cancelled that

Is there a secret desktop group I don't know about?

>no thumbnails
It's Linux alright.

Yes. To join, you must leave the botnet.

Windows actually

How the fuck did you manage to fuck up the only reason why Windows is worth using?

Firefox download manager doesn't show thumbnails

Wassup Jordan do you use discord?

how to black windows

Yes I have an account on discord

But I don't like it very much it's like an annoying version of irc

only 2 mons


Post wall pls

Here's my submission, Jordan

>Secret of Blue Water
I miss those days.

Accurate as fuck.

>tfw you win the desktop competition

could you at least resize your terminal kernel text is to long

Looks nice user. If I were using i3, this would by my rice of choice.

what theme?

sauce on the >girl

what status bar?

thanks desu

"she" is Mana Kakkowarai


So i3-gaps with polybar, a urxvt config, and gruvbox theme all around? This is great. Gonna give this a try.

By the by, what do you i3 people use as a login manager? None? Do you just start your desktop with a login script?

yeah pretty much, polybar has got a lot of neat looking configs floating around as well
i use LXDM currently, will probably change to a cli based one like CDM or Console TDM

Hardest I've laughed on Sup Forums in a while