India will have 40% economic growth by 2030

Indian scientists have conceived of a system of rail transportation in space, free from air resistance. The Orbital Ring that they conceived of can be built today, with existing technology. In addition to terrestrial transportation, the Orbital Ring would drastically reduce the cost of sending payloads to space, from $2000/kg to $1/kg.

This would enable your childhood dreams to become real. Terraforming and colonies on the Moon and Mars. Middle class families could take vacations on another planet. An end to climate change through space-based solar power. The project would pay for itself many times over by mining asteroids, and selling space-based solar power to the world.

Massive economic growth.

Tax cuts

Basic income

We can do it all. Today.

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Is this an Indian ringworld made out of poo?


I'd be surprised if they stopped shitting in the street by 2030 desu

Without poo you can't terraform

>Basic income
fuck off back to plebit


Correct me if I'm wrong, but: Isn't the biggest problem with any near earth orbit megastructure tidal forces due to the small irregularities in earth's gravity?

you're not wrong there desu

>indian shit squads
>deploying them on dead planets to shit on the surfaces to help terraforming

by 2100 India will have designated shitting planets.

NO, ISRA has overcome all obstacles in the past to get to Mars for 1/10th the cost of Europe or America.

Is it the West's arrogance that has made India far outpace them in technological development?

I'd be more worried about the Earth / Moon / Sun gravitational dance than small irregularities.
My high pressure injection wells range ±25psi during the day/night cycle (solar gravitational tidal force), and that goes up too ±33psi if the Moon decides to play along with it. They're pushing at around 1,700psi. Pressure went up at night, down during the day.

The old hand that worked here always thought it was because of the day / night temperatures. I said that shouldn't be, the temperature is a constant after it leaves the compressor pump. So after some brain storming we decided it was gravity affecting the changes.

>designated space shitting streets

>I'd be more worried about the Earth / Moon / Sun gravitational dance
Good catch, somehow that managed to completely slip me by. It's a shape, because having giant ring around the earth would be completely awe inspiring.

Maybe we can stick a moderately sized O'Neill cylinder in a 3:2 orbit with the moon to keep it's orbit stable.

Super POOwer by 2030

Pajeets actually believe this

>free from air resistance.
don't indians know there's no air in space


all poo will finally be in a loo by 2045!!!


Prove them wrong; Where is the evidence to say otherwise?
This is what Indians actually believe.

>needing space suits

fucking kek

>spend less money
>get better results

India Mars Mission Scientists


fucking lol

literal LOL

holy fucking shit this is racist as fuck, I guess this is how other races feel.

Why wouldn't they need a space suit assuming they have evolved on a planet with an atmosphere?

>Will still cling to caste system.
>Will still have designated shitting streets.


>unironically believing that a disgusting gutter race that has yet to discover toilets can into ringworlds

pajeet pls


>India invests in their people
>Americans and Europeans invest in corporations that don't care about people

Mmmmmmm wonder who wins in the long run

>India invests in their people
>Meanwhile India spends money shooting junk into space when half their population doesn't even have toliets and running water

Well I mean we use toilets so I think we're pretty ahead as it is.

Literally someone cleaning in every scene.
Well thats one accuracy I'll accept. Only white people know what "clean" means.

How else do you think that futuristic city got that spotless. Can't expect pajeets to know how.

Fucking keked heartily




>Prove them wrong; Where is the evidence to say otherwise?
Not that guy but the burden of proof is on the one making the claim.
>Oh yeah, India will have a megastructure in space!
If you claim this, you should have to prove it.
>Oh yeah, we're going to build a yuuge wall and it'll keep Mexico out!
Yeah, no it won't but I'd like to see you try it. It'll disprove itself once it's built.

>He think mexicains take planes to cross into the USA crowd

But they do

>India is currently orbiting Mars
>India just launched a record amount of satellites into space

When will you faggots learn that India you see shitting in streets is not the same one going into space?

Over a billion people.

Never forget

>yfw first extraterrestrial contact will be aliens visiting earth wanting to know how the monkeys are evolving to fling shit into outer space.

>India just launched a record amount of satellites into space
India just increased the amount of space debris that might hit real satellites.

Found the Pajeet, congrats anyway

>super power by 2020
J-just wait guys, we'll surely show you

OP get out of /r/Futureology.

It's all sensationalist garbage and vapor dreams

Lets put it this way. If India can pour all this money into space ex and not into fixing basic socio-demographic problems, then they are going to quickly go the way of north korea.

y'got 2 and a half years.

Prove us wrong by assassinating Trump.

That's not how it works. You inspire the next generation by innovation, not by making corporations richer.

That lovely economic growth

Dubs confirm

Stop asking for favors already, geez...

The fuck does providing basic drinking water and living amenities and a working social-support structure have to do with making a corporation rich?

Joseph Bazalgette laid the foundation for modern London by installing the needed sewage infrastructure that without which would have meant 1800's London drowning in its own shit and piss, drinking from dirty contaminated water sources and spreading disease.

There's some serious flaws in your logic if you think there aren't going to be any corporations that are going to profit from having billions sunk into space ex, and also if you somehow believe not putting in fundamental infrastructure means a burgeoning population already collapsing under its own weight can somehow survive through infancy, school, university and a job.

Why do you think there are hardly any nobel prize winners coming out of the poorest parts of africa?

>Yfw if India by some stretch of the imagination becomes technologically superior then it'll be the first true classic cyberpunk future

i hope pakistan drops a nuclear bomb in india by 2020

>source: my colon

>This Sanjeet delusion
Wew lad indians confirmed to be jelly as fuck of white countries aren't literal shitholes.

Fuck off you leftist rat parasite

I don't have clean water, but boy I am glad my tax money went to put some trash in space.
>Pajeet logic

>Copy the West
>Ahh we much better then you, we have rocket made from poo!

watch this guy, he is cool

This will only benefit the most powerful countries. The ones that have space programs.

For everyone else it's useless, in fact it might as well kill countries that depend on exporing materials that can be found in space or the ones that export energy.

This thing will increase inequality in the world.


>mfw ISRA means took a shit in my native naguage



Most illegal immigrants overstay their visa, they don't sneak across the border. Even if the wall is 100% effective, it won't reduce the number of illegals by any significant amount. I'm all for keeping immigration above board, it's better for both the locals and the immigrants, but a wall is a horrifically bad way of doing it.

I'm 2 minutes in. Holy fucking kek. What the fuck? This isn't anything to do with advancement because the landscape looks like somewhere in the 90s. This whole thing is just "I HATE VHITE PEEPIL THEY WILL BE OUR SLAVE ONE DAY"

This is hilarious. Where do I buy this modded pink HP with hologram support?


Kek Indians think they can build the single largest construction in human history, and they're going to build it on space. The combined space agencies of the world wouldn't even be able to come close to building that, and it'd be a waste of time anyway. If anyone really wants to seriously advance space exploration they should get on to fabricating a mass producable building material suitable for tethering a space elevator. That shit would actually take us to sci-fi land.



OECD and IMF estimates variously say that in 2030 the US and China will have GDPs of $30 to $35 trillion while India will struggle to break $10 trillion

This is in spite of the fact that India will surpass China as the world's most populous nation

>India's largest rocket, the GSLV Mk. III is still under construction
>it will be able to carry 8 tons into orbit

The Falcon 9 can carry 20 tons right now. By the time the GSLV III is complete, the Falcon Heavy will be in service carrying 64 tons

The Delta IV can carry 25 tons right now. By the time the GSLV III is complete, the SLS will be in service carrying 70 tons

The Chinese Long March 5 can carry 25 tons right now. By the time the GSLV III is complete, the Long March 9 will be in service carrying 140 tons

The Russian Angara A5 can carry 24 tons right now. By the time the GSLV III is complete, the Energia SHL will be in service carrying 80 tons.

These are the guys competing with the upcoming "state of the art" eight ton payload rocket. India what the fuck are you even doing?

Now they can start shitting in space instead of in the street. Quite an improvement.

It's to send to poo to space

Superpooper by 2020

Whyat man is mad so they must be doing something right

>MK 2 was such a shit that they skipped it
Top Kek.

Comedy gold

These fucking comments lmfao. Indians taking some hard bait.

Low Earth Orbit isn't free of atmospheric drag.

>more like London in 2030

We have known about orbital rings and their benefit for ages. Our governments would rather spend money on gibs so they can maintain their position.


>The Falcon 9 can carry 20 tons right now

It's just too bad the latest Falcon 9 Full Thrust CRS-10 to the ISS, Feb 19, 2017, only carried

Launching 100,000 6ton poo satellites into GTO

So many white servants.

Racists fucks


>Basic income
Back to the shitdus valley with you


invert this matrix
10 poo poo points awarded upon completion

How long until cars turn themselves on and start ramming into building, running over humans in the street? Does anyone look upon an oncoming car, and shiver at how eerily they look onward with vengeful mien?