What happend to nvidia? Why are they so bad at drivers now?

What happend to nvidia? Why are they so bad at drivers now?

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>aaymdrone faggot mad his company only releases budget rebrands


so its Microsofts fault?

>Nvidia faggot that doesn't realize Nvidia is going full retard by following a no competition tactic

Top jej

>bought a 1060 without doing much research
>my soul when intense regret

No, it's just NVIDIA's current arch is unsuitable for any implementation of async compute due to lack of hardware scheduling.

NVidia's DX11 performance was all smoke and mirrors. They just patched shit into the drivers. Now they can't do that with DX12. Also, the async compute thing.

whats this async compute thing?

amdrone marketing buzzword

like fastsync?

what's wrong with nvidia drivers? i haven't had any issue with running games?


>Why are they so bad at drivers now?
The hardware is lacking a hardware scheduler, and they are using the driver to compensate for this. This of course isn't as good.

is that such a bad thing and why did nvidia removed it?

It is for DX12/Vulkan. They removed it for the power saving meme, that's also the reason they butchered compute.

Because Fermis was gigantic housefires.

>async compute
it housefire, that why nvidia remove it

>bad drivers
kek user, the majority of people who report "bad drivers" are dumb fuckers like this guy

This isn't English

It lets the GPU quickly switch from one thing to another without a huge performance hit. That's the ultra simplified version at least

AMD had hardware for it back in 2011 with the introduction of the 7970. Nvidia only added it to hardware in Pascal last year, but half arsed it so it doesn't work so well. It was pretty irrelevant 5 years ago, but both the PS4 and Xbox supporting it, and DX12 addeding support on PC. So now quite a few games take advantage of it.

It's like advanced pipelining.
Fuck off.

No, it let's your GPU use compute and graphics at the same time.

Nvidia only let's you run graphics OR compute.

>Nvidia only let's you run graphics OR compute.
The compute is gimped anyway.

Computing is for CPUs

amd shill: the thread

Good luck with you rebrandeon and wait vega (R)

Nvidia drivers are still better senpai

It's just AMD has rebraned 75% of their GPU line up over 5 years so their drivers are super stable at this point.



nVidia shill: the post

Yeah that made zero sense.

>rebrandeon and wait vega (R)

Looks like op got BTFO

Serial compute is. Parallel compute on GPUs humiliates CPUs.

im not an amd shill or nvidia shill im neutral

I don't care

That's a nice explanation.

On their GeForce shit tier cards. On their Quaddro it's actually competitive with AMD.

Which is why Nvidia does not want to put compute on their GeForce cards, because they will lose so much damn money.

Funny you should say that, because Polaris got released a month after Pascal.

Pascal Quadros are gimped too. Well, besides GP100 one.

poolaris only offers mid-range budget cards though


Because it's half-Fiji and Fiji is a bottleneckfest.

kys poojeet

Async is only useful when ur hardware is Inherently inefficient.
Nvidia figured out how to make their dx11 driver more efficient than using a hardware scheduler.

It's a genius move on AMDs part though
Remove hardware bottlenecks
And force driver optimization on the Devs

im a jew and i love nvidia and im hating amd because theyre like the nazis

Maybe AMD are just the better jews.

>Nvidia figured out how to make their dx11 driver more efficient than using a hardware scheduler.
That's a bandaid, especially considering modern engines are leveraging compute. Kys ramesh.

They had to manually patch each game.

>They had to manually patch each game.
And it still doesn't help when the game is compute-heavy. So hardware scheduler will be back and we'll get our second coming of Thermi.

Holy fuck. Who told you that? And why would they hate you that much?

It's inefficient to offload tasks from the GPU to the CPU then back to the GPU like Nvidia does. Versus having your GPU handle everything natively before being displayed.

>when the game is compute-heavy
amdrones everyone
buzzwords out the ass like retarded macfags

Are you braindead?

It doesn't even need to be compute heavy. Ashes of the Singularity uses a small amount of asynchronous compute and it took Nvidia engineers almost a full year of driver development on Pascal to get it in the same ballpark as AMD.

They're good enough to stay at the top. They sure as fuck won't improve for the hell of it.


Direct X 12 looks better than Direct X 11.


'the async compute thing'
that shows me how you have no fucking clue what it is, or what it does, but you meme about it anyway because you watched a couple of adoredtv videos

nvidia gpu's are far more efficient than amd gcn shit, they barely benefit from async, unlike gcn which is a lot more focused on compute performance, which goes to waste in a lot of games.

>thread has actual discussion about hardware, with pros and cons of each vendor with people sharing experiences
>(You): Discussion on Sup Forums! It's another shoa!

>inefficient to offload tasks from the GPU to the CPU then back to the GPU

It works fine because the nvidia DX11 driver uses every available thread.

Dx12 Bans driver multi threading
Hmmm I would wonder whyyy

>have to create an online account to use features local to my computer


I already regret my 1080ti since Vega is one month away, cheaper, and better.

>one month away, cheaper, and better.

Yeah I lied it's actually like half a month away

I own an gtx 1070, Amd guys let ask you, what would have been the Amd Alternative that would also let me only use a 650 watt power supply.

>the nvidia DX11 driver uses every available thread.
NVidia's DX11 drivers are held together with duct tape and silly putty.
>Dx12 Bans driver multi threading
You're a fucking retard. Look at the results from DX12 in Dolphin.

I wonder who could be behind this post...

OP is not a shill there has been windows 10 Nvidia driver issues for months.

An 1600/580 combo won't even use more than 335-400 watts under load.

>You're a fucking retard. Look at the results from DX12 in Dolphin.
BF1 uses DX12 as wrapper so results are shit.

Nice try OP

Figures, another shitty cherrypicked shill benchmark.

How exactly would a 580 compete with a 1070?

They don't care about gaymen anymore because they're making so much money selling Teslas in bulk for large companies to run CUDA workloads.

It can in amdrones mind

LOL ok

Timestamp, tits and/or mantits or GTFO.

Their drivers are as good as always, but since Vulkan and DX12 push most of the responsibilities that used to belong to the driver onto the developer AMD no longer suffers from having shitty drivers.

Here you go nig

If they're so efficient that they don't need async, why do they suffer so hard under DX12 without their precious driver hacks?

Because they removed hardware scheduler to tame their housefires.

but this isnt even the gaming x edition

they've been putting out bunk drivers for a while now, they kinda suck.


A bit exaggerated there m8y

>goyworks title with DX12 wrapper
Oy-vey, time to use that x64 tesselation.

look how minimal the loss is for those AMD cards are vs Nvidia
>defending massive loss in performance over new API

In the DF video the only game AMD wins in is Hitman which is an AMD sponsored game so by your logic it's disqualified as well.

I want them to add it back in and get some Fermi action going on.

So it Sup Forums for real that everyone that got a gtx 1070 has made a wrong decision?

They inevitably will. Like, they have no other choice. Duct taping more shit to their drivers won't help.

>Dx12 Bans driver multi threading
Except for the fact that it doesn't, AMD's DX12 driver is multi threaded.

Nvidia is a company that employs scummy business tactics, why would support much less give hundreds of your parents hard earned dollars to a company that just had to pay out a huge class action settlement because they flat out lied about the VRAM on a 970?
Nvidia owners are like abused housewives with Stockholm syndrome lol.


Underpaid their driver devs, they were poached by AMD years ago
Nvidia had a hardware scheduler in Fermi, they removed it to tame their housefire

Not if you like crazy high fps numbers on just 1080p.

i like crazy high fps on 1080p

>When you're being told a bald faced lie and know it's total bullshit

>Dx12 Bans driver multi threading

The API uses more threads
The driver doesn't
It's AMDs way to fuc over nvidia.
It's revenge for Game works killing AMD performance.

>The API uses more threads
>The driver doesn't
>It's AMDs way to fuc over nvidia.
>It's revenge for Game works killing AMD performance

If this is true then I love AMD. Sweet sweet revenge.

Nvidia has been doing shadey shit for a while.
Like having games over tesselate flat objects to lower AMD performance.

However, Nvidia has a lot of money and manpower.
They will most likely be able to counter dx12s shortcomings with newer Hardware.