What the fuck is the point of this? The devs themselves have said the users are worthless and not considered at all in the development, yet people still install it and think they're special for wasting half an hour installing via command line and then building their "minimal" system from the ground up.
What the fuck is the point of this...
It's nice for learning basics. No real use for it though imo... there's better options for literally anything
>It's nice for learning basics
The wiki is, not the distribution itself. It is literal garbage that does nothing special and only wastes the users' time due to the fact that there is zero emphasis placed on the user because the developers made everything in a way that's easiest for them
Wow OP another insightful thread on YOUR opinion on arch. We don't have enough of these in the damn catalog.
Fucking kill yourself. If you wanna jerk off over your choice in software I think Sup Forums is the board for you. Sage.
I might've spent half an hour installing but I've done that once per computer running arch and I don't need to waste two to three hours updating and then fixing bugs each time there's an update available like on some ubuntu related distro.
The two debian based machines waste hours of my time each time I try to set something up with them, I'm glad there's only two of them in this house.
One's my mom's laptop running lubuntu I still save time on tech support because it doesn't break like windows does.
The other is a box I'd call my home server if I could set up services on it, but everything's either broken or way too outdated to be useful.
Both systems are going to get replaced by something when I finally feel like dealing with them, one with fedora and another with arch.
As if ease of use was somehow too different from ease of development.
It's a general purpose rolling release binary distro with a minimal base install and sane defaults for most software.
And it's not educational at all. You'll rely on scripts like pacstrap and arch-chroot during install and will be confused when you can't figure out why you can't mkinitcpio from a normal chroot on some other system. It gets you used to googling and reading documentation for linux systems, but that's about it.
Know what, though.
The developers are users too. On an open source system, the difference between a user and a developer should remain fairly small.
This blame applies far better on debian, where the developers have replaced things like ffmpeg simply because it's easier for them even if a lot of users do require it to be installed. At least I do, on the debian homeserver mentioned above. I find it baffling that the user is expected to go dig in .conf files in order to install something like that.
Also, end user can be any kind of end user, not just a mouth breathing windows user who requires a familiar GTK theme to make sense out of a system.
He made the same thread yesterday.
And I think I saw it or a variation just a couple hours ago.
I'm going to keep writing posts to the length limit just to see him never reply with anything. He can't.
>wasting half an hour
are you a retard? then again maybe you are..
I don't give a fuck about your opinion.. you can use windows 95 for all I care. It's your personal choice. But don't talk about stuff you can't comprehend.
>think they're special
yea, damn right I'm special. u jelly?
Just wait until all these people update their system after being away for a while, and the whole thing comes crumbling down. It will happen.
>spend 20 minutes installing Arch Linux + KDE
Wow OP, yeah that's hard. I'm clearly wasting so much time.
Counterintuitively, the AUR is nice for normies that can't into compiling
I like pacman better than apt. I don't wanna waste time compiling everything. No distro ships with the default windows manager configuration I want. Which distro exactly should I prefer and why? Maybe Void or NixOS but that's about it.
>literally the exact same shit except you have to type an extra -
You mean packaging, retard.
Compiling is what a compiler does. AUR packages packaged from source get compiled, which means they "can into" compiling, idiot.
Only an idiot would install programs without packaging them first.
Kill yourself for trying to appear smart while being unaware of your glaring idiocy.
>nice for formonies that can't into compiling
First off, kill yourself for using the word "normies", your cingy underage faggot.
Second off, it has more to do with people who can't into packaging than compiling. anyone can type ./configure && make && make install, but why would they want to install something without their package manager?
A typical Arch user, everyone
>Arch users are such faggots for using time saving tools
oh boy I can't wait to hit 200 posts because modern Sup Forums doesn't even know how to detect b8 and use sage
It's a containtment thread.
>Arch is shit is "b8" to modern Sup Forums
Hello 16 year old weeb ricer who posts with a trip in desktop threads
i'm genuinely curious why people hate on Arch so much... even if you have a good reason to not like it (rare), why not just use something else and stop telling everyone else how to live their life?
seriously, get a hobby.
the userbase mainly
some of them are quite good (generally the contributors, graybeards, people writing the wiki) but some of the userbase are the most annoying autistic know-nothing faggots in the entire linux realm
I haven't used Arch since prior to systems, but it was a good educational tool back then. It gave a good enough springboard for someone to hop into Gentoo or LFS afterward. Technically you could do all that from another distro, but no other distros had beginner level documentation to start from a minimal or netinstall. In fact most, just assumed you knew how to do it and didn't really have centralized documentation for it. I mean, I'm pretty sure Fedora doesn't even have an official equivalent to debootstrap to this day. So anyone that isn't already would just be hopelessly lost there. And I've guided a couple people on Sup Forums through getting Gentoo up and running, so I know how fucked a beginner would have been there as well. I don't know how accurate it is, It's a shame if Arch really has lost its value as an educational tool.
I've been using Arch as my main general purpose OS for 7 years now. At this point I'm just used to it and trying to install/configure other distros confuses me.
Maybe someday I'll get around to doing a minimal Debian install to see what all the fuss is about.
>I've been using Arch as my main general purpose OS for 7 years now
Fucking why?
It just /werks/ senpai
It works fine for me, I had more annoying little issues when I was using Ubuntu. I tried installing Debian Testing once but the installer would always hang up at a certain point so I gave up and just stuck with Arch.
Sure thing archcucks
Not him but both my trackpad, wifi card and battery sleep / wake states worked perfecly out of the box in arch as opposed to Fedora and Xubuntu
No need to make shit up kiddo.
I run Arch Linux on my work issued laptop as well as my desktop and home server. The only x86 computer in my possession not running Arch is my gaming machine which runs SteamOS.
the wiki is god-tier
System is gud for if you wanna learn how to make your own distro effectively or autistically micromanage elements of a lunix box
>is a net positive for Linux and anyone who disagrees is an autistic faggot who uses some no-name ricer variant distro with 500 users
It may be a net positive for GNU/Linux as a whole, but it's a negative in the details where it counts