This board is literally only

this board is literally only
>pajeet/women/SJW hate
>thing x is better than thing y

why is Sup Forums so fucking shit


Because it's the Linux subboard of Sup Forums.

Sup Forums was great 6 years ago

actually so was most of this site, then it shit the bed


>t. sjwzilla supporter

I think you have the wrong board OP.
Nobody here hates women.
Everyone loves their mothers, sisters, gf's/wives who have them, female friends.
What people hate are bitches, bitches like feminists who think they are entitled to being treated on the same level as the aforementioned.
You need to open your mind a little to the illogicality of stating that there are such thing as women haters, when nobody can hate all women.

Sup Forums used to be funnier.

There are a few dedicated shitposters that use generals as an excuse to spam the same shit all day but those threads are hardly ever worth replying to because they are full of copy paste shitposts.

>same level
above level*

In some cases even that, yes.

So basically anyone you aren't related to, and sometimes even the ones you are, if they are bitches, which they usually are.

Naw you aren't fooling anyone misogyny is never going away, women suck.

I literally just heard a split black woman call her ex at 7am to tell him she wanted to keep her kid an extra day even though she was supposed to bring it back, and then proceeded to cry and tell him to crawl back into bed with his whore girlfriend.

peak traffic that came with increased popularity

>So basically anyone you aren't related to, and sometimes even the ones you are, if they are bitches, which they usually are.
In my life, women are very varied.
I have the great luck that my family and loved ones, and a few friends, are all good people.
But i've also come across plenty of total and absolute bitches, or what you would call the female equivalent of douche shitbags.
It's a part of life.

Because no one feels like putting time and effort into writing quality posts just to get spammed to death with shitposts or have them fall off the board

It's fine. i like the ironic shitposting

Yeah but that super polite woman with the smiling kids you talked to briefly goes home and goes on a bipolar rampage about dust.

Post something funny please.

what's wrong, someone hurt your fee fees?


Ever wonder why Sup Forums went to shit?
Maybe it's because you don't supply good content.

It's easy 2 blame phone posters or gamergate fags.

But, just maybe; it's your fault.

>pajeet/women/SJW hate

Fuck you, almost every pajeet, 99% women and all SJW deserve to die

>It's easy 2 blame phone posters
It's easy and correct.
Sup Forums is an imageboard.
Phoneposters fail at posting images or editing images.
They don't have the space or the software or the layout of a desktop or laptop user, nor do they take their random pic archives around on their phone.
Phoneposters are by definition the userbase antithesis to an imageboard, such as Sup Forums is.

Only since phoneposting became a mainstream thing did all boards across Sup Forums see a drop in image uploads and a drop in posting quality or entertainment quality.


nah, I'm just not interested why pajeets poo in the loo, or what kind of shit a retarded SJW just pulled, or why your favorite distro is complete shit. I want to discuss about technology.

If you see racist posts, report them.

Because Sup Forums is now with muh gaymen GPUs/CPUs what Sup Forums was with consoles a few years ago
Most people here are brainless consumer retards who can only talk about the latest trash they buy
Remember when we told phoneposters and gaming rice retards to fuck off?

>They don't have the space or the software
I agree that they don't have the software,
However, I post images all the time when I'm on mobile.
>Inb4 phone fag
My work PC blocks Sup Forums so how else am I gonna a pass my day?

The problem with phoneposters is that they don't even see more than a few posts at a time and can't write long posts themselves, only retarded shit.


Reminder that most people here unironically watch shit like LinuxCuckTipps.

i dont get it

This is the most based board you dumbfuck.

/tg/ is the only board I still enjoy going to, almost everything else is pure cancer

Double checked
Linus is for entertainment value nothing more.
/k/ and /wsg/ are both fine.

Some guy samefags in order to spite a tripfag

Bad rules and generals. Fix these and Sup Forums would get significantly slower and significantly better.

1.) Battlestation and desktop threads belong on /wg/. These threads are worthless.

2.) Headphone threads belong on Sup Forums. I don't even know how they ended up here.

3.) Watch threads belong on /fa/. Another shitty general that is inexplicably on Sup Forums despite having no relevance.

4.) Constant Ryzen threads moaning and crying about "muh 2 fps in Witcher 3" belong on Sup Forums. Same goes for build advice and guts threads. These threads are easily the most damaging to this board.

5.) Per-thread IDs and public bans need to be instantiated. Some consumer electronic threads that unfortunately fit best on this board will attract shills that shitpost at such a high volume it kills any discussion on this board.

Ban everybody who posts one of the generals mentioned above. Implement point five. Sup Forums would instantly improve to a ~2010ish state.

I don't know whether mods care anymore.

Then we need new mods.

Years ago, Sup Forums was a flagship blueboard. There was plenty of shitposting, as is customary, but there was variety and even talent regularly posting here.

Generals that belong on other boards and the mouth breathers who post in them take up a solid page to two pages of this board. During the Ryzen release, upwards of four pages of this hoard were about Ryzen. Posters who don't even belong here are sliding most of the content this board exists for. Over half of this board by volume is rehashed dogshit, and it doesn't need to be this way.

Generals and consumerism are what's cancer.
The politics get old but it's more to due with the fact that we have to talk about it at all, rather than that we are talking about it.

No one here is obliged to entertain you.

He says as he post no images

> nor do they take their random pic archives around on their phone.
Um, yes, they do.

Actual skilled and insightful users left for other sites years ago
Too much bigotry/racism on here

Check out /r/technology :^)

>bipolar rampage about dust.

kek, I know what you mean. Some women lose it at the most inconsequential, stupid bullshit it beggars belief.

Smells like "Femanon" in here. She reports threads that hurt her feels.

I would say this one isn't true. It seems convenient, but it leaves out some important points:

1.) Phone posters probably post significantly less than a desktop user as a matter of personality. They usually aren't enthusiasts, and are generally here for a laugh. This means that boards such as Sup Forums (enthusiast boards in the first place) see even less phone viewership.

2.) Posting through a web browser fucking sucks, and there's no apps in app stores.

3.) Sup Forums radicalizes phoneposters.
a.) Saving images is easy, and building a large collection doesn't take a phone browser long.
b.) The generally extremist stance of many boards in their field drives phoneposters over the edge, as their definition of acceptable slowly sets sail.

I've watched phoneposting turn normies into us. When I was in high school, a classmate saw me phoneposting over my shoulder and he wanted in.

It started with browsing. For at least an hour a day he would zone out in English and browse. Then he started collecting reactions and other memes. Then he got into blueboards related to his interests.

He started dressing cleaner, began focusing on college, and completely reclused from a huge majority of his social connections.

You can now tell from his politics, interests, worldview, etc. that he started to browse way too much and basically just hiding how far into this shithole he is.

Phoneposting converts non-believers.

Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums

>pajeet/women/SJW hate
Absolutely nothing wrong with this, and there are way too many of them in tech.
>thing x is better than thing y
This is because of how many Sup Forums crossboarders come here to shitpost about the new GPU or some shit.

I miss techloli/g/y

>political opinions didn't exist before Sup Forums
Are you retarded?
Also /new/ was there before pol.

/new/ wasn't nearly as big or as cancerous as Sup Forums

/new/ also didn't target reddit with the express purpose of recruiting normies and inviting them to come post on Sup Forums

Sup Forums has been attacking sites since its inception with raid threads and inviting normies in the same places.
The first "3 rules" or "muh secrit club rules" of raiding were constantly meme'd to no avail, because their repetition was a consequence of nobody following them.

Sup Forums always infested everywhere and infected everywhere you dumb fucktable.
Sup Forums isn't special no more or less than Sup Forums thinks Jews are special, so in regards to mentality i'll have to give you an A+ for having one thing in common with Sup Forums yet being oblivious to it.

True. The worst thing is that Sup Forums is the first board of most newbies to Sup Forums nowadays . Reason being that Sup Forumstards seek out new people from reddit or facebook. It's just one big cancer tumor on Sup Forums.

you seem really defensive about Sup Forums for someone who doesn't browse it

You seem awfully evasive about being wrong in your statement.

You didn't prove me wrong at all. Nice try though Sup Forumstard

1. Sup Forums was always shit.
I recall having a swollen forehead from all the facepalms back in 2008 already.
2. Intelligence left for lain chan years ago, especially the daily lisp thread.
3. Most people are stupid, Sup Forums has no barrier of entry, thus most people on Sup Forums will be stupid

That's nice and all, but whatever labels you attempt to stick to me won't change that you made a stupid ignorant remark.
The history of Sup Forums is well documented.
I don't have to prove you wrong just as i don't have to prove someone wrong for them stating that WW1 never happened.

Kill yourself you perma-BTFO'd tripfaggot

you people complain over the dumbest shit

The answer is the Life, universe and everything.

Because you aren't starting something more interesting

It's your fault




bot nets

90% of threads is botnets

Forgot your order of operations. Kill yourselves you monkey brained fucking retards.

Nope. It's 21.

PEMDAS you paste-eating stupid piece of shit.

2 + (10 * 4) = 42. You have to do the multiplication first. This is elementary school level algebra for fucks sake.