Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

Does anyone use it? Is it better than dual-booting?

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Never tried it. I use tested Windows tools and commands on Windows, and tested Lunix tools and commands on Lunix.

The Windows CLI and commands fall short, and there's a GUI for about everything on Windows in year 2017. If you can't find it, you can create in a few minutes.

If you only need command line tools, it's better than dual-booting.

if you need it for any kind of multimedia application it's totally useless.

Hm... running subsystem of the OS inside other OS is better than installing OS...
hm... really makes you think... hm....

mpv segfaults upon execution.
pulseaudio doesn't work
you need weird workarounds to get dbus working.

It's not intended for media use. it's intended to run gcc and vim.

I use it for textutils. Just wish they'd provide a decent terminal emulator instead of using cmd.

>it's intended to run gcc and vim
Worth it

Win32 is a subsystem also, Linux binaries are just as much native as windows binaries

Just like linux

Fucked up but true

I use it to run valgrind, gcc and vim.
If any of you need valgrind on GNU/NT then git clone and build:

I like it since I can use SSH now without installing retarded software like putty, also irssi. Some things are just too comfy to do on windows.

>Is it better than dual-booting?
probably, since dual booting has been deprecated 10 years ago and no one does it anymore.

only bad thing is the terminal program, it's shit. At some point seems like a bad offspring between CMD and Mintty. They should try to improve it and make it more like ConEmu.



I use it every day, but it's not meant to be "linux inside of windows"
Its bash. Just bash. Anything that needs X, audio connection, anything like that is not going to play nice with you.

It has made general development a trillion fucking times easier though because now I don't have to fight with windows PATHing setup or have to worry about "oh no that specific library doesnt have a windows compiled equivalent!"

get a cpu and mainboard that has been produced within the last 10 years ? they all support IOMMU




its not supported in win 10 ltsb

>retarded software like putty
>retarded software
>like putty

but what would i do with all that vitual cpu and no virtual gpu

the fucking point is that you use the real physical cpu and gpu instead of a virtual one.

you know what I mean you dumb nigger

but i don't because no vgpu tech in real world you stupid shitfuck

for some things yeah its ok - but the lack of access to network shares and nfs makes it useless for a lot of things

don't think it can access usb devices either


stop smoking crack, you've already lost the ability to write proper sentences

Ho shit, you stole my idea.

great minds

>Win32 is a subsystem also, Linux binaries are just as much native as windows binaries

does this mean they can magically implement correctly? and that the underlying micro-kernel(that is in reality more like a monolithic kernel) is not intrusive or does not contain shit coding?
don't get me wrong it is a step in the right direction to have kind off foss user space apps because they might come from a good place. yet i still wouldn't trust it..

>Anything that needs X, audio connection, anything like that is not going to play nice with you.
i heard you can hack X onto it and run stuff.. idk about performance tho...

>dual booting has been deprecated 10 years ago and no one does it anymore.
tell me where that happed? a lot of people dual boot not?

>tell me where that happed?
when IOMMU became mainstream and gpu passthrough retard-proof


isn't hardware pass through only a part of the problem? it is for me anyway.

nope, as long as IOMMU is properly supported everything is fine, nvidia consumer cards are a little bit tricky to pass through, but amd cards work just fine.

I like it.
You can even run X stuff with it using xming.
Only ran into some problems when running some nodejs stuff and permissions got screwed so that neither system could access a specific directory anymore.

Haven't gotten chromium to run yet, not sure if it's even possible.

It is. You have to activate it though.

but this kind of stuff still happens?

You guys are missing a major reason you still really should dualboot. I mean it depends on what you need but essentially if you need full power in both windows and linux, then what would be best is a Windows host and linux virtual. The problem with this though, is that you get no privacy. If you care for your privacy you'd dual boot so you can run linux without purposefully running the malware that is windows as well.

not really related since vmware workstation can't into pcie passthrough anyway.

> best is a Windows host and linux virtual
but windows can't into virtualization ? hyper-v doesn't support for gpu passthrough ? even freebsds bhyve shits on hyper-v
it's linux host with windows VMs

Hyper-V is bar none the best hypervisor on the market. Yes, even better than VMware because VMware pulls a lot of really weird shit and overprices like crazy.

But it's not designed around one to two man teams fucking around with things. It's first and foremost for virtualization and docker systems, not "I want to pass all my hardware through to a virtualized system that isn't running on a barebones hypervisor!" because that is such a bizarrely specific use case, not to mention unreliable at best and a massive security flaw at worst.

Bullshit, linux has internet browsers, video games, and media players.

I used to use it for gcc. It was nice.

>Windows infects your UEFI and Linux partitions
>still no privacy when dual booting

Depends on what you need, if you're a gamer who needs Windows installed for other things and only need some command line utilities for development or something, it's a fine way to go.

If you're like me and package management is the biggest reason you prefer Linux, you'll still hate your life.

No, I have zero problems with any media files on Xubuntu.

Have you Cmder or Hyper.

Cmder is portable and is built around ConEmu.

Hyper is a the Atom Editor of terminal emulators.

Are you on crack?

I'd still have to use Windows.

I write all my c++ and c code in linux.


it works quite well tbqh. if you have simple gtk programs to run, just install an X server on the windows. don't expect anything with opengl to work. it's neat since I only use command line tools and have experience in unix terminal.

I use it all the time for gcc and some git scripts. It also comes in handy as a better python interpreter than whatever I can make in Windows cmd