>install "linux"
>sound dont work
>games dont work
>internet dont work
Install "linux"
>still can't use distro's wiki and/or google
>[singular noun] dont work
Quit shitposting on Sup Forums and focus on your grade school English homework.
i will when you learn my native language.
which is?
I don't give a shit about your native language.
How's he going to use the wiki or Google if the internet doesn't work idiot
Why would you even need to google how to get the internet working on Linux, it should work properly out of the box
Linux on laptops is a meme.
Depends on the distro. For example if you have a freetard distro and your NIC(s) require closed source drivers then of course they're not going to work.
>Illiterates can't install Linux properly.
It does though on any distro I've ever tried, and even on Gentoo it wasn't that hard to get WiFi up and running. What kind of potato distro is the OP using?
Stupid nigerroach I'm dutch and even I saw your fuckups.
>sound doesn't work
Install the correct driver, if you don't know how to find the right driver then you're not as tech savvy as you think you are.
>games don't work
Linux isn't for games.
>internet doesn't work
Looks like linux really just isn't for you and that's okay. Just stick to windows.
its not like i choose where i was born.
turkish delight
>be OP
>absolute brainlet
>have no idea what drivers are or why I need them
>don't understand the difference between an operating system and a kernel
>too dumb for PlayOnLinux or a VM with a GPU passthrough
>bitch about it on a Chinese cartoon website full of basement dwellers
That image looks oddly familiar.
>install windows
>it just werks
>after turning off telemetry
>and ads
>and those shit apps
>and cortana
>and installing proper start menu
>and installing antivirus
>and installing proper browser
Great OS.
It's okay bro. As long as you voted no in the referendum we can get along
>proper start menu
Are you a XP/7 cuck? The start menu is perfectly fine when you unpin the app tiles and disable internet web search.
excellent thread, very good
>its just fine
>after manually unpinig every app and disabling internet search just to have usable start menu You're making this even better.