Android is garbage

Check this out

Android has a "keep wifi on during sleep" option

The options are "Always", "Only when plugged in", and "Never"

There is no "Keep wifi on during sleep only if wifi was already on" option. It will turn your wifi on for you if you weren't using WiFi before putting the phone to sleep.

if, for example, you have WiFi turned off and have it set to "Always", turning off the display will turn wifi ON


this cuts off any current connections of course, because of a network change

Alternatively, if you have it set to never and happen to be using WiFi, the phone will turn the WiFi chip off when you close the screen, therefore changing the network and dropping current connections

Android will never not attempt to change the network when you put it to sleep.

You can either have 4g that switches to wifi at will if you're near a known network, or wifi that switches to 4g at will if you have service

Both when you shut the screen off of course.

The only way to stay completely consistent is to only either use wifi or 4g exclusively, or change the “keep wifi on during sleep” option back and forth depending on what you're doing, likely multiple times a day.

This is why professionals use iOS. There's so many little inconsistencies in Android and Linux, riddled through the software like pores in a sponge. And you have NO WAY OF KNOWING how many are impacting you WITHOUT your knowledge.

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Nice b8

Ain't b8 m8
Refute it, please prove me a retard because this shit is bugging the hell out of me

Autism. JUST Autism

For what do you need wi fi during sleep. Relax man.

You really thought long and hard about this didn't you?

Have you tested this?

buy a applel phone instead if it bothers u so much to write an entire essay about it

why are y'all fags so against taking 3 minutes to think aloud on the internet

Use Leandroid if you need this obscure use case feature that badly.


You say no because you think that I'm being so ridiculous that your immediate psychological response is stupefaction. This is common when being given new ideas that logically contradict existing ones, such as telling flat earthers that they're wrong.

most advanced tech company in the world which employs most skilled engineers leads the project + open source community + multi billion dollar companies using and contributing to the source code. yes it is garbage because a dumb nigger like you says so in a chinese cartoon forum

>java os

hey haha that was a good one :)

it's good enough for trump

That's like ten sentences, stop browsing with your phone fag

i was being lel ironic XD

Background tasks, like checking/downloading e-mail, checking for app updates, updating Google Now, just anything that runs in the background while the device is asleep, will use mobile data instead of being on Wi-Fi. Given like 80% or more of people in the US have very limited data plans (

>most killed engineers
Google is now a pajeet company with a pajeet OS. Their shit has been going downhill every since Android 5.0.

>if, for example, you have WiFi turned off and have it set to "Always", turning off the display will turn wifi ON

I don't believe this part.

also, why would you ever turn your wifi off?


What that setting actually does is disconnect your phone from wifi when it is asleep for an extended period of time, and only reconnects during small windows when tasks run (I.e. getting incoming notifications) or when the screen is turned back on. It doesn't disable wifi at all, op has no idea what they're talking about.

Some Android devices and versions do not go into deep sleep (Doze mode) as often when wifi is connected all the time, and because of that they drain more battery. Setting that setting to "While plugged in or on" will leave the wifi radio active and maintaining connection only when in use or power is not an issue, and terminate the connection to save battery when you're phone is not in use.

Why would it disconnect from Wifi when asleep when Wifi uses less battery power than maintaining a cellular data connection? This seems completely bassackwards.

Sorry to tell you buddy, but you're fucking retarded.

No my phone literally never turns on WiFi by itself. If it's off, and I put it to sleep, its off when I wake it back up, even if the settings is set to "always".

And for the second part, of course. That's the expected behavior. If you told the device to turn off wifi when you turn the display off, it's supposed to do exactly that: turn off wifi. It shouldn't matter if the connections drop

Everything tech is Pajeet now, designated shitting streets will soon be a (virtual) reality for everyone.

Don't be a faggot and root/xposed/custom rom

OP here.
1 sec. Taking a video to prove you faggots wrong.

jesus christ just blame yourself for being an americunt and getting cucked by the jew corps

thats such a fucking non issue here for me
>6 euro
>40 gb data plan
>full speed LTE
>free data transfer from midnight 0:00 to 8:00 morning
>end up downloading +1tb in a month on LTE
>no throttles no caps

kill yourself op

Your time is up. I am not waiting any more.