
Is this the Microsoft endgame? Phones with full W10 instead of a "mobile OS" ?

Will Microsoft make PC's and Laptops obsolete?

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The Microsoft end game is running executables from every relevant operating system unmodified on ARM.

...and none of old x86 programs.

Watch the video.
He clearly runs World Of Tanks and Adobe Photoshop without any issue.

>Watch the video

Took Microsoft long enough. They've been wanting their full OS in smartphones and tablets since 8

We can thank Intel for dragging their feet on x86 and completely failing to penetrate mobile/portable market for this move.

Except the x86 programs which were run...

full win10?

full spyware

say no to data thieves

What do you recommend?

>it runs great
common sense says that the second he tries to do literally anything the system will shit itself

Literally why would you want full Win10 on a mobile. It's a mobile and it's small af. Tablets and Laptops exist in today's world and are super slim and light.

>windows phones will finally stop being shit?

>what dynrec
qemu has been around for ages

That's the mobile version of world of tanks and I highly doubt they got photoshop to work without some specific patches in the OS for photoshop

How retarded are you?

You are aware that Win10 already has a tablet mode right? how stupid are you?

Microsoft abandoned WP long time ago.

he said they were emulating the x86 arch.

I'm well aware, I literally have a tablet. What are you trying to say?
I'm saying the concept of Windows 10, a full blown desktop OS on a tiny 5" screen is retarded. Tablet mode won't magically make it usable, it's not built for 5" touchscreens

I wonder if they will lock SecureBoot on Snapdragon devices.

>windows is not activated

You are too retarded to see how retarded your comment is.


Just kill yourself.

apple faggots where is your god now?

If only it was that easy.
Take a look at dosbox (classic x86 emulator) even after almost 15 years we still can't emulate a perfect x86 environment to run shit like dos games and windows 3.1 without issues which as most people can see is a hell of alot simpler than adobe photoshop.

There has to be a hell of alot of workarounds to get that photoshop demo to run like it did

>tfw you dock your Windows 10 phone into your 4k monitor and never again have to use a tower pc

Then why are people capable of emulating much more complex machines than DOS era x86? We can emulate Wii U fullspeed and Photoshop has lower system requirements than that crappy box's specs.

DOSbox just sucks

>implying anyone gives a fuck about "perfectly emulating" dos

Fucking retard.

Microsoft has all access to the APIs and all that they will create an emulator that will have as little overhead as possible.
They did a great job with the Xbox 360 to Xbone emulator.

Virtual PC released in the early 2000s emulated x86 on a PowerPC platform and a 1.5GHz PowerPC G4 runs at an equivalent speed to a 650MHz PIII, less than 5x overhead and they're not even a Microsoft company.

I genuinely don't understand your strawman whatsoever. They already have Windows 10 Mobile, that's their "mode" for Phones. Why would they look to port full Windows 10 onto mobile? What purpose would that serve? They have a mobile OS.

And have you actually used "tablet" mode in Win 10? It's far from ideal, in fact it's so shit I myself rarely, if ever, use it.

>They already have Windows 10 Mobile, that's their "mode" for Phones. Why would they look to port full Windows 10 onto mobile? What purpose would that serve? They have a mobile OS.

Thanks for confirming how retarded you are and showing everyone that you don't understand at all what this thread is about.

Because you could plug your phone to a monitor and not need a traditional x86 windows computer at all retard

Windows Desktop will be incredibly easy for them to port to mobile. From Windows 8 and above, Desktop mode runs as a Metro app, which makes it incredibly easy to do a full restore when you or some malware fucks something up.

10x overhead on an intel atom tier CPU

This is future proofing, in addition to the whole "dock it and have a full pc" thing.

If ARM development keeps going the way it is, it might one day exceed x86 as a goto platform. And it's better to have the ability to easily bail NOW if you need to then build a solution AFTER the market changes.

Netbook/2in1 market for jewtel is in serious trouble.

What the fuck are you talking about? Netbook market has been dead for years, it was DOA.

Windows tablets took the place, then.

Emulating things is infinitely easier when you have all the documentation in front of you. The challenge that third party emulators have to overcome is reverse engineering the hardware. It's why you can emulate a 360 on the shitty laptop CPU inside an Xbone, not only perfectly but BETTER than the original system, whilst it requires a 5GHz 7700K to get Cemu running smoothly.

>radial blur
>all the functionality
pick one

It definitely did it faster than an Atom X8700 according to the video, and this is a Snapdragon 820, not even the 835.

this will make for sweet laptops.

Apple would use their own ARM on Macbook if it's fast enough to emulate x86.


I heard some ARM related codes are found in kernel.

Yeah, that's for iOS.

ChromeOS is now defunct.

I wish ChromeOS would die... No, I don't fucking want a browser for an OS.

>completely failing to penetrate mobile

This was by far Intel's biggest fuck-up in its entire history.

Losing the mobile market was a mistake that could, ultimately, cost Intel a trillion dollars in lost revenue in the long term.

It could also be the single best thing to happen to the PC industry. Once MS gets Windows running on ARM mobile, that will open the door to Windows on ARM desktops -- Intel's single biggest nightmare, and PC buyers' biggest win. Even if Windows on mobile is a flop -- its most important effect is that it will forge a path forward for getting Windows on ARM desktops.

Yes, it's actually Microsoft that holds the key to Intel's survival -- not AMD.

Seriously -- there's no downside for Microsoft here. There's not much Intel could do to retaliate against Microsoft for embracing ARM desktops. Once the ball gets rolling, ARM desktops could easily force down the average price point of a PC by at least $100. Why the fuck wouldn't Microsoft want to encourage that? And by the looks of it, Microsoft has already taken the first steps to make it happen.

"Magical emulation technology built into Windows 10"

Just like WP would run Android apps right? I remember that people were shouting "but it's for real now! they even have working prototypes", yet Microsoft abandoned it like it does with everything.

"Now, running video isalways a test of performance"
"As you can see..."
>video starts to stutter
"[...] runs REALLY smooth"

It works incredibly well for the educational sector. And for people that are technologically illiterate. Just because it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it doesn't have its place.

Good. Only malware uses x86 in 2017

The problem is that no one really wants Windows 10 on their phones.

The scumbags at Bellevue probably would.

he reccommends saying no to datathieves

Speaking of ARM desktops, what sort of performance could we expect from a full ARM chip not locked down by space, power and heat restrictions like they are now on smartphones?

This. If you have access to code, documentation and, on top of that, people who created both platforms, it's really easy to write an emulator.

Have you ever fucking used full windows 10? There's a phone function. And messages. And basically it's optimized for mobile.

So that I can use my phone as my desktop when I plug it into a dock?

This move could lead to ARM desktop development.
Could finally start moving away from x86 and start making some progress. I imagine ARM chips modified for desktop platforms, and not hindered by ultra low power and passively cooled temp targets, like they are on phones, could be really good performers against Intel/AMD desktop processors.
And some real competition in the CPU space would be very nice, would drive all these inflated prices down.
A win win for us.

It is.
Apple did it for years after the PPC to AMD64 move.

Forget VirtualPC, that's emulating a whole OS.

And this is why they abandoned it you fucking mongoloid, every app developed for windows will run on every device with an ARM chip + console + x86


some hacker puts together a ropy emulation & you all think this will turn microsoft around

Longer than that. Windows Phone and Embedded are old. They've been working on non x86 devices since they started as a company.

It won't be remotely as good as an older kits like core2duo etc. The trick will be storage like eMMc or SSD that makes it tenable. They'll likely just usher in a new wave of thin clients until they improve or fall to the wayside.

go fuck yourself you dumb nigger. holy shit I've been hearing this for the last 10 years. fuck you. i want full blown windows 10 in my pocket. that was the original goal of the pocket pc which was killed off by the kiddie toy called the iphone.

i can't wait for the comeback of the pocket pc. i dont care if it's just me and a few other autists buy it. you normies can stick with your litle toys wth giant icons.

> Is this the Microsoft endgame? Phones with full W10 instead of a "mobile OS" ?

Yes, I believe they explicitly stated this goal.

> Will Microsoft make PC's and Laptops obsolete?

Did Android render desktop Linux obsolete?

>Yes, I believe they explicitly stated this goal.


>Did Android render desktop Linux obsolete?

False equivalency.

like android is any better, unless you run a custom ROM.

>all these freetards in denial
And 2017 is yet another year of Microsoft Windows.


If it runs that well with the malware infused version I'd like to see ltsb

>He clearly runs World Of Tanks and Adobe Photoshop without any issue.
Then some trickery is going on because you can't just run x86 on ARM.

Man i hope so. Surface phone that doubles as a desktop.

Ill happily pay a premium for that

then fuck off

>windows 8.1 mobile fan
>windows 10 mobile released on same hardware as my BlackBerry priv.
>try it on a Lucia 925
>buggy as shit

Leasing the priv was a good decision think. I'll lively lease the next BlackBerry phone on my network since I'm not a fan of wizard or iphart gui or the terrible screens LG and the others use. How do people stand the screen door effect?

dosbox is shit
Look at a non-shit emulator like pc-em or Dolphin to see what's possible with emulation.

>manufacturers still make extremely custom SoC style chips
>have to get a different kernel for different CPUs like in phones
It sounds like a nightmare if anything

>no x86 support


Crashing x86 with no survivors.

This is the shit. Now we need a Surface Phone

>tfw we might have laptops with almost forever lasting batteries