The Pinebook officially comes out on Monday

The Pinebook officially comes out on Monday.
It's an $89 laptop

This is going to be like the Ouya, isn't it? Something the normalfags fall for because they don't know any better. The waiting list is already 10 months long

Other urls found in this thread:

If I get a few can I make a Beowulf cluster

Not OP, but probably. It's like a RPi on steroids from what I've read.


Even with bulk discounts, how can you afford a usable resolution LCD, any keyboard, and plastic/assembly/shipping at that cost?

Are they losing money up front to try and compensate elsewhere? Pic related started at like $50 and shot up to $80

Please do not take my Slashdot memes seriously or I'll have to switch to Fark memes.

Pinebook. Caught sayof laptop that has stoped Netbooksing " See, told ya so" Is It Ouya or not. OP says yes. Sup Forums Sup Forums Looking for normalfags -OR- "hello, I am make laptop to scam and wait for money again

Ain't the iPhone mounting a couple ARM v8s and nobody seems to complain? And BTW ARM just licenses architectures.

The same price would get you a refurb Thinkpad T410 or X201 with an i5 under the hood

>mfw when I bought it for 60 bucks and never actually used it for anything

>warranty: 30 days
what the fuck


What did you expect?


Nobody fell for the ouya.
They tried selling it in stores and it was in the clearance bin within 3 months.

Also, I would buy the shit out of a brand new $89 laptop for coding that also supports linux out of the box.


You would have to pay me to use it.

What a piece of shit, but what are you expecting for $80.

>current bid price is the same as "buy now" price

fuck off

That's completed listings you stupid cunt. Kys you'reself

the keyboard will be utter shit, the cpu will be weak, shitty engineering, the thing's a mess

I would pay $800 for a well done ARM laptop with muh ports, good engineering, and a long battery life with a good screen. HP actually tried this years ago and released a carbon fiber ARM netbook with a 20+ hour battery life but Intel jewed them into discontinuing it and very few were sold.

All anti-ARM shills are really Intel pajeets in disguise. Intel's still butthurt about the fact that nobody wants their shitty phone chips.

Issue being software compatibility, not performance. Desktop Linux becomes shittier when you remove x86.

Are they REFURBS tho?

just seem like regular used laptops to me

It actually becomes better without x86.

I think they're kinda interesting

it might be a great notetaking machine with a proper OS, as the battery life should be decent, right? better than anything you'd get on used sub-$100 laptops, anyway, also thinner than thinkpads.

currently the ultimate poorfag notemaking setup seems to be chinkshit tablet + bluetooth keyboard/keyboard case, so...

so if they're available in the right moment, I might end up even getting one. I really want some user reviews first, tho. won't cry myself to sleep if not/they're shit

Bull shit. Even craigis list isn't that cheap.

>ultimate poorfag notemaking setup
>not a pad and paper
lol gtfo

>No keypad


I'm a much better typist than handwriter so no thanks

and I write a lot

But can it run Gnewsense?

you countered your own claim, those are not refurbs

What's a good alternative that costs the same and is as portable?

"starting today" i assume?
price goes hgher when its aput to end

Nevermind, it's Allwinner shit.

Same here, but I've never had a problem keeping up with a lecturer's main concepts with a pen and pad.

Only if you play pretend political activist, otherwise you're just a hipster gimping yourself for no reason other than looking cool.

What if I want to write software for ARM?

Cross compile like the rest of us


Give me 3 reasons a person would buy this instead of buying a used X201 or X230 from ebay.

>X201 or X230
Enjoy your Intel Management Engine backdoor

X200 is the only option


But tbqh you need to go up to about $100 to get a good one.

It's going to be shit.

REFURB just means the seller wiped the jizz off of it. It's a meme term.

any non-crazy people want to respond?

How fucking illiterate are people on Sup Forums that they can't read the short thread they're replying to?

I'm going to assume just from looking at the thing that that keyboard is going to be complete shit

Why would I buy this when I could just buy an old Thinkpad with the same or better performance, better build quality, and compatibility with Windows?

Nope. I'm out.
I don't care if it's 6bit eIPS - it's a laptop, TN don't cut it.

You're into developing the Linux Desktop on ARM. You weirdo, you.

TN is fine.

I don't give a shit. And how do you know this "pinebook" from who-the-fuck-knows-where doesn't have its own backdoor?

This is kind of the deterring factor for me. Like do normal linux packages even run on the pinebook's ARM64?

A great many do, and hypothetically a lot of the important shit should, but a lot of it isn't already in the repos, and you have to compile from source yourself. It's functionally going to be the same situation as with a raspberry pi, except it's a laptop.

The other day I tried getting a program called Cockatrice to work on the Pi, but the .deb wouldn't install, and three of the four dependencies weren't in the repos, so I had to start doing it all from source and gave up b/c the college wi-fi really slows down all downloading from repos.

I haven't said anything one way or the other about the pinebook. I said the X200 is the only option (technically still comes with ME, but it's an older version that can actually be removed and replaced.)

Are you never going to go online with your X200? Otherwise I don't see the point of caring so much about it.

It really isn't.
It's a laptop, I'm not going to be looking at it dead on all the time.

>I don't see much care about a device that can sniff every memory address, snoop on every network packet, read and write data to disk, etc - all without the OS or main CPU even knowing such things even occurred.

A low cost arm laptop could interesting although not with android.

No, I don't care about any such device since most of my data is going to pass through hundreds of other computers every day. You're plugging one hole out of thousands. Your boat is still going to sink.

Android isn't all that bad with ARM, and especially with a keyboard and mouse combo, there are worse things. What really kills it the lack of a touch screen. Although few in number, there are some things in the touch based OS that aren't replicated well with a mouse.

>encryption doesn't exist

Encryption won't make a damned bit of difference and you know it.

>Encryption won't make a damned bit of difference and you know it.
How does it feel to be retarded? I'm genuinely curious.

>doesn't know about Management Engine/TrustZone

>Implying I'm not the same person that posted
>Implying my computer has ME

oh so it's basically a raspberry pi laptop? that's my impression of it after looking at the website

Yes, see here

Wouldn't mind one after I read some reviews for it first. Wouldn't mind a cheap throw away laptop that if it gets lost, stolen, or dropped; not the worst thing.

so is the internet browsing shit like it is with a raspberry pi?

Exactly as shit.

I think I only use one package which can't be compiled to run on ARM, but that is only because it is heavily optimised to use specific x86 instructions.

But I don't expect to try and run a software defined digital radio transmitter on a netbook any time soon, so I fail to see the problem.

raspberry pi is already when you;re browsing torrent sites, but not so good when you browse sites with a bunch of ads and pictures. i use mine to pirate shit. i have no problems browsing torrent sites with it

raspbery pi is alright*


Heh, internals look exactly like the insides of any chinese tablets.

>16 GB eMMC 5.0 (upgradable up to 64GB)
Fucking wat

Certain popular proprietary software that has been ported to Linux stops working on ARM, most notably Steam.

Then that would be a perfectly legitimate reason to buy this laptop. It's just, you know, not for the ordinary user.



I guess they take putting a 64GB microsd card in it as an "upgrade"

>when you spent all your money on the thing and don't have any left to buy a face

>I want my laptops with the jizz still on them

look up economy of scale

It really does, it seriously looks like they simply gutted a tablet and stuffed the insides into a small notebook casing and called it a day.

Almost surprising the keyboard/touchpad weren't just connected to an 'internal' usb port.

>X201 or X230
The X60 exists.

If only it had some open firmware and a decent bootloader it would be usable lol

>He doesn't want the jizz on his laptops
What are you, some kind of queer?

For a loser

The T410 is kinda slow, has bad battery life, heavy and bulking, and runs a hot. Literally fuck off.

It also looks like shit. The only ones buying ancient Lenovo notebooks is retarded tech hipsters.

Shit, I meant bulky.

More like autistic. Hipsters would be the Apple users.

People who buy Thinkpads also qualify as hipsters. They could be buying other models of corporate notebooks that are pretty good ( Thinkpads are good, but if you want the opinion of someone who works fixing notebooks, some other corporate models are way stronger and better to maintain ), but they go for Thinkpads because the aging visual of the thing makes them feel different and special.

I guess I can agree with that. Elitebook is one that comes to mind, they're pretty nice.
Thinkpads have basically just become Sup Forums memes.

I was talking about hp elitebooks, too. 410s and elitebooks are among the models we have at work.

Yea, from what I've heard they're really good. Have they held up better then Thinkpads?

At work we call the 410s, "Lenojo". "Nojo" means "disgust".

plus sides
>cheaper if you don't luck out or live in the US
>likely better battery life unless you spend even more shekels for a new battery (I read somewhere the pine should be able to do 4-6 hours, I wouldn't buy an old thinkpad expecting more than 2-3 from the included battery)
>even more portable
>likely adequate for basic tasks like text editing

kinda neutral
>some people think it is interesting to try "different kind of" hardware

minus sides
>random chink crap
>hard to know how good it actually is, is the keyboard worth a damn, etc

sometimes probably, but usually it implies that it was throroughly checked and usually refurbs come with some sort of a warranty

do you have brain damage?

That's funny.