>India with a survey claiming that 95 per cent of engineers in the country are not fit to take up software development jobs.
>India with a survey claiming that 95 per cent of engineers in the country are not fit to take up software development jobs.
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Pajeets are not fit for any job. You should see their mech engineers.
No way in fuck would I go to a curry doctor
Fucking poos
why poos are so disgusting?
Fucking shitskins, deport them all.
I want Sup Forums to leave. Begone you racists.
Fuck off Deepak, go back to your own country.
I want pajeet to leave. Begone you shitnigger.
They're not fit for the job but they'll charge you a dime for every westerners buck, meaning they'll still get used.
Just look at the shitshow software being churned out year in year out.
Please realize your hatred for supposedly poo in loo unfit developers from india stems entirely from your of your own fear of inadequacy.
You wouldn't hate pajeets for being underqualified if you were talented yourself.
This meme argument is literally every liberal argument in a nutshell.
The stop being so insecure meme has to end. It has nothing to do with that. I'd rather have badly trained people from my country getting jobs that are outsourced to cheap as fuck niggers.
I'm actually very well paid and successful engineer.
I don't like pajeets because pretty much every single one I've ever met during the course of my career was an incompetent.
I remember only one which was barely okay at what he was doing.
I don't care about their skin color, but as far as I can tell most of them are shit at what they do, which usually will mean more work for me.
Mgm: Hey user, can you fix this bug in our shitty legacy software?
Me: Sure, let me take a look
3 days later I had to rewrite the whole thing because it was unsalvagable.
Indian peoples are smart, and are becoming more advanced.
All the loo memes are fucking bs also, I am indian and have never shit or seen someone shit in the street.
Jack off you stupid burgers! Go drink some lard soda HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
We're at under 5% employment thanks to Obama. So it seems the issue is that you can't compete in quality.
>he didn't understand the code and had to rewrite it in Playskool
>We're at under 5% unemployment
horrible b8
Shut your ass up, Blob. Nobody tells us what to do.
I want cuckold to fuck off and kys.
Alongside sandniggers, street shitters must be nuked to oblivion
Your mouth be our loo now, Ms, loonie.
>check the comments
>Indians with poor English trying to defend themselves
Why do they keep doing this?
They did this a few days ago too when a false story about the Snapchat CEO calling them a poor country spread all over the Internet.
They kept registering Google accounts and downloading snapchat just to leave 1 star ratings and comments written with very poor English.
I want you to carry on your job as a garbage collector till you be goot at it, Loonie Poo.
this is good news for me :^)
good to know that i am in the top 5%
>S-Superpower by 2030! G-guys?
lel fucking pajeet
Go eat rat pops for lunch, gut infested inbreed mongrel.
We are though. Stupid idiot.
Why do you hate homosexuals and Pakistanis?
Because they're scum.
Hey nigger, we speak better English than you. Now go clean my kitchen.
Says the literal street shitter
Says the literal cunt
yeah... no.
Didn't we have the exact same thread yesterday? A tech related thread got pruned for this Sup Forums shit.
This is really no surprise.
All they care about is their exam scores and how they can convince you that they know their shit, when they obviously and evidently don't. They all share leaked exam answers amongst themselves and whisper their super secret sanskrit tongues as if they're all the first immigrants who have tried to fool whitey which is hilarious because none of them get further than level 1 support.
regards, white man with bengali gf
>street shitter
Hey fuckface we don't walk around your house and call your moms whores for which they really are. Show evidenced or fuck back to the gutter you've come from.
>Can't compete in quality
>Ignores the fact those niggers are literally 10 times cheaper
Fuck off back to your country Pajeet.
>Indian peoples are smart, and are becoming more advanced
>I am indian and have never shit or seen someone shit in the street.
pick none
>tfw 6'3 aryan male with a solid career in software
Nah, yes.
Still not competing...
No fuck you.
I don't hate the poos, they're hilarious. I hate the people that hire them and think they're getting some kind of killer deal.
they'll still get hired because they are cheap
fuck off libshit
The eternal shit for brains hindoo.
Why pick one? Why not both? Definitely both. Fuck you. Deal with it. Fuck you some more.
The reason is simple. YOU ARE NOT WORTH IT.
I almost feel sorry for the people who have to deal with technical support
>this is what pajeets actually believe
This post describe each and every person who're jelly of Indian.
This post describes a typical Poo in loo who is foaming through his mouth.
Only in the US.
Here in Norway a few companies hired indians and almost got bankrupt because of the low quality and bad management flow they had.
Was lots of "begging" from Indian embassy not to release this matter to the public.
I do. Everyday. Since birth. Didn't you get education loan to educate your stupid ass? Go bag on streets for pennies.
Lol pajeets are worthless. The most useless breed of people. They make good obedient slaves, even though they try to game the system.
This is why you see shitty IT mercenary corporations recruit these deepaks
Your vagina is showing bro.
Your dothead is showing poo
The local big industries shill these kind of news daily and they happened to be the ones that abuse H1Bs. With this they can justify low pay and some even went forward to train their own because all they need is monkey to create shit product and maintain it. And all those monkeys are going to flood the market.
I can see that in your post kek
you stick out like a sore thumb
I can literally smell the curry through my screen right now
The paneer comments in this thread are a proof enough of their dim witted unoriginal selves. These people are just so lame.
I feel sorry for you hahahahahahah
Stay misinformed, clueless fuckwit.
>95 per cent
That still leaves 100k that can do your job for 3% of your salary.
not until Trump makes companies pay for the housing and english lessons for poos
more butthurt the poojeet higher the number of ha in hahahaha...
You sound like Alex Glumac fucked an avacado with down syndromes
Look at how dumb this post looks like on a scale of Dick Grayson to Donal Trump.
Stay deluded, dumbericum.
I can't even make fun of you anymore. this is pathetic
Poo so angry he couldn't even spell Donald. Gotta post gibberish to have the last word, that will show 'em. Typical randeep
What is this English and Poo you speak of mister miserable cunt?
>Stay deluded, dumbericum
Yet these starving little dravidians queue up to escape their shitholes and everyone hates their guts.
Nothing funnier than poos using profanity with thick curry accents and a smug grin on their scrawny faces.
The epitome of poojeet technology is the phone call scam. Check this one out. Poojeet fucked right in the dot.
Nice try, Pajeet. The hatred comes from having to clean up your anti-patterns and bad decisions for the sake of your collective stupidity.
You're scamming customers and deserve to starve.
Awww don't cry babby now go sleep in something quite likeā¦ uh, coffin.
Only dumbericums would take a guy named Donald seriously. Say it out loud.
Haha that is his actual fucking name.
The curry is strong in this one
Nothing funnier than a clueless foreigner trying to come up with a harsh comeback against us but fails.
As an engineering student I can tell you people with experience
who are working and learning things, active on github have backlogs and have
shit academic history and are doubt to get placed in any MNCs, such people
often freelance or work in startups.
on the other hand all the sheeps have good CGPA
and college trains them with aptitude and what not
MNCs hire them like herd
and they actually believe they are the best in the world
Curry is delicious than burger, though.
what burger have you been eating poojeet ? Bhindalal burger from da streets of raghanbapuri ?
You thought McDonald and KFC only exist in America, right? Either way, Bhindalal burger from da streets of raghanbapuri > Anything America has to offer. Yep even gluntin free shit
kill curry niggers mane
my sides
Please god let this be real.
the diabeetus is fucking with my vision, where on this list is India, my friend?
That's a weather forcast you absolute fuck.
>Curry is delicious than burger
you can't make this shit up
tsunami of 2004 or something
no, that's POO
tsunami... of poo