AyyyyMD vs Jewtel—Intel Will Launch Coffee Lake, Basin Falls Earlier Than Expected

>Pajeets can't even beat the Kikes

Literally lmao'ing here


Other urls found in this thread:


>Coffee Lake
what's next, starbucks lake? piss lake? designated lake? sounds fucking retarded

How could a shitty company like AMD make Intel even be so scared?

semen lake



>being a fanboy of hardware
how fucking autistic do you have to be to do this shit?

OP here
who said I'm a fanboy?

It's just sad Pajeets can't give the Kikes a run for their money that's all.

Competition is good for all of us and AMD is a fucking joke.

AMD should have never bought ATI. They should split the company and do GPU and CPU separately.

I seriously doubt Intel has something ready this quickly.
AMD is using 4 core CCX to cut costs.
Intel chips are not as cheap to make.
They can't just lower prices
I doubt they can offer a Cheaper 6core CPU than say a 1600x.

intel could have been shitting out $250 6 cores back in 2014 if they wanted to. shit even in 2012 they could have easily shit out $250 6 cores if they wanted to. back in 2010 they already had 10 core parts out. they have only priced them high because of literally no competition. why saturate the market with 6 cores when your competitor can barely match your quads? just shit out quads and rake in the insane profit margins.

>I doubt they can offer a Cheaper 6core CPU than say a 1600x.

It won't be cheaper.

> It's just sad Pajeets can't give the Kikes a run for their money
> Intel Will Launch Coffee Lake, Basin Falls Earlier Than Expected

so, if it's august how will it work vs skylake-x 6 core? this is stupid, q4 2017 maybe, not q3.

OR, paper launch? that would be hilarious.

Hope it will be q3, waiting for it on my shitty sandy bridge.


Sound like something made by knockoff chinese gaymen brand. Sounds fucking retarded.


At least Ryzen makes sense. AMD has Ryzen from the ashes from their bad FX lineup and brought something competitive against the i7s

Why are Intel trying so hard to turn the Core arch into NetBurst?

>4 core
>no iGPU
>112W TDP
Holy shit Intel is in full retard mode.

Doesn't mean it'll be cheaper.

It's breddy much what nVidia is doing to AyyyyMD by anally raping them every step of the way.

AyyyMD hasn't done anything relevant since Athlon.

>Sounds like some shitskin Indian wet dream of a nickname for a product.

Fuck off

>AMD has Ryzen

Then why spell it in a retarded way?

Also Ryzen isn't pronounced properly to make sense in that context either.




Get ready to pay $500 for a 140W TDP 6-core skylake stuttering housefire that gets annihilated by the 1800X in every benchmark

>reddit spacing
Gas yourself, kike.

The funniest thing is it's just going to be another 100Mhz clock bump and a slightly faster GPU. The rumours of a 6 core mainstream part were made up entirely by WCurryTech. Prepare for neverending Refresh Lake part 2.

Doing good work pham. You forgot king nigger shill OP though.


>intel could have been shitting out $250 6 cores back in 2014 if they wanted to
This is true. 2015 at the very latest. Broadwell should have been 6 cores on the mainstream socket.

And that is exactly why I won't buy those Jew's shit, regardless of what new thing they come out with nor how much of my money they give to Anita Snarkeesian.

Exactly. Article is bullshit.
The 6 core Skylake-X will be coming in likely September. Coffelake 6 core isn't coming a month sooner.

And yet Kabylake uses only 1.00v at 3.6ghz ( 1.20v at 91w -> 54w )

Ryzen uses a little over 200w at 4.0ghz

PCIe lanes, quad channel memory, AVX512

> Doesn't mean it'll be cheaper.
Exactly. The price rise up when you rush something. So, another refresh with less margin for Intel and same performance as Skylake except clock bump.

>Coffelake 6 core
There isn't going to be one see

Yeah, that may be true as well.
If Coffeelake is just 100MHz higher clocks, a slightly better iGPU, more DRM and botnet, that's not competition.
X399 is going to completely BTFO X299, as well.

Looks like I'll be upgrading in January. Who else /SandyBridge/ here?

Looks like the only stuttering mess here is you.

Why does anything with more than 4 cores (Intel) need the X99 chipset? Shit's kinda gay.

And yet delidlake is shit compared to Ryzen at pretty much everything.

>another refresh with less margin for Intel and same performance as Skylake except clock bump
Just wait for Cannonlake

>comparing 4 cores at 3.6GHz
>to 8 cores at 4.0GHz
You should probably kill yourself.
Compare them both at 3GHz and Kabylake shows what an embarrassment it is.

>slower than 14nm
Y-yeah, you j-just wait.

Please delet dis, sir

Sad to say I'm an Intel cuck. 6600k in August because AMD's offerings were shit and I wasn't going to bottleneck my shit with bulldozer.
Honestly, how fucked am I?
Bully away.

why would people want to buy stutterlake, just wait for new arc

Sounds like they were basically sitting on shit and just generally holding back the industry.

>Ryzen uses a little over 200w at 4.0ghz

my dear shill friend( seeing how you try to sell avx512) stop lying at least about that

Say with me:

if you really were on sandybridge since 2011, you'd never consider another 4core from intel

>4 cores
>150W TDP

You bought a "new" CPU that's barely any better than a $200 CPU from 2011.
You made the biggest mistake you could have possibly made when it comes to buying a new CPU. Especially when it was well known by then that Zen was coming Q1 2017.

The reason Intel brought Coffee Lake's launch forward was to coincide with AMD launching Zen + Vega mobile chips. Zen has proven itself to be increadibly efficient at sub 3.2GHz clocks, and even AMDs old GCN 1.2 iGPU was better than anything Intel had, Vega will just widen that gap. Everybody here has been focusing on Naples, but the real winner will be Raven Ridge.


The iGPU in the A12-9800 is about twice as good as any Intel had with Kabylake.

Raven Ridge is supposed to be a Vega GPU which may be more like 3x better and more power efficient.
I don't think Intel can make sure a breakthrough with their iGPUs in roughly 6 months.
AMD was still competitive with 22nm CPUs on a 32nm process when it came to laptops. They're completely fucked when it comes to 14nm vs 14nm.


I never quite understood the appeal of CPUs with integrated graphics in Desktops. For laptops Raven Ridge will be a fucking godsend though.
Seriously, 8 core Ryzen at 3.3 GHz uses around 50W on full load.
At 3 GHz and with a decently binned chip, you have an 8 core CPU that fits inside a fucking laptop's power target.

You silly amdplebs. You don't even understand what separates Intel from your pathetic little "competitor". No, it's not the fact that Intel CPUs outperform AMD """""cpus""""" in every unbiased and relevant benchmark. It's not the fact that Intel has a superior R&D team which is light years ahead of anything AMD can pull together. It's not even unmatched stability and reliability of Intel products. It's not even continuous revolutionary technological breakthroughs, which have shaped IT industry of today.


It's the fact that you, AMDfags, you will always be silly plebs, penny-wise simpletons, chasing "more cores 4 cheap" and falling for AMD bait again and again.

People who are buying Intel products have a completely different mindset. We posses the mentality of Roman patricians, we are educated and enlightened, we are true blue blood aristocrats with noble and refined taste, who can easily afford to pay a little extra for a work of art. And yes, all Intel CPUs are such products. Exquisite, polished, flawless, refined. Made specifically for individuals who can appreciate these qualities.

AMD slaves will never be able to understand this... like a filthy hairy barbarian will never be able to understand Caesar. You will never be able to get it. All you AMD serfs can do is to chase muh cores and few extra fps in pleb games. You will never be among us, among the select few, among the chosen people. Let that sink in, AMDpeasants.
Ave Intel!


I'm not considering a 4core, I want six minimum.

Raven Ridge tops at 4/8.

>12 core that has half the multithreading performance as the Ryzen 16 core
What's the point?

Intlel is for stuttering poorfags.

> like a filthy hairy barbarian will never be able to understand Caesar.
Babrbarian does not need to understand Ceasar when he can whip Caesar's ass.

AMD is fighting the good fight.
Intel are the top dog and they're acting like nothing more than kikes. Additionally they employ monopoly-like tactics out of greed and fear.

They aren't light-years ahead of anything. If they were they'd have a computer in the hands of everyone on the planet. And there would only be two grades of consumer chips: mobile, energy efficient chips and powerful, desktop chips.

>Intel has been making incremental improvements for years because no competition
>suddenly competition
>people are surprised that they had tech ready to go
>people honestly thought they were sitting on their hands doing nothing for years and would be caught off-guard by ryzen

Their "tech" is another set of housefires.

Obviously, but I was talking about Ryzen. A workstation laptop with a 3 GHz 8 core chip and a dedicated GPU would be awesome.

Literally DOA.

Nooo p-please.

Oi vey, shut it down

>>I never quite understood the appeal of CPUs with integrated graphics in Desktops.
Then you don't understand how to look past your own use case. There are plenty of uses for a desktop where a dedicated GPU makes little or no sense.

Stop posting my husbando.

>Their next thing will totally BTFO Ryzen, you'll see!
>Just Wait™
Could intelkikes be any more pathetic?


Intel has yet to make something new and relevant. Only god knows how they stayed afloat during itanium presshot or p4 in general. History seems to point to cheating bribes and government intervention.

>It's just sad Pajeets can't give the Kikes a run for their money that's all.
[Citation Needed]

Nice pasta



>AyyyMD hasn't done anything relevant since Athlon.
> It's just sad Pajeets can't give the Kikes a run for their money
> Intel Will Launch Coffee Lake, Basin Falls Earlier Than Expected
What did he intend to signify with this display?

What if AMD is simply just controlled opposition like Alex Jones?

The average intelligence of an Intel shill.

I'm not denying that, that's PRECISELY what they're doing.
But in turn AMD was also holding back the industry.

A healthy industry is when multiple companies are constantly frog-leaping over each other to keep momentum going.
Smartphones move relatively fast because the competition is so fierce they bring out a new handset every year and people switch brands very quickly.

You have to consider R&D costs when you set your pricing and margins.
The more generations you can go without spending much more on development, the less you spend and the larger your margins.
They are still developing stuff behind the scenes but profit wise it's in their best interests to be developing way ahead of what they're commercializing.
Its their competition's responsibility to outdo them in terms of some type of value, whether it be a premium offering or a price-to-performance offering.

>You will never be among us, among the select few, among the chosen people
>the chosen people

oh you.jpg

this reads like an ad

so, what if AMD will release 12/16 core in summer for, say, $700?
just saying

AMD has no money

>if we make the goys buy the "new" latest platform from intel they will flock to intel and hence wont be able to buy the 'older" amd platform he he he
gotta hand it to these intel jews

>You will never be among us, among the select few, among the chosen people.
Heh, nice

>Company handles two major division vs company only cpu division still have housefire in their cpu lineup
Damn son

>You silly-y amdplebs. Y-Y-You d-don't e-even un-nder-rstand w-what s-separates I-I-Intel f-from y-your path-hetic-c l-li-ittle "com-mpe-etitor". N-No, i-it's n-not the f-fact that I-Intel C-CPUs outperform A-A-AMD """""cpus""""" in every u-unbia-ased and relevant benchmark. I-It's not the f-fact t-that I-I-Int-tel has a superior-r R-R-R&D team whi-ich is l-light years ahead o-of anything A-A-AMD can pull-l toget-th-her. I-I-I-It's n-not even unmat-tched s-stabilit-ty-y a-and rel-lia-abil-lity of I-I-Intel p-produc-cts. I-I-It-t's not ev-ven co-ontinuo-ous revolutionary t-technological b-breakthroughs, whi-ich-h h-have sh-haped I-I-IT industry o-of tod-day.


>It's t-the fac-ct that y-you, A-A-AMDf-fags-s, you will always be s-silly p-plebs, p-pe-enn-ny-wi-ise simpletons, c-chasin-ng "more cores 4 cheap" a-and falling-g for A-AMD b-bait again and a-aga-ain.

>Peo-ople w-who a-are b-buy-ying I-Intel-l products-s have-e a-a co-ompl-let-tely different mindset. W-We posse-es t-the mentalit-ty of R-R-Roman patrician-ns, w-we a-are-e e-educa-at-te-ed and e-enlightened, we are-e t-true blue-e blood aristocrats with n-no-obl-le a-and-d r-refin-ned t-taste-e, who can easily a-afford to pay a l-little extra for a-a work of art. A-And yes, a-all I-Intel C-CPUs a-are s-such products. E-E-Exquisite, p-po-olished, flawless, refined. M-M-Made s-specifica-all-ly for i-individuals who c-can a-apprec-ciate t-these qualities.

>AMD-D slav-ves will-l never-r be able to understand this-s... like a f-filthy ha-air-ry barbarian w-wil-ll never b-be abl-le to understand C-C-Caesar. Y-Y-You will never b-be abl-le to get it. A-A-All you A-A-A-AMD ser-rfs can d-do i-is to-o chase m-muh core-es and few ext-tra f-fps in pleb g-gam-mes. Y-Y-You wil-ll never be among u-us, among-g t-the s-select-t few, a-among-g t-th-he c-chosen peopl-le. L-L-Le-et t-that sink i-in, A-A-AMDpeasa-ants.

>Ave I-I-I-Intel-l!

This is what you sound like. Get a better CPU.

but the ZEN part sound nice, ZEN is a nice sound for the brain

>amdicklet took the time to write this fucking essay on why he's a lil fuccboi


>intelligent AMD buyer took 2 minutes to write code to output that automatically

Again the great followers of Moses have indeed provided a new deliddable™ Unlocked™ Hyperthreaded™ Socket-changed™ Pipeline™ CPU for enthusiast™ gamers™ developed in the great state of Israel®*.

*Israel® is a registered trademark of Judaism©

I have Intel and I think you should kill yourself
or whoever wrote this pasta

tl;dw pls

First 5 seconds


>have 3 generations of new CPUs with actual improvements sitting in warehouse
>release same garbage with 1% improvement for years until actual competition comes up