>Mom what am I gona do about that ratio? Man child edition. Previous >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker disservice by providing members with opportunities for shitposting development, by recognizing tracker drama competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
>already damage controlling The unscrubbed database is real. We will see AB go down in our lifetime lads!
Samuel Perry
Is WCD down? I can't log in.
Noah Evans
I can't believe people would fall for this
Brandon Jackson
fine for me, try restarting your browser
Anthony Powell
Why did the cabal start banning spaghetti in the first place if he was not already banned?
Josiah Jackson
>Probable cheater, joined from What. DON'T BAN YET, waiting for other sites to build their case. cabal is real guys
Tyler Brown
hosting the ab database leak and(maybe) leaking it himself
Dominic Gomez
>Reason: Invited a cheater (one from a ~mass~ invite on Sup Forums) Invites privileges revoked
Tyler Taylor
Also modifying it to make it appear an unscrubbed exists for scaremongering
Lincoln Gutierrez
Oh right, I forgot he was thinking about hosting it himself. Did he end up putting it on his AB phishing site like he was considering?
Can confirm he definitely leaked it originally.
Nathaniel Russell
they feared for their own security
Lincoln Turner
>Can confirm he definitely leaked it originally. yes thank you for that solid confirmation
Jace Evans
Jace Parker
Guys...I'm scared. Will Animbytes be okay?
Kayden James
No. Join the new anime tracker that's being made by the former staff members. It'll be the best anime tracker ever.
Alexander Taylor
I am also the one who told /ptg/ that GGn was going to remove 6h freeleech (check the logs, I told people to screenshot my post). I know things my friend.
Brandon Lewis
Yes, BUT. Do not join this new anime tracker in the works. Those faggots cant be trusted after what they did.
Logan Edwards
Dominic Jones
RIP dead weebs
Nicholas Moore
So will BKT become cabal when it stops going down?
Joseph Morales
Marked as /ptg/ user, lmao.
Hunter Bailey
The deaths of AB and RED will please my evil heart
Just noticed the dubs. So would any of you like to see the full equation for how GGn calculates gold?
Michael Kelly
give me your user-id and i will check how bad it is
Camden Sanders
(0.000000000000000000001*(few gold))^0.95
Daniel Gonzalez
>nonthreatening >mofo's about to leak the unscrubbed DB >staff doesn't know they lost a full DB
Nolan Cruz
A lot of people got it you pussy, it's zero concern
Jackson Thomas
what is 312c official statement on the AB blunder?
i only trust him because he is the only onw who knows how to run a tracker
Juan Thomas
What info did you have in those staff PMs and what images did you upload to the site?
The image one is simple enough to resolve if you're concerned. Just delete whatever you have uploaded to mei.
Bentley King
I'm hoping the rumors of Zed being in the leak are true. PTP will survive. RED is a cesspool of redditor drama queens.
Jaxson Russell
oh god what the fuck how do i delete this??
i deleted but everyone can see it still??? fuck you moot you fucking nigger
am i ((((marked)))) as fuck?
Joseph Campbell
ur ded kiddo
Sebastian Wright
Boards have archives, m80.
Levi Roberts
Will mutracker ever return?
Isaiah Baker
BakaBT is now a private tracker.
FYI. That is all.
Isaac Young
kek enjoy being /marked/ i guess
Kevin Watson
tfw have a 5TB buffer on BBT
and everyone told me im an idiot for seeding there, HAHAHAHAH whos laughing now niggers??
Gabriel Walker
>account disabled for inactivity any chance I get it back?, I had buffer
Xavier Myers
>only 5TB
Oh wait, I only have 4.
Henry Perez
so what exactly happened? i'm not a weeb, some dude leaked the scrubbed db for AB, everyone found out it was him so the rest of the trackers banned his account, and now he's holding the full db hostage in the hopes that he'll get unbanned?
seems like a good way to never have an account on any private tracker ever again lol
Angel Parker
I have 60 TB total upload. Literally, if I tried to run my ratio down to the BBT minimum, I would have to download over 500 TB without seeding anything back.
> MFW - _All_ t3h animus are belong to me now!
Andrew Murphy
there is no full db, faghetti lost every single tracker for a few funny staff notes
Oliver Rogers
What is going on with GGn? Do other trackers have BP systems that split the BP between everyone seeding?
I thought BP trackers were considered easymode? Why are people complaining about losing 6hr FL that was only good for autodl seedboxes anyway?
Jordan Long
Bakabt only has a fraction of the content AB has though, and they have a huge blacklist.
Asher Hernandez
I'm sharing sekrit info that I'm sworn to sekrtcy here, but ... sorry mate.
> Sign ups are currently closed, so if you are currently without an account or your account has been pruned, you will be unable to use BakaBT from now on.
Also, no invite system in place yet. Anyone who can access the site now can read the news, which will eventually become public.
But, there were Reasons. Divulging it now would endanger BBT further.
Wyatt Cruz
Colton Walker
RIP annie may bites
Jack Long
>connection to animebytes.tv has timed out This is it. annie may bites the dust
Robert Morgan
how do i get into BBT lads?
Jaxson Morales
for fags that can't into bakabt right now, news twitter for when there is news
SEE: Login to your account. If no account, yer fukt for now. Rumors through internal chatter is that password recovery is a priority feature coming sooner than later, then invite &/or application system will get attention.
Evan Nguyen
wait until they have an invite/application system
Landon Sanchez
Can someone give me the cliff's notes on the AB leak drama? Just got note in my PM box and like think it's nothing or what?
Hunter Lee
use the archives, dummy every thread should link to the last one too and there is an announcement that pretty much explains it
Carson Jones
>Being this retarded You should be on reddit with that negative IQ
Robert Price
this is a poojeet. don't reply
Charles Green
Brody Hernandez
Did spaghetti really get disowned by the cabal?
Adrian Anderson
someone upload what they got from mei server plox
Michael Jenkins
inb4 double cirno scipt get
Aaron Campbell
Has anyone noticed the last-modified date from the scrubbed database that spaghetti was found to be hosting? I just went to download it and it surprised me.
Brody Hill
what's so surprising?
Tyler Turner
It's almost a week old. It was released a couple days ago
Austin Mitchell
so he scrubbed it on that date..?
Kevin Green
spaghetti right now
Kayden Collins
best music tracker now that wcd is rip?
Justin Butler
Adam Stewart
i fail to see your point. the m4a leak of kendrick lamar's album was 2 days old as well when it was posted.
Colton Thompson
what tracker should I join, Pedro's or Domino's?
Aaron Turner
make me!
Eli Flores
do it......NOW! *picture of mad anime girl*
Eli Smith
Austin Scott
not until it's ready
Easton Adams
Ok, so you take away fl. Now how's ANYONE supposed to get buffer? Gold? Don't make me laugh
And unlike music, where all you need is the source to make an autismo quality rip, not just anyone can crack software. So uploading is not a reliable way to get buffer either
Nolan Young
>So uploading is not a reliable way to get buffer either Yes it is? There are plenty of things you can upload to GGn, you don't have to crack them yourself.
Josiah Stewart
How does it differ from all the other trackers with BP that are not music trackers?
Gabriel Moore
Can I safely remove the shit that came with my WD Elements?
David Torres
And who's gonna snatch that shit now that it isn't freeleech?
Because those BP systems don't suck ass. Pooled BP is retarded
Josiah Davis
>And who's gonna snatch that shit now that it isn't freeleech? People who actually want the games? lmao jesus christ user, get over it your pump and dump scheme is fucking done
Nolan Powell
Why did you not answer my question then? >Do other trackers have BP systems that split the BP between everyone seeding?
Michael Perry
I thought you meant uploading like OSTs and guides and shit. But if you mean uploading shit like scene cracks, why would anyone bother getting it from GGn if they can get it elsewhere?
Elijah Richardson
I just got an animebytes message saying my IP was compromised. How fucked am I?
Asher Barnes
>the only thing that was leaked was my email
Why do I care?
Joshua Wright
i just got an animebytes message saying i was marked. what the fuck
Ryder Clark
Isaiah Edwards
I just got an animebytes message saying my password was compromised. How fucked am I?
Jordan Williams
you are using the same password since 2015?
Asher Williams
Get ghostleeched, son
Wyatt Garcia
>ded tracker
David Rivera
why do you think it's called BAKA bt you moron?
Alexander Russell
Where can I find the database I need to check stuff out
Ryan Bennett
I just got an animebytes message saying mai waifu was compromised. How fucked am I?