Which linux distro do americans use?
Which linux distro do americans use?
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Real Americans use Windows or Mac because Linux is a communist operating system and communism has no place in America.
Cancel my meetings mom OS
Pedora ペド裸
How does anyone on this site not know how JAV work yet look the letters and numbers on the damn case.
user, the code is right down there in the corner of the pic
Hannah Montana Linux
>jav(Japanese Adult Video)
She looks underage.
I'm assuming Ubuntu or Debian are the most popular choices for non-enterprise purposes. For everyone else, RedHat
>神崎莉奈(Rina Kanzaki)
>rina's diary of school bags
How is convincing underage girls to do gravure videos any different from rape?
She's literally underage.
>She's literally underage.
The age of consent in Japan is set at 13 years, user.
Unlike Americans, they're not a country of sex-crazed dindus and can expect thir youth to keep it among themselves instead of jumping into prostitution and on pedophile dicks.
U-15 idol DVD review
She's fucking 133cm tall
Yeah dude sex with 13 year olds is completely OK
*backs away slowly*
Looking at the distros that people use on my campus I would say Mint
>Which linux distro do americans use?- 23 posts and 1 image reply shown.
We don't. We use macOS and Windows.
Slackware: made by an American living in America. By patriotic and use Slackware. Make America great again!
4chins btfo
Arch [spoiler]as soon as I get wifi working[/spoiler]
Do you considered watching JAV (Japanese Animal Videos) rape? Like i find a pussy cute, and watch for hours to relieve my stress. I don't think so
>KFC Neon
>Linux Mint Bacon Cinnamon Rolls with whipped cream
openSUSE Tumbleweed
don't 25% of high school girls in nippon do exactly that
That's a strange argument to make in the context of an erotic film aimed at adult men
Actually, underage prostitution in Japan is a pretty big problem. Allotta rich business men are into HS girls, and when you got no money, you open up them legs.
This kind of shit just perpetuates it.
Isn't that the case virtually anywhere?
red hat
Ok, NSA.
"Communist Operating System"
Bitch, how can a program be communist?
Does not implement classes.
ha! I lost.
Slackware: made by an American living in the US. Get Slackware: make America great again.
Gud one, m8.
Use apartheid linux or wipe your ass after cleaning up that street.
>t. pedo
Most burger use fedora.
>Unlike Americans, they're not a country of sex-crazed dindus and can expect thir youth to keep it among themselves instead of jumping into prostitution and on pedophile dicks.
Holy shit this delusion. BJ bars are super common in the large cities and are full of underage.
Delete tih.s
t. permavirgin
there's nothing wrong with that.
Tokyo only formally outlawed child prostitution in 1999 due to international pressure.
can gaijins now please leave Nippon alone again?
>can gaijins now please leave Nippon alone again?
>Olympics soon
Keep dreaming, they're already in full force banning and westernizing Tokyo.
They designed english versions of their signs for use only on english printed tokyo maps, they're not going to change for baka gaijins who aren't going to stick around after the olympics.
You saying you'd go over and bang a 12 year old if it was legal?
even then, US-tards will prefer rape:
>The 1995 Okinawa rape incident took place on September 4, 1995, when three African American U.S. servicemen – U.S. Navy Seaman Marcus Gill and U.S. Marines Rodrico Harp and Kendrick Ledet, who were all serving at Camp Hansen on Okinawa – rented a van and kidnapped a 12-year-old Japanese girl.
and if you say anything, people get triggered
>U.S. Navy Admiral Richard C. Macke was the commander of United States Pacific Command at the time of the attack. At a press conference in November 1995, Macke said of the men's actions: "I think it was absolutely stupid. I have said several times: for the price they paid to rent the car [used in the crime], they could have had a girl [prostitute]." These remarks were condemned as insensitive, and Macke was removed from his post and forced into early retirement.
America isn't the only nation with laws user.
When in Rome
>literally over 2 decades ago
Will this become the next 6 gorillion
Well he's not wrong is he?
He is, a 24-hour car rental costs much less than a 24-hour compensated date with a Jap girl.
You could have used a different image that wouldn't turn your thread into an argument over Japanese age of consent laws.
If only Sup Forums had built in image searching tools am I right?
if only you would have considered that I already tried that and it doesnt give sauce, am i right?
If only you weren't such a pleb and recognized the artist instantly, am I right?
If only I had considered you weren't completely new and can't figure out how saucenao works
>fucking for 24 hours straight
Do they not have a refractory period?
Hell, 2-4 hours would have been plenty.
thanks a lot user
I'm torrenting it right away
This is the cutest 10 year old I've ever seen 2bh.
Think this was my wake up call to stop using google related services
have fun in prison
>I haven't made far more risky searches and still am free
It's a good thing I don't live in some backwards shithole
150% chance the feds are monitoring this thread.
Its softcore, non-nude anyways.
200% chance the feds monitoring this thread are downloading the video for later use
That makes it even worse
If google considers non-nude to be child abuse
then I'd hate to see what they think of nude
I ain't finding out though
So? Where is the link for the video?.
To clarify, I am only interesting in the modeling of the clothing to see if I want to purchase the clothing items.
Go on bing images, safesearch off
Search: uploaded
I meant the torrent magnet.
Whatever, I found a website with some direct links for it that weren't working, but the screenshots didn't look promising.
Thank fuck I live in a third world shithole.