It is suddenly fashionable to hate Julian Assange

>it is suddenly fashionable to hate Julian Assange
Did I miss something?

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I hated him a long time ago before it was cool. He looks like a fag and he only releases anti-burger content. His intentions are clear.

>His intentions are clear.
What are they?

He's pro Russia or something

He's the biggest reason why Hillary lost. All the brainwashed retards who still don't like Trump hate Julian Assange.

Liberals loved him when he was leaking shit during the bush years and leaking shit about surveillance, then hated him when he sunk Hillary during the 2016 election.

The whole american election, when they demonized him and wikileaks for sharing unflattering info about clinton. He went from libtard hero to the worst kind of woman hating hitler.

> Wikileaks sunk Hillary

stop it with this stupid meme.

>>Sup Forums

Assange has created the most important and valuable unbiased information source in modern history. The fact that he isn't widely recognized as a hero and fighter for truth is a crime.

or maybe people from other countries does not give a shit about freedumbs, ever thought about that?

Hillary sank in her own lies. Trump floated with his shit

>fact that he isn't widely recognized as a hero and fighter for truth is a crime.
The fact that he could have his whole public image changed by the media over telling the truth about clinton is the real crime.

>Dude I'm gona get me a grand latte then skype with my friendos midmorning ranch stuff brah, also hate Julian Assange brah it's the new hip thing to do in the latemorning brah

>suzanne moore
literally who
also the rape charges are clearly shit

He's just a faggot with an inflated ego trying to turn himself into a victim. Most likely a rapist as well since if he was innocent he would just have let the police question him.

>Thomas H. Ptacek

Is it really that simple? I thought people would realize that undermining WikiLeaks wasn't worth it just to let a candidate you liked an election.

How secure is WikiLeaks' continued operation anyway if Assange is put behind bars or assassinated or something?

He showed the world how crooked Hillary is.... and in retrospect, he proved she was the lesser of two evils.

Innocent of what? Everyone is a rapist by Swedish standards.

Inexplicably a lot of Trump supporters hate him too, because Daddy Trump called him a hostile agent or something, even though whistleblowers like him are the greatest weapon we have against the Deep State.

It shouldn't be given that WL has likely been compromised based on the timing and selective distribution of their leaks.

They are only mad because he leaked shit on their favorite candidate. That's why they accuse him of partisanship. You have to appreciate the irony.

Leakers gonna leak. I don't understand what they expected. Should he just have sat on it?

Trump supporters hate him because they are pro-surveillance. The gobberment may be evil, but the military and NSA can do no wrong.

How and by whom?

The part of the story that people always forget when it comes to the DNC leaks is the Russians apparently also hacked the RNC but for some reason they (conveniently) chose not release anything (yet).

This life sounds really comfy desu

>Hillary sank in her own lies
Which nobody would have been able to finger her with absolute proof about if not for assange.
It's literally as simple as


I wouldn't go that far
not like I voted anyway though

An ex-NSA agent hast mainly American data?!

Anyways, no. He released a bunch of stuff going on in Europe, it's just that you get triggered there are shady stuff going on in America and ignore everything else

>Trump supporters hate him because they are pro-surveillance

That's a lie.

Trump supporters are turning on him because his sole target seems to be the USA.

HAH. Opposing the government but supporting the military is like saying that I don't want spics to rob my house but I don't mind if niggers do.

lol fuck off you have zero evidence. it's more likely that a disgruntled DNC staffer leaked it himself.


>I thought people would realize that undermining WikiLeaks wasn't worth it just to let a candidate you liked an election
Then you have no grasp on reality at all. I mean people were pissed off that things that were undeniable truths were found out about clinton, they were angry people knew things that were true, just let that sink in looking at the outrage.

Yes, it was definitely the emails and not the millions of dollars her organization took from sand nigger countries

>both women explicitly stated they weren't raped

>USA has largest illegal spying agency of all time
>USA rouge agency assassinates political enemies
>USA tortures innocent civilians routinely
>USA commits war crimes
>USA funds terrorists
>USA destabilised the entire middle east causing the refugee crisis that is destroying Europe
>The only thing you find wrong about this is that people keep finding out.
Maybe stop trying your best to cause a third world war and destroy the free world if you want people to start liking you. You can start by cutting your weapons trades to Saudi Arabi (who have the same ideology as ISIS, and until recently refused to fight them. Government officials there supported 9/11. Massacres civilians in Yemen with US backed bombing missions on the daily).

>Middle East being stable

Undermine American tech companies by creating unrest and mistrust.

>implying they haven't already done that to themselves


ow that edge

>USA destabilised the entire middle east
True enough, though the Soviets didn't exactly help.
>USA commits war crimes
"War crimes" are a meme. Countries whose military is too afraid to commit them end up being unable to conduct warfare effectively (see: UK).

Well they really shouldn't havent been trusted to begin with. It's kind of neat finding out how long their (cia) tentacles reach.

But Assange offers nothing new other then further eroding faith in politics/tech.

Selective with the propaganda that gets released, that's how you know there's an agenda.

>Ben Garrison

Most people simply do not care about truth, they only care about having ammunition against the people they disagree with. Such people will make any excuse in the book to paint people who say inconvenient things against those they like in a bad light.

The fact is, the site has numerous leaks from various countries including content exposing Russian corruption. In reality the only reason US leaks are more prevalent is because they are the only leaks the media cares about, and more content is leaked in the US because it is a freer nation where leaking content will not result in you being disappeared or shot.

>where leaking content will not result in you being disappeared or shot.
that is exactly why he is hiding though

Yeah, you missed a tale as old as time.

1 sinister agency tells a lie to suit their own agenda
2 stupid women (redundant I know) believe it
3 thirsty betas believe it because sweet vagina, writing defensive stances on their blogs like "being a real man and a cuck - modern fatherhood"
4 misguided men believe this nonsense because they need role models and don't know better

Suddenly public opinion is in favor of the lie being truth

- equal pay
- assange a rapist
- etc

>further eroding faith in politics
Are you suggesting this is not a good thing?

>muh gaymergate
This site is 18+

Then why are you here?

It was dismissed by the bitch who wanted him to take a std test and shown as being false fud.

>An ex-NSA agent hast mainly American data?!

Thats Snowden you dumbshit

Assange is an aussie programmer, who wanted to leak global government secrets. But just ends up leaking whatever he has his agenda set on

He probably was hoping that leaking Shillary shit would let him curry favor his way out to a pardon with teh help of Trump administration

he didn't think Trump was going to win

I literally didn't mention gamer gate at all

So maybe you're one of the dumb women who can't read... or a thirsty beta?

like I said was probably hoping, why else would he leak just hillary shit

He wanted to favor the election to trump as much as he possibly could

>t. Literally Who

good, fuck that bitch

I mean he is basically just a dumping ground for data that intelligence agencies gather that isn't useful enough to keep to themselves but would make some other intelligence agency look bad if we dumped it somewhere. I don't think that's his fault though, just how it worked out.

After the US drone strikes a target they will circle back around and bomb anyone who has come to rescue the injured. That is not an accidental civilian casualty. Imagine you hear gunshots and you rush to help, you find a man lying on the ground, he's been shot. You call an ambulance and try your best to stop the guy from bleeding out. Then, you are shot in the back of the head. The police have decided you should die for trying to rescue a man who was apparently a murderer. What the United States does with their drone strikes cannot be justified, it is borderline terrorism.

>rushing towards gunshots

Yea, hard to grasp, but some people aren't cowards.

Perhaps they exaggerate every now and then as what they classify as war crimes. But user, countries could throw huge nerve gas bombs and wipe out cities in minutes. All people in those cities dyeing horrible deaths without exceptions: children, moms, dads, ... of course also terrorists and all those who people who where innocent would be called "collateral damage". Sure USA has the strongest military force in the world but even they did not see 9/11 coming and all the pain it caused.

Now imagine no war-crimes exists so much more deadly weapons circulate freely, if some terrorist got their hands on some nerve gas we would have things much worse on our hands then all those innocent people who died in 9/11.

I might or might not agree with what is classified exactly as a war crime but I understand the necessity of them.

lol yea

t. putin bootlicker

you just called the US government borderline terrorists, don't act like you wouldn't be among the first to high tail it out of there



>he doesn't know about Seth Rich

how putin's cock taste

like Hillary's cunt. Have fun never winning the presidency again

how would you know how hillarys cunt taste

Huma told me

t. israeli bootlicker

I thought Sweden didn't have a rape problem?

You blow up a wedding or home anywhere, guess what, the neighbors and people around are going to try and help.

...well that is the case outside of nigger filled shitholes. I've seen niggers try and rob people and steal shit when a house is on fire.

>caring about dead sand monkeys

yeah, trump supporters are pretty dumb

>a trump cult member calling anyone else brainwashed

You'd literally cuck yourself if your orange leader told you it would MAGA, how are we the brainwashed ones?

That isn't me.

>Did I miss something?
yeah you missed the elction.

shillary had one of his sources whacked, so wikileaks helped drumpf get elected, now le redditors are all anti assange.

>assange is the biggest reason Hillary lost

Hillary is the biggest reason Hillary lost, that woman is hubris personified

Doesn't mean Trump isn't an idiot, though.

It's definitely upsetting to the economy and many other things which crazy as it sounds many people rely on.

Anarchy is the dream world of 14 year olds.

>some twatter braindead retard does it
pick one

He went against the grain and released damaging info to the democratic party, thus harming their chances against Trump.

By a mix of collusion, corruption and psychology, he is now the enemy and media, being the window to reality, will refract that reality to shape public opinion. Reality is manufactured by the media people consume. As long as people play ball then they survive as the good guys, you work against their interests and you're the enemy.

Welcome to the terrible truth of existence. I suggest you turn back now.

Did you have your head in the sand the entire election ? He refused to shill for Hillary so democrats/progressives/liberals hate him now.


> i shill for Trump so that means I'm a good guy

you're an idiot for supporting him, enjoy your cult

Democrats aren't liberals.

I mean seriously motherfuckers, what the fuck would wikileaks release that people didnt already know about trump? Hillary hid everything, media didnt even talk about her time on the walmart board, and trump spends the entire election with his cock hanging out openly.

Ever notice how dissenters and politically-inconvenient people are conveniently all sex offenders? I have. I'm also aware of the Intelligence Community's penchant for creating sex scandals to remove people from influence. It's kinda funny that both Appelbaum and Assange are rapists. It's also funny that the media is suddenly hopping on those years-old, largely-debunked stories now that they're suddenly inconvenient again. Hmmmmm.

>literally doesn't mention Trump at all
>lmao stupid drumfsters he'll never get to 270

He mentioned Trump in the first line of his post, are you stupid?

in passing

Except the burgers would incarcerate/assassinate him if they could without it being a publicity shitstorm

Half his showmanship is staying in the spotlight enough / anti burger enough that killing him would raise questions

>effective extra-legal jail sentence

the rape thing was made up.

>"he didn't mention trump once"
>yes he did, in the first line
>"t-that d-doesn't c-count!"
cuck, keep worshiping your orange politician as he fucks you over, you sure showed those liberals lmao